
Wait Listed Reservation

Select Reservations > Waitlist from the main menu, or select the Waitlist button on the Availability Search screen to display the Move this Reservation to Waitlist screen, or select the Options > Waitlist buttons from the Reservation options menu.

You record Waitlist reservations when there are no available rooms or requested room rates that match the guest's reservation request. The Waitlist screen allows you to view the original reservation and move it to a booked reservation status, cancel the reservation based on no availability, or make changes to the reservation details in order to accommodate the guest.

The top grid displays summary information for all waitlisted reservations: Room, Rm. Type., Guest Name, Arrival, Departure, Rms, Pax., Rate, Market, Res. Type, Made On.

Highlight the reservation you want to work with. You can use the Name, Date, or property fields in the Search Group below the Attachments Group to search for a particular reservation.

Note: If you are canceling a waitlist reservation that has Traces attached to it, the following message appears when you select the OK button: 'Associated Trace(s) found. Would you like to keep all traces for guest Watkins, Dan.' Select Yes to keep the traces for the guest or select No to delete the traces for the guest.

Attachments Group

The profile company or agent attachments are displayed along with the VIP status and primary telephone number on the reservation's profile. Text on the right side indicates the reason for being waitlisted, and the priority of placing it on a booked status.

Profile. Select to display the guest profile for the highlighted entry.

View. Allows you to view the original reservation details on the Reservation main page. You cannot make changes from this screen. Use the Update Reservation feature to make reservation detail changes.

Can Move. This button toggles with Display All. View only those reservations on Waitlist status that can be made into reservations and given confirmation numbers. When you see that list, the button toggles to Display All. This function checks Availability, Rate, and Room Type.

Display All. Select this button to display all reservations on waitlist status, not just the ones that can be made into confirmed reservations. Toggles with the Can Move button.

Accept Res. After selecting Can Move, this function moves the waitlist status to Booked which allows the reservation to be placed as the details are displayed.

Cancel. Cancels the highlighted reservation. You must have access to the cancellation process through user rights.

Moving a Reservation to Waitlist Status

Select Reservation Options > Waitlist to move an existing reservation to the waitlist.

The entire reservation is moved to a separate table and availability is updated accordingly. The waitlisted reservation is stored until it is reactivated into a reservation, or it is deleted two days after the expected departure date.

Select a rate.

If the rate is unavailable or there is no inventory available, select the Waitlist button if the guest wants to be placed on a waitlist for the room and rate code.

Enter the reason for the waitlist. Prioritize the waitlist. Enter a description, if necessary. Select the Yes button.

Reasons. Select the appropriate reason for this reservation to be waitlisted from the reasons list of values.

Priority. Choose the appropriate level of importance for this waitlisted reservation.

Telephone Number. Enter the telephone number to reach the guest when the rate or room becomes available.

Description. Enter any additional notes that would be helpful in understanding why the reservation is waitlisted.

Yes. Move this reservation to a waitlist status.

No. Cancel the waitlist transaction.

Move a Waitlisted Reservation to a Confirmed Reservation

When a waitlist reservation is moved to an active reservation status, an internal check on rate code restrictions is performed. If a restriction set at the rate code level affects the waitlist reservation you receive a message informing you that the originally queried rate code is restricted for the stay.

  1. Select Reservations > Waitlist.
  2. Select the Can Move button to display only those reservations that can be accommodated right now.
  3. Highlight the reservation that you want to confirm.
  4. Make detail changes if necessary.
  5. Select the Accept Res. button. You are given a confirmation number for the new reservation.