
Business Block Cancel Tab in SFA

Note: Editing the SFA business block will automatically update all leads as long as the leads have not been sent. The business block cannot be changed once the associated leads have been sent. If you must change the business block, leads must be deleted first. Once changes have been made, the leads can be resent.  

Canceling a Business Block

To change the booking status to Lost or Cancelled, select the Status field down arrow and choose the Lost or Cancel status; select the Save button. The Cancel Block screen appears. Provide the following information and select the OK button to cancel the block. Select the Cancel button if you decide not to cancel the business block.

Note: When the catering status on a block header is changed to a return to inventory status (Cancelled or Lost), you are prompted verify if the attached events should also be turned to that same status.

Cancellation No. View-only field. Rooms section cancellation number.

Reason. Select the down arrow to choose the cancellation reason. These codes are set up in Reservations > Codes > Cancellation Reasons. (This information is available on the Booking Cancellation report (rep_cancel_summary) and in data extraction.) The default description for the reason you choose appears in the text area. You can edit this text as necessary.

Destination. If the business is being taken to an alternate destination, select the down arrow to choose the destination. These codes are set up in Configuration > Reservations > Business Blocks > Destination Codes. (Information entered here is available on the Booking Cancellation report (rep_cancel_summary) and in data extraction.)

Property. Free form text entry field. Provide the name of the property or competitor brand business was lost to. (Information entered here is available on the Booking Cancellation report (rep_cancel_summary) and in data extraction.)

Business Block Screen Cancel Tab

The Cancel tab becomes active only when the Business Block has been turned to Lost or Cancelled. If this business block is under External Control, no changes are allowed.



Room Cancellation Number. Displays the cancellation number for the rooms portion of the reservation.

Rooms - Reason. View Only. When you change the Status (Room section) to Cancelled or Lost, OPERA will display the Lost and Cancellation screen. Use the drop down list to choose the appropriate reason why this Business Block (Room section) was lost or canceled. Once you have selected the reason, the Cancelled or Lost reason code will appear here. You do have the ability to change this reason if required.

Rooms - Comments. The description from the drop down list will appear here. The description from the Rooms- Reason drop down list selection will appear here. The comments are the description for the cancellation reason code selected. You can add additional comments in this field as necessary.

Note: When a business block has been canceled and is copied using the Business Block > Options > Copy function, the Destination and Property fields (below) will not be copied.

Rooms - Destination. Select the destination or venue to which this piece of business was lost. There should always be a choice of "Not Applicable" configured because many canceled pieces of business cancel outright. You would mainly use this field when you lose business. This field is activated at all times for the business block, not just when the status is changed to lost or canceled.

Property. Free form text entry field. Provide the name of the property or competitor brand business was lost to. (Information entered here is available on the Booking Cancellation report (rep_cancel_summary) and in data extraction.)

CXL Penalty. This field used to indicate an amount of money that was paid or is due to be paid on cancellation of the booking. This field is not included in calculations for any of the existing OPERA reports and can be modified prior to a cancellation or after a cancellation.

Catering Cancellation Number. Displays the cancellation number for the catering portion of the reservation.

Catering - Reason. When you change the Status (Catering section) to Cancelled or Lost, OPERA will display the Lost and Cancellation screen. Use the drop down list to choose the appropriate reason why this Business Block (Catering section) was lost or canceled. Once you have selected the reason, the Cancelled or Lost reason code will appear here. The reason can be completely different from the reasons a Room Block would be lost of canceled and can be changed.

Catering - Comments. The catering cancellation reason code’s description from the drop down list will appear here. Additional catering cancellation comments can be added.

CXL Penalty. This field is used to indicate an amount of money that was paid or is due to be paid on cancellation of the booking. This field is not included in calculation for any of the existing OPERA reports and can be modified prior to a cancellation or after a cancellation.