Modifying Physical Disks Outside of Oracle VM

When you make changes to Oracle FS System physical disks and clone physical disks that were created through the Oracle VM Manager, you must make the changes through the Oracle VM Manager. The only exception to this rule is the creation of volume groups. Be aware that a particular Oracle FS System registered with Oracle VM can be used with other applications outside of the Oracle VM environment. Although the non-Oracle VM-related storage associated with that Oracle FS System is visible in the Oracle VM Manager, it should be modified using the Oracle FS CLI or Oracle FS System, not the Oracle VM Manager.

You can specify many physical disk properties for greater control of physical disks. These properties can be specified in the Extra Information field in both the Creation of Physical Disks and Edit Physical Disk dialogs in the Oracle VM Manager.

For detailed information about the available property options, refer to the Oracle Flash Storage System CLI Reference.