Using the Cash Management Dashboard

You must have the Enterprise level permission 301 - View Cash Management Dashboard to access the dashboard, and 302 - View Cash Management Dashboard Detail to access the till and server bank detail from the Cash Management Dashboard.

If configured, you can access the dashboard by clicking the function button for the Cash Management Dashboard. The Dashboard appears full screen on the workstation. It is not supported on workstation devices running the Android mobile operating system.

The Cash Management Dashboard shows tabs for Safe, Petty Cash, Till, Server Bank, and Bank Deposit (unless a tab is configured to be hidden). If all tabs are configured to be hidden when the Cash Management Dashboard opens, an error message appears.

The Cash Management Dashboard provides:
  • The number of each type of open receptacle session in parentheses

  • A summary level and detail view of each type of open receptacle session

  • One-button navigation to open, count, transfer, adjust, reconcile, and finalize receptacle sessions

The following table lists the receptacle tabs, a description of each tab, and the button commands you can use for each receptacle within the dashboard.

Click the check box adjacent to a receptacle session to select it, and then click the appropriate command button on the tab.

The information within the tabs is refreshed every five minutes or when an action is performed from the dashboard that affects the receptacle list.

Table 4-1 Cash Management Dashboard Tabs and Operations

Tab Description Command Buttons


Shows the number of open safe sessions at the property, in addition to Name, Employee who opened the safe session, Date Opened, Counted amount, Expected amount, and Over/Short amount.

Open: Open a new safe receptacle session.

Count: Count the selected safe receptacle session.

Close: Close the selected safe receptacle sessions.

Exit: Close the Cash Management Dashboard.

Petty Cash

Shows the number of open petty cash sessions at the property, in addition to Name, Employee who opened the petty cash session, Date Opened, Counted amount, Expected amount, and Over/Short amount.

Open: Open a new petty cash receptacle session.

Count: Count the selected petty cash receptacle session.

Close: Close the selected petty cash receptacle sessions.

Exit: Close the Cash Management Dashboard.


Shows the number of open till sessions at the property, in addition to Name, Employee who is assigned to the till session, Date Opened, Workstation Status, Counted amount, Expected amount, and Over/Short amount.

Detail: Shows information about the selected till receptacle sessions in a dialog.

Count: Count the selected till receptacle session.

Adjust Count: Adjust the till’s count.

Add To Deposit: Deposit the funds from the selected till receptacle sessions to a bank deposit receptacle session. You will be prompted to select a bank deposit, and funds (balance - start amount) for each selected till receptacle session will be deposited.

Close: Close the selected till receptacle sessions.

Exit: Close the Cash Management Dashboard.

Server Bank

Shows the number of open server bank sessions at the property, in addition to Name, Employee who is assigned to the server bank session, Date Opened, Counted amount, Expected amount, and Over/Short amount.

Detail: Shows information about the selected server bank receptacle sessions in a dialog.

Count: Count the selected server bank receptacle session.

Adjust Count: Adjust the server bank’s count.

Add To Deposit: Deposit the funds from the selected server bank receptacle sessions to a bank deposit receptacle session. You will be prompted to select a bank deposit, and funds (balance - start amount) for each selected server bank receptacle session will be deposited.

Close: Close the selected till receptacle sessions.

Exit: Close the Cash Management Dashboard.

Bank Deposit

Shows the number of open bank deposit sessions at the property, in addition to Name, Employee who opened the bank deposit session, Business Date, Final amount, Tills Counted, and Adjustments

Open: Open a new bank deposit receptacle session.

Detail: Shows information about the selected bank deposit receptacle sessions in a dialog.

Adjust: Adjust a deposit for each selected bank deposit receptacle session.

Close: Close the selected bank deposit receptacle sessions.

Exit: Close the Cash Management Dashboard.