
Creating New Channel Conversion Rate Codes for the EQC Channel

To create new channel conversion rate codes for the EQC channel, select the New button from the Rate Code tab on the Channel Conversion screen. The Channel Rate Code - New screen appears:

Rate Code New Screen EQC


Complete the following fields and then select the OK button to add a new channel converted rate code:

Channel. Select EQC from the list of values.

Property. Select the property associated with the channel rate.

Block Rate Indicator. Select "Rate Code" from the list of values.

Rate Code. The rate code that needs to be mapped.

Note: Only those rates that are marked as "Channel Allowed" on the Rate Header will populate in the list of values.

Rate Code Desc. This description is automatically entered from the rate header once the rate code is selected (see above). You can modify this description if it is required for channel customization.

Booking Start Date. (required) Enter the date this rate becomes available through the channel.

Booking End Date. (required) Enter the date when this rate is no longer available to the channel. You can modify this field or delete it after configuration.

Rate Tier. (Only available if the BBAR Tier Y/N check box is selected on the Channel Setup screen) Select the down arrow and choose a rate tier to associate with the channel's rate code conversion.

Channel Rate Code. The channel rate code is assigned by Expedia and is used to map an OPERA rate to an Expedia rate in the XML messages.

Rate Order. Enter the order the rate code will display in a list of seamless availability returns. Enter 1 to have this rate code returned first. You can use the same number multiple times to indicate that a group of rates should be returned within the same sequence. The rate will be auto arranged based on the number that is entered here. When an existing rate’s order is changed to the next higher or lower value, the rate order that directly precedes or follows will automatically adjust. For example, if the order is arranged as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 5 is changed to 6, the new order will be 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 with position 5 open for assigning to a rate.

Restriction Update. Select this checkbox if restrictions will be sent to an ADS, GDS, or ODS partner, such as Expedia, via the AVH messaging functionality.

Rate Update. Select this checkbox if this rate is to participate in Rate Update processing.

See Also