Configuration Data Collected

Enterprise Manager collects configuration data from each target type's configuration. Configuration data is collected on a regular basis—the default is once a day—and is transmitted to the Oracle Management Service. The first configuration collection occurs after the initial discovery process.

For subsequent configuration collections, the Oracle Management Service receives and parses the data and saves updates to the Management Repository. In addition to the regularly scheduled configuration collection process, collections are triggered every time you change a target's configuration from within Enterprise Manager.

PeopleSoft Target Type

Data in These Files

PS Application Database

PeopleTools tables

PS Application Server Domain

psappsrv.cfg, psappsrv.ubx

PS Process Scheduler Domain

psprcs.cfg, psprcs.ubx

PS Search Server Domain

pssrchsvr.cfg, pssrchsvr.ubx


piaInstallLog.xml, config_prop, or opmn.xml or server.xml

PS Web Site

web.xml,,,, config_prop

PS Process Monitor

For the PS Process Monitor target configuration, only the PeopleTools version and the WSDL URL is collected as part of configuration metrics. These two properties are collected from the PS Process Monitor target properties that are stored in $AGENT_HOME/sysman/emd/targets.xml.