View Physical Disks

You can view detailed information about a particular Oracle FS System physical disk in the Oracle VM Manager.

When you add an Oracle FS System and register it with Oracle VM, the Oracle VM Manager automatically lists its volume groups under the Oracle FS System in the navigation tree. All volume groups within the Oracle FS System display in the navigation tree. When you select a volume group, physical disks within each volume group are visible in the content area of the page. When you expand a physical disk, details about the physical disk display in a table below the physical disk listing.
  1. In the Oracle VM Manager, select the Storage tab.
  2. From the available SAN servers in the navigation tree, select the Oracle FS System that contains the physical disk you want to view.
  3. Select Physical Disks from the Perspective: drop-down list in the toolbar at the top of the content area of the page.
    The existing physical disks and clone physical disks display in the table. You can sort the columns in the display table to suit your needs.
  4. Expand the physical disk you want to view.
    Result:Details about the physical disk display in the table.
  5. Highlight a volume group to view LUNs that are not in the default (/) volume group.