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Oracle® Retail Pricing Cloud Service Oracle Retail Pricing Cloud Service Implementation Guide
Release 19.2.000
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4 Configure Foundation Data

Merchandising Dependencies

The majority of the foundational data that is used by Pricing is supplied by direct integration with Merchandising. In addition to the items and locations used by Pricing, the following information is also used:

  • Languages and data translations

  • Currencies and exchange rates

  • Currency and quantity precisions

  • Units of measure (UOMs)

  • Item and location lists

  • Diff Groups and Diffs

For details on configuring currencies, languages and translations, currency and quantity precisions, UOMs, and VAT information, see the Oracle Retail Merchandising Implementation Guide. For details on how to create and manage item lists, diff groups, and diffs, see the Oracle Retail Merchandising Items User Guide.

Template Configuration

Regular price changes, clearance, and promotions support the ability to download and upload events using spreadsheets. These spreadsheets are all managed using a template that allows you to configure different versions of the template based on how you want to create events. Configurations include displaying or hiding certain columns, defining default values, and changing the worksheet and column labels.

For example, you could have one template that is used for a portion of your business responsible for pricing your soft lines that may price by parent item/diff (for example, style/color) and another area that is responsible for pricing hardline items that don't use diffs. For the soft line area of the business, they could use a template configured to display the diff field in the template, whereas a second template could be used by the other area that hides that field.

As a starting point for all template configuration, it is recommended that you take the base template for each price entity and create one or more copies to apply your configuration, instead of using the base template. This will help to insulate your configurations from any future changes to the base template when Pricing is patched, such as if new columns are added as part of a product enhancement.

All template configuration for Pricing is done in the Merchandising screens. For more details on this configuration, see the Oracle Retail Merchandising Implementation Guide.


Pricing supports operating the user interface in 19 languages, including English. As part of the install options for Merchandising, you'll designate one language as "primary", which also applies for Pricing. This primary language is what is loaded as a default for all screen labels and error messages in Pricing at the time of installation. By default, only the primary language you indicated at installation is loaded in Pricing, but if you wish to have more languages loaded, then you can request to have the language strings loaded for these languages as well.

  • Arabic

  • Chinese (simplified)

  • Chinese (traditional)

  • Croatian

  • Dutch

  • French

  • German

  • Greek

  • Hungarian

  • Italian

  • Japanese

  • Korean

  • Polish

  • Portuguese

  • Russian

  • Spanish

  • Swedish

  • Turkish

This means that all screen labels, error messages, and menu options are supported out of the box in these languages and users are able to select from these languages as their preferred language.


Data translation is not supported for any Pricing owned entities.

Translate Labels and Seeded Data

If you would like to modify the translations for labels and error messages, or add translations for other languagesFoot 1  that are not included in the list above, there are several methods provided. The method used will depend on the data that needs to be updated/added. Translatable text is held in two different ways:

  • Resource bundles, which contain most of the screen labels, menus, and messages

  • Database tables, which contain strings used in drop-downs, and some labels

Resource Bundles

Screen labels and other UI related data that may require updates/additions for Pricing are managed in resource bundles. For details on how to make updates to resource bundles see the Resource Bundles section in the Oracle Retail Merchandising Customization and Extension Guide.

Database Tables

Most other labels and drop-downs that are not managed in resource bundles are managed in the"Pricing Codes and Descriptions" spreadsheet download/upload process. You can use the method described for managing that data to update or add your translations in the designated tab in the spreadsheet.

For details on how to configure translations of Merchandising owned data that is used by Pricing, see the Oracle Retail Merchandising Implementation Guide.

Configure User Language

Users can choose their preferred language to have the user interface displayed as part of setting up their user preferences. As noted above, the values loaded in the base table of an entity are always maintained in the primary language. And as such all users, irrespective of their configured language, will see the primary language in the screens where an entity is created and maintained, and translations (including their preferred language) are shown in separate translation screens. However, if that same screen is accessed in view mode the description will be shown in their preferred language. Similarly, if viewing the entity in another UI - for example, viewing the item description in the purchase order details screen - the description will be shown in their preferred language.

Not Translated

The following information is available in English only:

  • Documentation, including online help, release notes, and product guides

  • Batch programs and messages

  • Log files

  • Configuration tools

  • Demonstration data

  • Training Materials

Footnote Legend

Footnote 1: Additional support is also available for the following languages by adding your own translations using the tools described in this section for adding your own translations: Czech, Danish, Finnish, Hebrew, Norwegian, Thai, Albanian, Latin Bosnian, Bulgarian, Estonian, Latvian, Cyrillic Serbian, Lithuanian, Romanian, Slovakian, and Slovenian.