Oracle CRM On Demand Connected Mobile Sales Administration Guide > Using Oracle CRM On Demand Connected Mobile Sales >

Finding Clients Near Your Location

You can use a map proximity search to identify accounts, activities, and contacts near your location. The search radius is configurable for 1, 5, 10, 20, or 25 kilometers or miles from your current location.

The following table lists the address type that is checked on each record type when you perform a proximity search. The latitude and longitude fields for these address types are used and are therefore mandatory for proximity searching. The actual street address information is not used. In contrast, when mapping an address from the detail page of these record types, the street address information is used, not the latitude and longitude fields.

Supported Record Type
Address Checked in Proximity Searches


The billing address and shipping address for the account


The address in the Address field.


The primary address for the contact

Populating the latitude and longitude fields can be done manually or through Oracle CRM On Demand's geocoding service. For more information about the latitude and longitude fields, check the "About Geocode Fields in the Address Record Type" topic in Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help. For more information about Oracle CRM On Demand Geocoding, check the "About the Geocoding of Address Information" topic in Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help.

The following procedure describes how to set the search radius.

To set the search radius

  1. Tap Around Me.
  2. Tap the Radius setting and choose from 1, 5, 10, 20, or 25.
  3. Tap the Units settings and choose either kilometers or miles.

The proximity search can be performed on accounts, activities, and contacts. The following procedure describes how to search on these record types.

To perform a proximity search

  1. Tap Around Me.
  2. Tap the Record Type setting and choose either accounts, activities, or contacts.
  3. If you chose accounts, then you can further choose to search on Billing Address or Shipping Address.
  4. Tap the List setting and choose All records or one of the record-dependent alternatives.
  5. Tap Search.

    Oracle CRM On Demand Connected Mobile Sales displays a map centered on your location (marked with a blue circle) and the nearby objects marked as red pins.

  6. To display information on a nearby object, tap its red pin.

    A pop-up appears on the map with the name and information on the object. Android devices use a list page to indicate nearby accounts, activities, and contacts.

  7. To display a detail page on the selected object, tap the circled i icon in the information pop-up.
Oracle CRM On Demand Connected Mobile Sales Administration Guide, Version 1.4.26 Copyright © 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.