show sip 

The show sipd lb-endpoints command displays OCSBC endpoint stats by realm or tunneled service ports, by sip-interface since each SIP interface is uniquely identified by its realm name.

While this command was not changed for the addition of source port keys, there are some important items to note. When all endpoints are behind a NAT and source ports are used in endpoint keys, the number of endpoints should match the number of atoms. Were all endpoints are behind a single NAT, and source address keys in use, There would be many atoms and only one endpoint. Obviously in mixed environments this will be less clear and thus this command less useful. However, in lab environments this can be useful.

ORACLE# sho sipd lb-endpoints 
Realm Endpoint Stats
Service Realm192p1
               ------- Period -------      ------ Lifetime -----
               Active    High   Total      Total  PerMax    High
Endpoints      2   						2    			2      				2  				2  						2
Atoms          2   						2    			2      				2  				2  						2
                         ------- Lifetime ------- 
                         Recent      Total  PerMax
Refreshes                   0          0       0
Adds                        2          2       2
Low Skips                   0          0       0
High Skips                  0          0       0
Auth Promo Tries            0          0       0
noTrust Promo Tries         0          0       0
Promo Tries                 0          0       0
Remove Conflicts            0          0       0
Remote Deletes              0          0       0
SP Removes                  0          0       0
Expiry Deletes          		 	0          0       0
Session Deletes            	0          0       0
Session Adds               	0          0       0
Move Deletes               	0          0       0
Move Del No Tells          	0          0       0
SvcMove Deletes            	0          0       0
SvcMove Del NoTell         	0          0       0
Auth Promotes              	0     					0  					0
Auth Deletes               	0          0       0
Add Errors                 	0          0       0
Delete Deny Sess           	0          0       0
Delete Deny Reg            	0          0       0
Delete Deny Purge          	0          0       0
Delete Missing             	0          0       0
Delete Errors              	0          0       0
Update Deny Purge          	0          0       0
Auth Deny Purge            	0          0       0
Remote Sess Skips          	0          0       0
Remote Del Fails           	0          0       0
SP Remove Fails            	0          0       0
Expiry Del Fails           	0          0       0
Sess Del Fails             	0          0       0
Sess Add Fails             	0          0       0
Move Del Fails             	0          0       0
Move No Tell Fails         	0          0       0
SvcMove Del Fails          	0          0       0
SvcMv NoTell Fails         	0          0       0
Auth Promo Fails           	0          0       0
Auth Del Fails             	0          0       0
App Cache Dels             	0          0       0