Port Assignments

The Oracle Enterprise Manager for Flash Storage Systems plug-in communicates with the Oracle FS System through port 8083.

Ensure that port 8083 is available (not blocked by a firewall or security software) and that the port is enabled on the Management Agent before you activate the plug-in. The following table provides information for the WebCLI HTTPS port type.
Table 1 Required port
Port type Port number Description
WebCLI HTTPS 8083 The port on which the plug-in communicates with the Oracle FS System WebCLI service.
Use the following CLI command to verify that this service is enabled:
$ fscli webcli -list
If necessary, use the following CLI command to enable the service:
$ fscli webcli -enable
Note: For information on the firewalls, review information in either the Oracle Enterprise Manager online help or the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide .