Distribution Policy Configuration

Distributing endpoints equitably among the cluster members is the primary function of the OCSLB. The lb-policy configuration element allows you to control the method of the OCSLB’s distribution based on matching criteria. Using inbound packet matching criteria, you can control the assignment of users to OCSBCs. Matching is done by data available up to and including the transport layer of the packet: source IP address and port, destination IP address and port, and transport protocol. The IP addresses and ports may or may not include bit masks as well.

Conceptually, the load balancer policy table, with sample data, looks akin to the following.

Source IP/Mask Source Port/Mask Destination IP/Mask Destination Port/Mask Transport Protocol Requirements (list) Realm Identifiers (list) 0/0 5060/16   West 0/0 5060/16 UDP, TCP North, South, West 0/0 5060/16 UDP, TCP East, West 0/0 0/0    

Policies are matched using a longest prefix match algorithm; the most specific policy is selected when comparing policies to received packets. One and only one policy is chosen per packet; if the next hops in that route are all unavailable, the next best route is not consulted (instead, the default policy may be consulted – see below). This is different than the local-policy behavior on the OCSBC.

Within each policy you may configure multiple next hops, where each next hop is a named group of OCSBCs. In the sample policy table, this is indicated in the second policy with a source IP range of The realm identifier list for this policy indicates North, South, West. Each of these realm identifiers represents a collection of zero or more OCSBCs, in OCSBC parlance these are roughly analogous to session-agent groups. Each of these realm identifiers is also assigned a priority (a value between 1 and 31, with 31 representing the highest priority) in the configuration, and the OCSLB sorts the possible destinations with the highest priority first. Upon receipt of a packet matching a policy with multiple configured realm identifiers, the OCSLB gives preference to OCSBCs from the realm identifier with the highest priority. Should no OCSBCs be available in that priority level (due to saturation, unavailability, and so on.) the SLB moves on to investigate the next priority level, and so on. Should no OCSBCs become available after traversing the entire list of all OCSBCs within each priority level, the OCSBC either drops the packet or attempt to use the default policy.

The bottom row of the sample table shows this implicit, last resort default policy. When enabled, the SLB reverts to the default policy when all of the potential next hop realms referenced in the endpoint’s distribution rule are unavailable. In that event, the default policy attempts to locate a clustered OCSBC that advertises support for the service-interface that the packet arrived on. The realm is not considered when matching to the default policy. If such an OCSBC is found, the SLB forwards the packet to that DBC; if such an OCSBC is not found, the SLB drops the packet.

It is not necessary to configure the default policy — it is simply intended as a catchall policy, and may be used when all that is required is a simple round-robin balancing scheme based on simple metrics (for example, CPU utilization and number of registrations currently hosted by an OCSBC). If no policies are configured on the OCSLB, the default policy is used. The default realm is implied in the above table as * and is enabled by default for policy records.

Use the following procedure to perform required lb-policy configuration.

  1. From superuser mode, use the following ACLI command sequence to access lb-policy configuration mode. While in this mode, you configure the distribution rules used to implement policy-based load balancing on the OCSLB.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
    ORACLE(session-router)# lb-policy
    ORACLE(lb-policy)# ?
    state                   lb policy state
    default-realm           use default realm
    description             load balancer policy description
    protocols               list of protocols
    lb-realms               list of realms
    source-addr             source ip address
    destination-addr        destination ip address
    select                  select lb policy
    no                      delete lb policy
    show                    show lb policy
    done                    save lb policy information
    quit                    quit out of configuration mode
    exit                    return to previous menu
  2. Use the state parameter to enable or disable this distribution rule.

    The default setting, enabled, enables the distribution rule; disabled disables the rule.

    ORACLE(lb-policy)# state enabled
  3. Use the default-realm parameter to enable or disable the default distribution policy.

    The default setting, enabled, enables the default policy; disabled disables the policy.

    With default-realm enabled, the OCSLB provides a best-effort delivery model if the next-hop realms listed in this distribution rule are unavailable. With default-realm disabled, the orphaned packet is dropped.

    ORACLE(lb-policy)# default-realm enabled
  4. Optionally use the description parameter to provide a description of this distribution rule.
    ORACLE(lb-policy)# description Local traffic to Los Angeles site
  5. Use the protocols parameter to construct a list of protocols that must be supported by this distribution rule.
    ORACLE(lb-policy)# protocols udp
  6. Use either the source-addr parameter or the destination-address parameter to specify matching criteria for this distribution rule.

    Use the source-addr parameter to specify source-address-based matching criteria.

    Packets whose source IP addresses match the criteria specified by this parameter are subject to this distribution rule.

    ORACLE(lb-policy)# source-addr

    matches any port on the specified IP source address

    ORACLE(lb-policy)# source-addr

    matches the specified IP source address:port pair

    ORACLE(lb-policy)# source-addr

    matches any IP source address, any port on the 10.0.0.x subnet

    ORACLE(lb-policy)# source-addr

    matches IP source addresses through

    Use the destination-addr parameter to specify destination-address-based matching criteria.

    Packets whose destination IP addresses match the criteria specified by this parameter are subject to this distribution rule.

    ORACLE(lb-policy)# destination-addr

    matches any port on the specified IP destination address

    ORACLE(lb-policy)# destination-addr

    matches the specified IP destination address:port pair

    ORACLE(lb-policy)# destination-addr

    matches any IP destination address, any port on the 10.0.0.x subnet

    ORACLE(lb-policy)# destination-addr

    matches destination IP addresses through

  7. Use the lb-realms parameter to access lb-realm configuration mode.

    While in lb-realm configuration mode you identify one or more OCSLBs eligible to receive traffic that matches this distribution rule.

    ORACLE(lb-policy)# lb-realms
    name             realm name (string identifier)
    priority         priority (range 1-31)
    select           select a lb realm to edit
    no               delete selected lb realm
    show             show lb realm information
    done             write lb realm information
    exit             return to previous menu
  8. Use the name parameter to identify the realm.

    As previously discussed, the name field is roughly analogous to an OCSBC session-agent group. OCSBCs configured to communicate within a cluster hosted by an OCSLB advertise offered services to the OCSLB. These services (for example, SIP support) exist in realms, whose names are sent to the OCSLB as part of the OCSBC advertisement. The OCSLB, upon receipt of these advertisements, joins each OCSBC into one or more realm identifier groups based upon the realm name(s) the OCSBC has offered up. The name command of the lb-realm configuration element matches this distribution rule to a supporting OCSBC that has offered that realm name for cluster membership.

    ORACLE(lb-realm)# name LosAngeles
  9. Use the priority parameter to specify the realm priority.

    Priority is expressed as an integer value within the range 0 to 31 — the higher the integer, the greater the priority.

    The default value, 0, specifies use of the default routing policy, and should not be used when policy-based distribution is enabled.

    Priority values are considered when multiple OCSBCs offer the same service to matched packets.

    ORACLE(lb-realm)# priority 31
  10. Use done, exit, and verify-config to complete configuration of this lb-realm configuration element.
  11. To specify other eligible OCSLBs, repeat Steps 7 through 10. For example,
    ORACLE(lb-policy)# lb-realms
    ORACLE(lb-realm)# name LasVegas
    ORACLE(lb-realm)# priority 25
    ORACLE(lb-realm)# done
    ORACLE(lb-realm)# exit
    ORACLE(lb-realm)# verify-config
  12. Use done, exit, and verify-config to complete configuration of this distribution rule.
  13. To specify additional distribution rules, repeat Steps 1 through 12 as often as necessary.