Oracle Insurance Data Gateway 1.0.1


Oracle Insurance is proud to introduce Oracle Insurance Data Gateway (OIDG), a B2B data gateway platform providing secure real time data aggregation, data transformation, and data routing services of insurance policy data between insurance carriers and distribution channels. OIDG components include: Portal, AdminView, QuickView, and the core engine.

OIDG provides effective data communication between Insurance Distributors and Insurance Carriers using industry standards, contributing to the overall seamless Insurance Business Process between those parties in the value chain. The cloud version has been available and in use for many years, and to meet the needs of our broader range of customers we are making the service available on premise.

Key Highlights

  • PGP digital signature support for file protection, integrity and non-repudiation
  • Batch result file handling and encryption
  • Batch summary web-service callback and email notifications
  • Sender / Receiver integration (contract) validation
  • Administration UI enhancements for simplified configuration
  • Support for Oracle Fusion Middleware