
UDF Mappings

Depending on license codes that are activated or permissions that are granted, select from Setup>Configuration>Reservations>Scheduled Activities>UDF Mapping or from Setup>System Configuration>Channels>UDF Mapping to open the UDF Mappings screen. The UDF Mappings screen is used to map user defined fields in OPERA to equivalent tags in HTNG or OWS web service messages.

Note: For the UDF Mappings screen to be available from the Reservation>Scheduled Activities menu, an activities vendor license must be activated, such as an HTNG or Concept license.

In HTNG 2008B message specifications, the UDF Mappings screen can be used to map user defined fields in the Reservation and Profile modules to UDF tags in the HTNG reservation and profile web service messages. Consider the following scenario:

The HTNG tag UDFC01 is available for mapping to a UDF field on the Profile screen, and a user screen paints a new field on the Profile screen with the label "Emergency Contact." Using the UDF Mappings screen, Emergency Contact can be mapped to UDFC01. When activities are updated for a profile, HTNG will send a response message to OPERA that will update the UDFC01 field, which appears on the Profile screen as "Emergency Contact." UDFC01 will then be populated in OPERA with a new value when the HTNG message response is returned.

OWS UDF Mapping Requirements

To have access to the UDF Mapping functionality from the Setup>System Configuration>Channels>UDF Mapping menu option, the following is required:

Search Criteria

Reservation. Select to filter search results by Reservation module.

Profile. Select to filter search results by Profile module.

UDF Name. The name of the UDF tag. Enter a UDF Name to filter search results by a specific UDF mapping.

Search Results Grid

UDF. The name of the UDF tag in OWS or HTNG that is mapped to a UDF field in OPERA.

Label. The label name for the UDF field as it appears in OPERA. This is the screen-painted UDF field in OPERA that is mapped to a UDF tag in OWS or HTNG.

Update Allowed. A "Y" in this column indicates that updates are allowed for the UDF mapping.

Active. A "Y" in this column indicates that the UDF mapping is active in the system.

Editing a UDF Mapping

In the search results grid, highlight the UDF mapping that you want to edit and select the Edit button. The UDF Mappings - Edit screen will open.

Module. The name of the module that is being edited, such as Reservation or Profile. This is the module in OPERA in which the UDF mapping resides.

UDF Name. The name of the UDF tag in HTNG or OWS that is mapped to a UDF field in OPERA.

UDF Label. The label name of the UDF field in OPERA that is mapped to a UDF tag in OWS or HTNG.

Update Allowed. Select this check box to allow updating for the UDF mapping.

Active. Select this check box to make the UDF mapping active in the system.

See Also