Oracle Web Services On Demand Guide > Web Services On Demand API Calls > Web Services v2.0 API Calls >

The Echo Argument

Oracle CRM On Demand Web services using the methods Insert, Update, InsertOrUpdate, Delete, InsertChild, UpdateChild, and DeleteChild can specify an Echo input argument; for example:


The Echo value is case-sensitive and is used to indicate whether a Web services transaction is to trigger the creation of an integration event (assuming that a workflow and integration event action have been configured to capture that particular transaction type). The default value of Echo is On, therefore when this parameter is provided in the request with a value of On, or is not included in the request, the integration event action is triggered and the transaction is recorded. When the Echo parameter is included with a value of Off, the transaction is not recorded.

NOTE:  For Java users, the Echo string is required for all input methods. The echo string can be set to Off.

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