Step 2 - Access the IIS Manager Console

  1. From the desktop of each server running CAPS on IIS, select Start, Control Panel, Administrative Tools, and then select Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
  2. From the IIS Connections column, expand the Sites folder and right-click the site created for IIS CAPS and select Remove. The name of the IIS CAPS site should be the same as the ServiceHostName. For example, if your service host name is MyIISCapsSvcHost, your site name should be added using the exact same text.

    Figure 1-3 IIS CAPS Site

    This figure shows the IIS CAPS Site from the IIS Connection column.
  3. From the IIS Connections column, click Application Pools.

    Figure 1-4 Simphony Application Pools

    This figure shows the Simphony Application Pools from the IIS Connection column.
  4. Right-click the application pool created for IIS CAPS and select Remove. The name of the IIS CAPS pool should be the ServiceHostName Pool. For example, if your service host name is MyIISCapsSvcHost, your IIS CAPS application pool name should be MyIISCapsSvcHostPool.

    Figure 1-5 IIS CAPS Application Pool

    This figure shows the IIS CAPS Application Pool from the IIS Connection column.