About Simphony Release Numbers

Simphony releases are categorized by numeric segments that indicate release information.

A release in a calendar year starts with the last two digits of the calendar year. For example, if the release year is 2018, the release version starts with 18. If the release year is 2019, the release version starts with 19. Previously, release versions were in the format 2.10.X.

A minor release can occur in the year that follows the major release. For example, there can be an 18.X minor release in 2019 to support the major release from 2018.

Release versions are in the format [NN].[N].[N].[X].[XXXX], where:
  • N is a number

  • X is a wild-card number

  • Changes made at the major level include architectural changes to the application

  • The first [NN] represents the year of the release

  • Changes made at the minor level include minor changes to the application

Additional hardware platform and operating system support can be added at the minor level.

For functional changes to the product with no changes in the operating system or security of the application:
  • Changes at an interim level are represented by a wild-card (X).

  • Changes made at the build level are daily changes that include partial or full changes made on a daily basis. Changes at this level are not represented or shown on the released product.