(Optional) Undeploy the Plug-In

You can remove the Oracle Enterprise Manager for Flash Storage Systems from Oracle Enterprise Manager when the plug-in is no longer needed.

  • Log-in credentials for the management server.

  • Log-in credentials for the management agent running on the management server.

To remove the plug-in, follow the steps to undeploy from the Oracle management agent.
  1. Follow the instructions in either the Undeploying Plug-Ins from Oracle Management Agent topic in the Oracle Enterprise Manager online help or the Oracle Enterprise Manager Administration Guide 11g Release 1 ( to undeploy the Oracle Flash Storage System plug-in.
  2. Verify that you removed the plug-in by following the instructions in the Verifying Deployed Plug-Ins topic in either the Oracle Enterprise Manager online help or the Oracle Enterprise Manager Administration Guide 11g Release 1 (