
Understanding the Card Type Tab

The Card Type tab allows a user to configure the card types associated with the properties and channels.


Channel. The channel.

Card Type. The card type.

Channel Card Type. The channel converted card type.

Inactive Date. The date that the card type is inactive.


New. Select this button to access the Credit Card Type - New screen and configure new card types associated with the properties and channels.

Edit. Select this button to access the Credit Card Type - Edit screen and configure existing card types associated with the properties and channels.

Creating or Editing a Card Type

Select the New button to configure a new credit card type type for the channel or select the Edit button to change an existing one. The Credit Card Type - New or Edit screen will open. Select the Delete button to delete an existing credit card type configuration. Select the Inactive button to inactivate a credit card type.

Note: For OCM users, the Credit Card Type - New or Edit screen will be accessed from the Channels screen by selecting the New or Edit button from the Card Type tab.

Channel. (Read only on the Edit screen) Select the down arrow to choose a channel from the list of values. This is the channel in which the card type will be distributed.

Property. (Read only on the Edit screen) Select the down arrow to choose a property from the list of values. This is the property associated with the card type.

Card Type. (Read only on the Edit screen) Select the down arrow to choose a card type from the list of values. This is the OPERA card type that will be mapped to the channel card type.

Channel Card Type. Select the down arrow to choose a channel card type from the list of values. This is the card type that will be configured for the channel.

Inactive Date. Enter the inactive date or select the calendar button to choose a date when the card type will become inactive in the channel.

Changes. Select to open the User Activity Log and view changes channel users have made to the channel card type.

See Also