Add Oracle FS System Targets

Before you can monitor or manage an Oracle FS System in Oracle Enterprise Manager, you must add the system as a target. When you add an Oracle FS System as a target, you also create a Monitoring Credential account. The Monitoring Credential account is used to monitor the Oracle FS System and generate reports.

  • All Oracle FS1 Flash Storage System targets must be deleted.
  • Host name for the Oracle FS System target.

  • Login credentials for the Oracle FS System target. These credentials are for an administrator account on the Oracle FS System.

Your Oracle FS System administrator can provide this information.

You add targets from the Setup menu at the top of the Oracle Enterprise Manager page.
  1. Select Setup > Add Target > Add Targets Manually.
  2. Under Add Targets Manually, select Add Target Declaratively.
  3. From the Target Types drop-down list, select Oracle Flash Storage System.
  4. Click the magnifying glass beside the Monitoring Agent text box, select an agent from the list, and click Select.
  5. Click Add.
  6. Enter a name for the target in the Target Name field.
  7. Provide login credentials for the Oracle FS System administrator account in the User ID and Password and Confirm Password fields. This creates a Monitoring Credential for the target.
  8. Search for the local host (the name of the host on which Oracle Enterprise Manager is running), and enter the name of the Oracle FS System in the Host field.
  9. Click OK.
A target is added as well as a Monitoring Credential for that target. You can monitor and run reports for that target.