Oracle Web Services On Demand Guide > Overview of Web Services On Demand > Field Types Supported by Oracle CRM On Demand >

Support for Multi-Select Picklists

A multi-select picklist is a picklist from which the user can select multiple values. In Web Services On Demand, multi-select picklists are only accessible for the following record types:

  • Account
  • Activity
  • Contact
  • Custom Object 01
  • Custom Object 02
  • Custom Object 03
  • Lead
  • Opportunity
  • Service Request

For these record types, all standard and custom multi-select picklist fields are accessible. You can add, remove, replace or query selections in parent-level multi-select picklist fields, however child-level multi-select picklist fields are not supported.

Input and output values are language-independent code (LIC) delimited, but the multi-select picklist delimiter is always a semicolon regardless of locale for input and output: <LIC1>;<LIC2>.

Oracle Web Services On Demand Guide, Version 26.0 (Oracle CRM On Demand Release 38) Copyright © 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.