Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Customization Guide

What's New in This Release

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Adding One-to-Many and Many-to-Many Associations Between Different Object Types

Adding One-to-Many Associations Between Different Object Types

Adding Many-to-Many Associations Between Different Object Types

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Adding Custom Fields to Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop

About the Metadata Files Updated During Customization

Adding Custom Fields to Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop

Changing the XML Code in the od_meta_info.xml File

About Microsoft Outlook and DB FACADE Storage

Changing the XML Code in the od_basic_mapping.xml File

Changing the XML Code in the forms_12.xml File

Changing the XML Code in the package_res.xml File

Adding Text Fields to Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop

Adding Check Boxes to a Form

Adding Currency Fields to a Form

Adding Date Fields to a Form

Adding Description Fields to a Form

Adding Numeric Fields to a Form

Adding a Picklist Field in Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop

Adding a Cascading Picklist to Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop

Adding Multiselect Picklists to an Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Form

Setting Up Books for Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Objects

Setting Up Books for an Object Type

Disabling Book Visibility for an Object Type

Configuring the Include Sub-Items Option

Record Types That Support Books

Process of Adding Book Support to a New Top-Level Object

Configuring the Access Mode for the Object Type

Adding a BookId Field to an Object Type

Adding Book Selector Controls to Form UI

About Book Prefilling

Prefilling the Default Book on New Records

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Adding Custom Objects to Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop

Adding Custom Objects to Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop

Adding Custom Objects to DB FACADE Storage

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XML Code for Service Request Types

XML Code for the Service Request Type Example

XML Code for the Custom Objects Form Layout Example

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Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Customization Guide, Version 5.2 Revision B Copyright © 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.