PeopleSoft AMP Diagnostics Utility

With the PSFT AMP diagnostics utility, you can troubleshoot issues to:

  • Captures PeopleSoft AMP run-time environment.

  • Capture important PeopleSoft domain configuration files to get an idea about any customization on them.

  • Ascertain diagnostic hints in the diagnostic log files as to what environment related settings might be missing.

  • Capture the output of any PeopleSoft admin commands.

PeopleSoft AMP has a builtā€in feature on EM Agent diagnosing issues related to environment set up. For more information, see E-PSEM: Diagnostic Utility to troubleshoot issues with PeopleSoft Plug-in for Enterprise Manager (Doc ID 1614036.1) to troubleshoot issues with PeopleSoft AMP for Enterprise Manager.

1. 2. r 3. Additionally it is recommended to set the generic logging to "debug" mode when enabling diagnostics because we can correlate actions better between generic log messages and diagnostics log messages. 

  • AGENT_HOME/plugins/oracle.apps.psft.agent.plugin_13.

  • AGENT_HOME/plugins/oracle.apps.psft.agent.plugin_13.

  • AGENT_HOME/plugins/oracle.apps.psft.discovery.plugin_13.

  	<Logger name="" level="debug" additivity="false">        
		 <AppenderRef ref="emagentdiagAppender"/>         
		<AppenderRef ref="emagenttrcAppender"/>     
	<Root level="debug">        
 		<AppenderRef ref="emagenttrcAppender"/>         
		<AppenderRef ref="emagentlogAppender"/>     

Note: It would be better to turn-on diagnostics only when needed as it generates too many log messages into diagnostic log files. Before starting to diagnose an issue, it is a good practice to clean up all old logs from under "$HOME/psft/pt/emplugin/log" and "$HOME/psft/pt/emplugin/log/ diag" locations. To search for Diagnostic Hints thrown by PeopleSoft AMP into the diagnostic log files - psemdiscoverydiag.trc, psemagentdiag.trc & psemmetricsdiag.trc search for the string pattern - "XXX DIAGNOSTIC HINT XXX" Note: Enabling Diagnostic utility creates a "diag" folder under the Agent logging location - $HOME/psft/pt/emplugin/log/diag - only upon first discovery of a target. However if you are investigating diagnostics for Monitoring or Target Management issue, then you can manually create this "diag" folder - $HOME/psft/pt/emplugin/log/diag - to avoid seeing exceptions related to this folder not being found.

Enabling Diagnostic Logging

To enable diagnostics utility You must set the following:

  1. Navigate to, AGENT_HOME/plugins/oracle.apps.psft.agent.plugin_13. and AGENT_HOME/plugins/oracle.apps.psft.discovery.plugin_13. to set enableDiagnostics=true.

  2. Navigate to the following files:

    • AGENT_HOME/plugins/oracle.apps.psft.agent.plugin_13.

    • AGENT_HOME/plugins/oracle.apps.psft.agent.plugin_13.

    • AGENT_HOME/plugins/oracle.apps.psft.discovery.plugin_13.

Switch the level attribute to debug:

	<Logger name="" level="debug" additivity="false">    
    		 <AppenderRef ref="emagentdiagAppender"/>      
  		 <AppenderRef ref="emagenttrcAppender"/>   
	 <Root level="debug">       
  		<AppenderRef ref="emagenttrcAppender"/>      
   		<AppenderRef ref="emagentlogAppender"/> 