Creating Clone Physical Disks

After you add an Oracle FS System, you can create physical disks and clone physical disks using the Oracle VM Manager. Cloning a physical disk provides data protection for the cloned volume.

When you create a clone physical disk, the clone physical disk takes on all the characteristics of the source physical disk. The clone physical disk has read-write capabilities just like the source physical disk.

In an Oracle FS System, physical disks are referred to as LUNs, and clone physical disks are referred to as Clone LUNs.

If no clone name is specified, the name of the created clone physical disk automatically defaults to the format clone_<source_LUN_name>_<timestamp>, where the <timestamp> is the time the clone physical disk was created.

Refer to the Oracle Flash Storage System Administrator’s Guide for information about Oracle FS System, physical disks (LUNs), and clone physical disks (Clone LUNs).

For information about Oracle VM, refer to the Oracle VM documentation on the Oracle Technical Network (