Present/Unpresent a Physical Disk to an Access Group

Before a SAN host can use the provisioned storage, you must make the storage accessible to the Oracle VM Server. You make the storage accessible by mapping, or presenting, the physical disk to an access group in the Oracle VM Manager. Conversely, the physical disk is removed from the access group by unpresenting the physical disk from the access group.

For information about configuring SAN server access through access groups, refer to the Oracle VM Manager documentation on the Oracle Technical Network (

  1. In the Oracle VM Manager, select the Storage tab.
  2. From the available SAN servers in the navigation tree, select the Oracle FS System that contains the access group to which you want to present a physical disk.
  3. Select Access Groups from the Perspective: drop-down list in the toolbar at the top of the content area of the page.
    Result:A table listing existing access groups displays in the content area of the page.
  4. Select the access group to which you want to present a physical disk.
  5. Click the Edit Access Group pencil icon
    Result:The Edit Access Group dialog box displays.
  6. Click the Physical Disks tab.
  7. Select a physical disk from the Available Physical Disks section.
  8. Click the arrow to move the physical disk to the Selected Physical Disks section.
  9. Repeat as needed to present additional physical disks.
  10. (Optional) To unpresent a physical disk to an access group, move the physical disk from the Selected Physical Disks section to the Available Physical Disks section.
  11. Click OK.
    Result:The access groups to which a physical disk is presented display when you expand the physical disk in the content area of the page after selecting the Physical Disks perspective.