Oracle Financial Services Liquidity Risk Solution (OFS LRS) Application Pack v8. Maintenance Level Release #1 (


OFS LRS Application Pack Maintenance Level Release #1 (ID 29203225)

This Maintenance Level Release (ML) of OFS LRS is cumulative of enhancements and bug fixes done since the Minor Release.


The minimum patch set level should be OFS LRS

How to Apply This Maintenance Release?

For detailed instructions on installing this Maintenance Level Release, refer to OFS LRS Installation Guide on OHC Documentation Library.

List of Enhancements in this Release

OFS Deposit Insurance Calculation for Liquidity Risk Management (OFS DICLRM)


Following is the list of enhancements:

·         Changes as part of FDIC Part 370 ITFG v2.1

·         Insurance calculations  for accounts subject to Alternative Recordkeeping as per FDIC Part 370

·         Taxes and Insurance amounts of MSA accounts classified to JNT for underlying accounts with multiple owners

·         Inclusion of Prepaid cards and Credit cards with excess amounts under deposit insurance coverage

·         One Customer- Beneficiary combination holding amounts with two allocation types such as Contingent and Non Contingent Interest, is not supported in the current data model and processing