Create LUN: Mapping to All Hosts

Map the LUN to a unique LUN number to allow all SAN hosts to access the LUN.

  1. Click the Mapping tab.
  2. Select the FC Access Protocol.
  3. Select All hosts may access this LUN using LUN number.
  4. Select a number for the LUN from the drop-down list to the right of the previous option.
  5. Select a Controller in the LUN Controller Assignment section.
    Two storage Controller fields appear. For new LUNs, the Current Controller field is not available. From the Assigned Controller drop-down list, select a Controller or select auto assign.

    If you select auto assign, the system determines the Controller. You can modify the value or select a new value after the LUN has been created.

  6. In the Ports Masked for this LUN table, indicate which ports you want masked by selecting Yes or No in the Masked column.
  7. (Optional) Click OK to create the LUN now.
Clicking OK saves the LUN with the LUN number mapping and any attributes you set in the Quality of Service and Data Protection tabs.
After you have defined the LUN number mapping for a LUN, you must next define Data Protection settings for the LUN.