
Kiosk Web Parameters

Refer to the following image and the table below for information on entering Kiosk Web Parameters:



Application Server Report Directory

Enter the path to the report folder on the server.

Show Share Extra

Select Yes if you want to send confirmation number and reservation name ID for sharing guests, or select No if you do not.

Show Bill Header for Window1

Select Yes if you want the bill header to display on window 1, or select No if you do not.

Use Encrypted Opera User Name and Password

Select Yes if you want to use an encrypted user name and password.

Use Secure Socket Layer (HTTPS)

Select Yes if you want to use SSL security encryption for communication with the kiosk.

Max Number of Reservations in One Message

Enter the maximum number of reservations you want returned in a single response message.

Log File Size (MB)

Enter the size of the log file in MB. This will be stored as Bytes in the config file.

See Also