Customer Engagement Purchase History Integration

Purpose: The Customer Engagement Purchase History integration allows you to review a customer’s completed sales and return transactions across multiple channels, such as retail, call center, and e-commerce using the Display Purchase History Screen in Order Management System. When you advance to this screen, the system retrieves the sold to customer’s purchase history information from Oracle Retail Customer Engagement to display on the screen.

In this chapter:

Customer Engagement Purchase History Integration Setup

Display Purchase History Screen

Reviewing Purchase History in Oracle Retail Customer Engagement

Customer Engagement Customer Services API v2.3

For more information: See:

Customer Engagement Customer Integration for more information on interactively communicating with Oracle Retail Customer Engagement to keep customer information in Order Management System in sync with Oracle Retail Customer Engagement when Oracle Retail Customer Engagement is the system of record for customer information.

Customer Engagement Batch Customer and Sales Integration for more information on sending merchandise hierarchy, item, customer, sales and return information from Order Management System to Oracle Retail Customer Engagement using a batch process. This section also includes Customer Engagement Integration Setup (Sales and Customer).

• The Oracle Retail Customer Engagement Implementation Guide (Installer Version) for more information on the procedures and instructions required to install and configure the Oracle Retail Customer Engagement application and database.

• The Oracle Retail Customer Engagement Configuration Guide for more information on configuration settings for Oracle Retail Customer Engagement that are defined using the Conflate tool.

• The Oracle Retail Customer Engagement Batch Processing and Web Services Guide for more information on the Oracle Retail Customer Engagement API interface.

• The Oracle Retail Customer Engagement Database Dictionary for more information on the tables in the Oracle Retail Customer Engagement database.

• The Oracle Retail Customer Engagement User Guide for more information on using the Oracle Retail Customer Engagement application.

Customer Engagement Purchase History Integration Setup

Before you can review purchase history from Oracle Retail Customer Engagement, you must complete the required setup.

Required versions: To review purchase history from Oracle Retail Customer Engagement, you must be on these versions:

• Order Management System version 5.0 or higher.

• Oracle Retail Customer Engagement version 10.5 or higher.

In addition retrieving purchase history from Oracle Retail Customer Engagement uses version 2.3 of the Oracle Retail Customer Engagement Customer API.

Setup is required in both Order Management System and Oracle Retail Customer Engagement.

For more information: See:

Customer Engagement Batch Customer and Sales Integration for more information on the setup required to use the Oracle Retail Customer Engagement Item Feed, Oracle Retail Customer Engagement Sales Feed, and Customer Engagement Customer Integration.

Customer Engagement Loyalty Integration for more information on the setup required to use the Oracle Retail Customer Engagement loyalty program.

Setup in Order Management System for Customer Engagement Purchase History

System Control Values for Oracle Retail Customer Engagement Purchase History

Web Service Authentication for Oracle Retail Customer Engagement

Oracle Retail Customer Engagement Property Settings for Purchase History

System Control Values for Oracle Retail Customer Engagement Purchase History

System Control Value


Use the ORCE Integration Values (L52) umbrella screen to set the following values:

ORCE Customer Integration (L37)

Enter INTERACT to send information on new and updated customers to Oracle Retail Customer Engagement interactively. See Customer Engagement Customer Integration for more information.

ORCE Organization Descriptor (L50)

Use this field to identify the Oracle Retail Customer Engagement organization that maps to your Order Management System company.

Default Location for ORCE Integration (K69)

Defines the store ID associated with a sale or return transaction in Oracle Retail Customer Engagement. This value is used to determine the channel where the sales or return transaction took place.

Web displays if the RetailStoreID in the Customer Engagement Get Transaction History Response matches the value in the Default Location for ORCE Integration (K69) system control value and the PosTransactionPropertyValue for the PosTransactionPropertyCode Channel is ECOMM.

Call Center displays if the RetailStoreID in the Customer Engagement Get Transaction History Response matches the value in the Default Location for ORCE Integration (K69) system control value and the PosTransactionPropertyValue for the PosTransactionPropertyCode Channel is CATALOG.

Store-CODE, where CODE is the store code, displays if a RetailStoreID is defined in the Customer Engagement Get Transaction History Response and the transaction does not meet the Web or Call Center qualifications.

MICROS Integration Item ID (L38)

Defines how Order Management System identifies items/SKUs returned in the Customer Engagement Get Transaction History Response.

ITEM = Order Management System uses the Item code and SKU code.

XREF = Order Management System uses the Retail reference number.

Order Management System determines the item and SKU using the itemID with ItemType Stock for a Sale, CustomerOrderForDelivery, CustomerOrderForPickup, saleForDelivery or Return line type transaction:

• If the MICROS Integration Item ID (L38) system control value is set to ITEM, the system replaces any dashes that separate the item and SKU in the ItemID with spaces. For example, if the ItemID in the Oracle Retail Customer Engagement Get Transaction History Response is ITM1-RED-XSML-WMNS, the Item/SKU field on the Display Purchase History Screen displays ITM1 RED XSML WMNS.

• If the MICROS Integration Item ID (L38) system control value is set to XREF, the system uses the Retail reference number passed in the ItemID in the Oracle Retail Customer Engagement Get Transaction History Response to find the item number and SKU code in Order Management System.

• If the item and SKU is not found in Order Management System, the Item/SKU field on the Display Purchase History Screen displays the item and SKU in the format passed from Oracle Retail Customer Engagement.

Web Service Authentication for Oracle Retail Customer Engagement

If the web services used to process inbound messages to Oracle Retail Customer Engagement require web service authentication, you must provide a valid web service authentication user and password in Working with Web Service Authentication (WWSA). In this situation, when Oracle Retail Order Management System generates a message to send to Oracle Retail Customer Engagement it includes the web service authentication user and password in the HTTP header of the message. See Web Service Authentication Process for Oracle Retail Customer Engagement for more information.

Oracle Retail Customer Engagement Property Settings for Purchase History

The Working with Customer Properties (PROP) menu option contains settings required for integration with Oracle Retail Customer Engagement.





The system uses this property to build the URL for communication with Oracle Retail Customer Engagement.

http://server:8084/ soap where:

server = the name of your Oracle Retail Customer Engagement server

8084 = the port to use on the Oracle Retail Customer Engagement server


The system uses this property, along with the ORCE_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_PREFIX and the value in the ORCE Organization Descriptor (L50) to build the URL for communication with Oracle Retail Customer Engagement using the Customer Services API.

/v2_3/CustomerServices?wsdl where 2_3 is the version of the Customer Services API


The Oracle Retail Customer Engagement user ID with Security Group permission included in the Oracle Retail Customer Engagement API messages.

Must be a valid user ID in Oracle Retail Customer Engagement that has Security Group permission

Setup in Oracle Retail Customer Engagement for Purchase History

Order Management System Company > Oracle Retail Customer Engagement Organization

An organization in Oracle Retail Customer Engagement corresponds to a company in Order Management System. You associate a Oracle Retail Customer Engagement organization with a Order Management System company through the ORCE Organization Descriptor (L50) system control value.

Use Conflate to define configuration settings for the Oracle Retail Customer Engagement organization that integrates with Order Management System. See the Oracle Retail Customer Engagement Configuration Guide for more information on how to define configuration settings for Oracle Retail Customer Engagement using the Conflate tool.

Configuration Settings Required for the Loyalty Integration with Oracle Retail Customer Engagement

Select Edit Configs in Conflate to define these settings for the organization that integrates with Order Management System.

Organization Descriptor

The organization descriptor must match the setting in the ORCE Organization Descriptor (L50) system control value.

This setting identifies the Oracle Retail Customer Engagement organization that maps to your Order Management System company.

Default Location ID

Enter a default location ID of up to 12 positions.

Transaction Search Limit

Enter the maximum number of transaction records that can be returned in the Customer Engagement Get Transaction History Response when making a purchase history lookup request to the Oracle Retail Customer Engagement server. The default value is 50, indicating the 50 most recent transactions will be returned in the results.

Note: Whenever you makes changes to an organization’s configuration settings, you must stop Oracle Retail Customer Engagement, deploy the configuration settings to Customer Engagement, and restart Oracle Retail Customer Engagement. See:

Shut Down Services in the Add New Organization section of the Customer Engagement Implementation Guide (Installer Version) for more information on how to stop Customer Engagement.

• the Customer Engagement Configuration Guide for more information on deploying configuration settings to Oracle Retail Customer Engagement.

Restart Services in the Add New Organization section of the Customer Engagement Implementation Guide (Installer Version) for more information on how to restart Customer Engagement.

Display Purchase History Screen

Use this screen to review a customer’s purchase history from Oracle Retail Customer Engagement, specifically:

• sales transactions of type:

- CustomerOrderForDelivery: This sales transaction typically occurs when a customer purchases an item that is not located in the store or the item is out of stock. In this situation, the item is purchased to ship directly to the customer’s home from another location.

- CustomerOrderForPickup: This sales transaction typically occurs when a customer purchases an item that is not located in the store or the item is out of stock. When the item arrives at the store, the customer picks up the item and a previous customer order is processed to close the transaction.

- SaleForDelivery: This sales transaction typically occurs when the item is not in stock. In this situation, the item is delivered to an address specified by the customer.

• return transactions.

A separate row displays on this screen for each individual item on a sales or return transaction.

When you advance to this screen:

1. Order Management System sends a Customer Engagement Retrieve Customer Request to Oracle Retail Customer Engagement containing the customer’s Relate ID from the Customer Sold To table.

2. Oracle Retail Customer Engagement uses the Relate ID in the Customer Engagement Retrieve Customer Request to find the customer and returns the Customer Engagement Retrieve Customer Response containing the customer’s information.

3. Order Management System sends a Customer Engagement Get Transaction History Request to Oracle Retail Customer Engagement.

4. Oracle Retail Customer Engagement uses the customer information in the Customer Engagement Get Transaction History Request to retrieve the customer’s purchase history.

5. Oracle Retail Customer Engagement returns the Customer Engagement Get Transaction History Response to Order Management System, containing the customer’s purchase history.

6. Order Management System displays the purchase history information returned from Oracle Retail Customer Engagement on the Display Purchase History screen.

How to display this screen: This screen is available when the ORCE Customer Integration (L37) system control value is set to INTERACT and you:

• Select Purch Hist from the Action drop-down menu on the Customer Scan Screen in Work with Customers (WCST) or Order Entry (OEOM).

• Select Purchase History on the Customer Selection Screen after selecting a sold to customer.

• Select Purchase History on the Display More Options Screen.

• Select Purchase History on the More Customer Sold To Options Screen.

• Select Purch Hist on the Third Streamlined Order Inquiry Screen (Order Summary) in Streamlined Order Inquiry (DORI).

When you select the Purchase History option, the system retrieves the sold to customer’s purchase history information from Oracle Retail Customer Engagement to display on the Display Purchase History screen.

The message No purchase history found displays if no purchase history was returned from Oracle Retail Customer Engagement.

Column sort: You can sort on the Purchase Date, Transaction ID, Item/SKU, Description, Channel, Transaction Type, Associate ID, Quantity, and Extended Price columns on this screen by clicking the column name. An arrow pointing up displays next to the field when the values for the field display in ascending sequence; an arrow pointing down displays next to the field when the values for the field display in descending sequence.

When you first advance to this screen, purchase history records display in descending Purchase Date sequence.

Note: The information that displays on this screen is from Oracle Retail Customer Engagement and is not stored in Order Management System.



Customer #

The number, company name, last name, and first name of the sold to customer whose purchase history you are reviewing.

Customer number: Numeric, 9 positions; display-only.

Customer name: Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.

Purchase History

A separate row displays on this screen for each individual item on a sales or return transaction.

Purchase Date

The date of the sales or return transaction.

From BusinessDayDate for a Sale, CustomerOrderForDelivery, CustomerOrderForPickup, saleForDelivery or Return line type transaction in the Customer Engagement Get Transaction History Response.

Trans ID

The transaction ID assigned to the sales or return transaction.

If the transaction originated in Order Management System, this is the Order Management System invoice number.

From SequenceNumber for a Sale, CustomerOrderForDelivery, CustomerOrderForPickup, saleForDelivery or Return line type transaction in the Customer Engagement Get Transaction History Response.


The item number and SKU code of the item that was purchased or returned.

The system uses the itemID with ItemType Stock for a Sale, CustomerOrderForDelivery, CustomerOrderForPickup, saleForDelivery or Return line type transaction in the Customer Engagement Get Transaction History Response to determine the item and SKU:

• If the MICROS Integration Item ID (L38) system control value is set to ITEM, the system replaces any dashes that separate the item and SKU in the ItemID with spaces. For example, if the ItemID in the Oracle Retail Customer Engagement Get Transaction History Response is ITM1-RED-XSML-WMNS, the Item/SKU field on the Display Purchase History Screen displays ITM1 RED XSML WMNS.

• If the MICROS Integration Item ID (L38) system control value is set to XREF, the system uses the Retail reference number passed in the ItemID in the Oracle Retail Customer Engagement Get Transaction History Response to find the item number and SKU code in Order Management System.

• If the item and SKU is not found in Order Management System, the Item/SKU field displays the item and SKU in the format passed from Oracle Retail Customer Engagement.


A description of the item. If the item contains SKUs, this is the SKU description.

If the item is found in Order Management System, from Description in the SKU or Item table.

If the item and SKU is not found in Order Management System, the system defaults Store Only Product to the Description field.


The channel where the sales or return transaction took place.

Web displays if the RetailStoreID in the Customer Engagement Get Transaction History Response matches the value in the Default Location for ORCE Integration (K69) system control value and the PosTransactionPropertyValue for the PosTransactionPropertyCode Channel is ECOMM.

Call Center displays if the RetailStoreID in the Customer Engagement Get Transaction History Response matches the value in the Default Location for ORCE Integration (K69) system control value and the PosTransactionPropertyValue for the PosTransactionPropertyCode Channel is CATALOG.

Store-CODE, where CODE is the store code, displays if a RetailStoreID is defined in the Customer Engagement Get Transaction History Response and the transaction does not meet the Web or Call Center qualifications.

Trans Type

Defines whether the transaction was a sale or return.

Sale displays if the Line Type Element in the Customer Engagement Get Transaction History Response is Sale, CustomerOrderForDelivery, CustomerOrderForPickup, or saleForDelivery.

Return displays if the Line Type Element in the Customer Engagement Get Transaction History Response is Return.

Associate ID

The ID for the user that completed the transaction.

Note: This does not have to be a valid user in Order Management System.

From OperatorID for a Sale, CustomerOrderForDelivery, CustomerOrderForPickup, saleForDelivery or Return line type transaction in the Customer Engagement Get Transaction History Response.


The quantity of the item associated with the transaction.

From Quantity in the Customer Engagement Get Transaction History Response for a Sale, CustomerOrderForDelivery, CustomerOrderForPickup, saleForDelivery or Return line type transaction.

Ext Price

The extended merchandise price of the transaction.

From ExtendedAmount in the Customer Engagement Get Transaction History Response for a Sale, CustomerOrderForDelivery, CustomerOrderForPickup, saleForDelivery or Return line type transaction.

Lifetime to Date

Sales Amount

The total life to date sales amount for the customer.

From TotalSalesAmount in the LifetimeActivitySummary class of the Customer Engagement Retrieve Customer Response.

Returns Amount

The total life to date return amount for the customer.

From TotalReturnsAmount in the LifetimeActivitySummary class of the Customer Engagement Retrieve Customer Response.

Net Amount

The lifetime to date net purchase amount for the customer.

The system uses the following calculation to determine the customer’s lifetime net amount:

Lifetime to Date Sales Amount - Lifetime to Date Returns Amount = Lifetime to Date Net Amount

From TotalSalesAmount and TotalReturnsAmount in the LifetimeActivitySummary class of the Customer Engagement Retrieve Customer Response.

Sales Items

The total life to date items sold for the customer.

From TotalItemsSoldCount in the LifetimeActivitySummary class of the Customer Engagement Retrieve Customer Response.

Returns Items

The total life to date items returned for the customer.

From TotalItemsReturnedCount in the LifetimeActivitySummary class of the Customer Engagement Retrieve Customer Response.

Net Items

The lifetime to date net item count for the customer.

The system uses the following calculation to determine the customer’s lifetime net item count:

Lifetime to Date Sales Items - Lifetime to Date Returns Items = Lifetime to Date Net Items

From TotalItemsSoldCount and TotalItemsReturnedCount in the LifetimeActivitySummary class of the Customer Engagement Retrieve Customer Response.

Year to Date

Sales Amount

The total year to date sales amount for the customer.

From YearToDateSalesAmount in the YearToDateActivitySummary class of the Customer Engagement Retrieve Customer Response.

Returns Amount

The total year to date return amount for the customer.

From YearToDateReturnsAmount in the YearToDateActivitySummary class of the Customer Engagement Retrieve Customer Response.

Net Amount

The year to date net purchase amount for the customer.

The system uses the following calculation to determine the customer’s year to date net amount:

Year to Date Sales Amount - Year to Date Returns Amount = Year to Date Net Amount

From YearToDateSalesAmount and YearToDateReturnsAmount in the YearToDateActivitySummary class of the Customer Engagement Retrieve Customer Response.

Sales Items

The total year to date items sold for the customer.

From YearToDateItemsSoldCount in the YearToDateActivitySummary class of the Customer Engagement Retrieve Customer Response.

Returns Items

The total year to date items returned for the customer.

From YearToDateItemsReturnedCount in the YearToDateActivitySummary class of the Customer Engagement Retrieve Customer Response.

Net Items

The year to date net item count for the customer.

The system uses the following calculation to determine the customer’s year to date net item count:

Year to Date Sales Items - Year to Date Returns Items = Year to Date Net Items

From YearToDateItemsSoldCount and YearToDateItemsReturnedCount in the YearToDateActivitySummary class of the Customer Engagement Retrieve Customer Response.

Reviewing Purchase History in Oracle Retail Customer Engagement

You can view transactions on the Transaction History screen for a customer. To view the details for a transaction, click the transaction to open the Transaction Detail window. See Transaction History Screen in the Oracle Retail Customer Engagement User Guide for screen details.

To view the details for a transaction, click the transaction to open the Transaction Detail window. See Transaction Detail Window in the Oracle Retail Customer Engagement User Guide for screen details.

The Purchase Activity section of the Customer Dashboard also provides a summary of the transactions associated with a customer, including:

Total Sales Amount, Total Sales Item Count, Total Returns Amount, and Total Returns Item Count.

Year To Date Sales Amount, Year To Date Sales Item Count, Year To Date Returns Amount, and Year To Date Returns Item Count.

See Customer Dashboard in the Oracle Retail Customer Engagement User Guide for screen details.

For more information: See the Customer Lookup / Edit section of the Oracle Retail Customer Engagement User Guide for more information on reviewing sales and return transactions for a customer.

Customer Engagement Customer Services API v2.3

The Oracle Retail Customer Engagement Customer Services API v2.3 is used to communicate with Oracle Retail Customer Engagement to retrieve customer purchase history.

Order Management System calls the Oracle Retail Customer Engagement Customer Services API version 2.3 to generate the following messages:

Customer Engagement retrieveCustomer Method

Customer Engagement getTransactionHistory Method

The system uses the value in the ORCE Organization Descriptor (L50) along with the ORCE_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_PREFIX and ORCE_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUFFIX settings in Working with Customer Properties (PROP) to build the URL for communication with Oracle Retail Customer Engagement.

Note: The Oracle Retail Customer Engagement Customer Services API v2.3 is also used to interactively create and update customer information between Oracle Retail Customer Engagement and Order Management System; see the Customer Engagement Customer Integration for more information.

Oracle Retail Customer Engagement log: Order Management System logs the Oracle Retail Customer Engagement transactions passed between Order Management System and Oracle Retail Customer Engagement in the Trace Log if its Logging Level is set to DEBUG.

Web service authentication? If the web services used to process inbound messages to Oracle Retail Customer Engagement require web service authentication, you must provide a valid web service authentication user and password in Working with Web Service Authentication (WWSA). In this situation, when Oracle Retail Order Management System generates a message to send to Oracle Retail Customer Engagement it includes the web service authentication user and password in the HTTP header of the message. See Web Service Authentication Process for Oracle Retail Customer Engagement for more information.

See the Oracle Retail Customer Engagement Batch Processing and Web Services Guide for more information on the Oracle Retail Customer Engagement API interface.

Customer Engagement retrieveCustomer Method

The retrieveCustomer method retrieves customer information from Oracle Retail Customer Engagement.

When called? The system calls this method when you select Purchase History to advance to the Display Purchase History Screen for a specified sold to customer.

Customer Engagement Retrieve Customer Request

Order Management System sends the following information to Oracle Retail Customer Engagement, using the Oracle Retail Customer Engagement customerID to locate the customer in Oracle Retail Customer Engagement.




The relate customer ID assigned to the sold to customer whose Oracle Retail Customer Engagement purchase history you wish to review.

From the Relate ID in the Customer Sold To table.


Allows you to cross reference a customer in Oracle Retail Customer Engagement to a sold to customer in Order Management System. To view alternate keys for a customer in Oracle Retail Customer Engagement, select customer action ALTERNATE KEY to advance to the Customer Alternate Keys screen.


The entry for the ORCE_ALT_ID_OROMS setting in Working with Customer Properties (PROP). This is typically set to SERENADE_ID.

When retrieving purchase history from Oracle Retail Customer Engagement, the system uses the Oracle Retail Customer Engagement customerID to locate the customer in Oracle Retail Customer Engagement.


The Order Management System sold to customer number.

From the CST Customer # in the Customer Sold To table.

When retrieving purchase history from Oracle Retail Customer Engagement, the system uses the Oracle Retail Customer Engagement customerID to locate the customer in Oracle Retail Customer Engagement.


The loyalty card number, if any, assigned to the customer in Oracle Retail Customer Engagement.

When retrieving purchase history from Oracle Retail Customer Engagement, the system uses the Oracle Retail Customer Engagement customerID to locate the customer in Oracle Retail Customer Engagement.


The Oracle Retail Customer Engagement user ID with Security Group permission; this is the Oracle Retail Customer Engagement user ID defined in the ORCE_SECURITY_ USER_ID setting in Working with Customer Properties (PROP).

Sample Customer Engagement Retrieve Customer Request

The information relevant to retrieving purchase history is highlighted in the sample below.




<custServices__ class="com.micros_retail.i11n.v1.relate.customer.RltCustomerServicesImpl">















Customer Engagement Retrieve Customer Response

The retrieveCustomer method returns the following classes:








The total life to date return amount for the customer.

This value displays in the Lifetime to Date Returns Amount field on the Display Purchase History Screen.


The total life to date sales amount for the customer.

This value displays in the Lifetime to Date Sales Amount field on the Display Purchase History Screen.



The total number of transactions lifetime to date.



The total life to date items sold for the customer.

This value displays in the Lifetime to Date Sales Items field on the Display Purchase History Screen.



The total life to date items returned for the customer.

This value displays in the Lifetime to Date Returns Items field on the Display Purchase History Screen.






The total year to date return amount for the customer.

This value displays in the Year to Date Returns Amount field on the Display Purchase History Screen.



The total year to date sales amount for the customer.

This value displays in the Year to Date Sales Amount field on the Display Purchase History Screen.



The total number of transactions year to date.



The total year to date items sold for the customer.

This value displays in the Year to Date Sales Items field on the Display Purchase History Screen.



The total year to date items returned for the customer.

This value displays in the Year to Date Returns Items field on the Display Purchase History Screen.

Sample Customer Engagement Retrieve Customer Response

The information relevant to purchase history is highlighted in the sample below.




<responseObject__ class="">


<signupDate class="org.apache.xerces.jaxp.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendarImpl">

















<firstPurchaseDate class="org.apache.xerces.jaxp.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendarImpl">
















<lastPurchaseDate class="org.apache.xerces.jaxp.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendarImpl">




















<source>Contact Center</source>





<updateDate class="org.apache.xerces.jaxp.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendarImpl">













































<addressLine1>10 ROSE WAY</addressLine1>


























































































<description>Benoit Loyalty Cards</description>
















<description>Benoit Loyalty Cards</description>































<line1__>10 ROSE WAY</line1__>











































<cardDesc__>Benoit Loyalty Cards</cardDesc__>





<cardDesc__>Benoit Loyalty Cards</cardDesc__>





Customer Engagement getTransactionHistory Method

The getTransactionHistory method retrieves the transaction history for a customer from Oracle Retail Customer Engagement.

When called? The system calls this method when you select Purchase History to advance to the Display Purchase History Screen for a specified sold to customer. This method is called after receiving the Customer Engagement Retrieve Customer Response.

Customer Engagement Get Transaction History Request

Order Management System sends the following information to Oracle Retail Customer Engagement.




The relate customer ID assigned to the sold to customer whose Oracle Retail Customer Engagement purchase history you wish to review; this is the Relate ID defined for the customer in the Customer Sold To table.


The alternate keys assigned to the customer.

This includes the Order Management System customer number for which you wish to display Oracle Retail Customer Engagement purchase history, identified with an alternateKeyListTypeCode of SERENADE_ID.


The loyalty card number assigned to the customer in Oracle Retail Customer Engagement.


The start date for the requested purchase history transactions.


The end date for the requested purchase history transactions.


The Oracle Retail Customer Engagement user ID with Security Group permission; this is the Oracle Retail Customer Engagement user ID defined in the ORCE_SECURITY_ USER_ID setting in Working with Customer Properties (PROP).


The type of line item to include in the returned transactions.

Sample Customer Engagement Retrieve Customer Request

The information relevant to retrieving purchase history is highlighted in the sample below.




<custServices__ class="com.micros_retail.i11n.v1.relate.customer.RltCustomerServicesImpl">















Customer Engagement Get Transaction History Response

The getTransactionHistory method returns the TransactionType class.





The Oracle Retail Customer Engagement customer ID.


The transactions associated with the customer.


Indicates whether the transaction was cancelled.


The store ID where the transaction was performed.

This value displays in the Channel field on the Display Purchase History Screen.


The workstation ID where the transaction was performed.


The sequence number assigned to the transaction.

This value displays in the Trans ID field on the Display Purchase History Screen.


The date when the transaction occurred.

This value displays in the Purchase Date field on the Display Purchase History Screen.


Indicates whether the transaction has been voided.


The date and time when the transaction was started.


The date and time when the transaction was completed.


The ID of the person that performed the transaction.

This value displays in the Associate ID field on the Display Purchase History Screen.


The currency ID used in the transaction.


The currency ID used in the original transaction.


The exchange rate between the currencyCode and OrgCurrencyCode.



The line items that make up a retail transaction.


The sequence number of the line item.


The date and time at which the line item was started.


The date and time at which the line item was completed.


The different type of line items.


Information for a sale for delivery item.

These transactions display on the Display Purchase History Screen with a Trans Type of Sale.


The item ID.

This value displays in the Item/SKU field for a Trans Type of Sale.


The cost of one sale item unit.



The regular sale price of one item unit.



The actual sale price of one item unit in this transaction.


The total amount of the sale of the item.

This value displays in the Ext Price field for a Trans Type of Sale.


The quantity of the item.

This value displays in the Qty field for a Trans Type of Sale.


The serial number of the item.


The ID of the associate who entered the item.

This value displays in the Associate ID field for a Trans Type of Sale.


The percentage of the item.


The modifiers that have been applied to the item price.


Delivery destination information.


Information for a previous layaway item.

These transactions do not display on the Display Purchase History Screen.


Information for a previous customer order item.

These transactions do not display on the Display Purchase History Screen.


Information for an order for delivery item.

These transactions display on the Display Purchase History Screen with a Trans Type of Sale.


The item ID.

This value displays in the Item/SKU field for a Trans Type of Sale.


The cost of one sale item unit.



The regular sale price of one item unit.



The actual sale price of one item unit in this transaction.


The total amount of the sale of the item.

This value displays in the Ext Price field for a Trans Type of Sale.


The quantity of the item.

This value displays in the Qty field for a Trans Type of Sale.


The serial number of the item.


The ID of the associate who entered the item.

This value displays in the Associate ID field for a Trans Type of Sale.


The percentage of the item.


The modifiers that have been applied to the item price.


Delivery information for the item.



The ID of the inventory reservation.


The name used in the From: information.


Information for a customer order pickup item.

These transactions display on the Display Purchase History Screen with a Trans Type of Sale.


The item ID.

This value displays in the Item/SKU field for a Trans Type of Sale.


The cost of one sale item unit.



The regular sale price of one item unit.



The actual sale price of one item unit in this transaction.


The total amount of the sale of the item.

This value displays in the Ext Price field for a Trans Type of Sale.


The quantity of the item.

This value displays in the Qty field for a Trans Type of Sale.


The serial number of the item.


The ID of the associate who entered the item.

This value displays in the Associate ID field for a Trans Type of Sale.


The percentage of the item.


The modifiers that have been applied to the item price.


Delivery information for the item.



The ID of the inventory reservation.


The name used in the From: information.


Information for a return item.

These transactions display on the Display Purchase History Screen with a Trans Type of Return.


The item ID.

This value displays in the Item/SKU field for a Trans Type of Return.


The cost of one returned item unit.



The actual sale price of one returned item unit in this transaction.



The actual sale price of one returned item unit in this transaction.


The total amount of the sale of the returned item.

This value displays in the Ext Price field for a Trans Type of Return.


The quantity of the returned item.

This value displays in the Qty field for a Trans Type of Return.


The serial number of the item.


The ID of the associate who returned the item.

This value displays in the Associate ID field for a Trans Type of Return.


The percentage of the returned item.


A link to the transaction in which the item was sold.


Indicates where the returned item was placed, such as back in stock.


The reason for the return.


The ID for the type of return.


Additional comments about the reason for the return.


The modifiers that have been applied to the returned item price.


Information for a sold item.

These transactions display on the Display Purchase History Screen with a Trans Type of Sale.


The item ID.

This value displays in the Item/SKU field for a Trans Type of Sale.


The cost of one sale item unit.



The regular sale price of one item unit.



The actual sale price of one item unit in this transaction.


The total amount of the sale of the item.

This value displays in the Ext Price field for a Trans Type of Sale.


The quantity of the item.

This value displays in the Qty field for a Trans Type of Sale.


The serial number of the item.


The ID of the associate who entered the item.

This value displays in the Associate ID field for a Trans Type of Sale.


The percentage of the item.


The modifiers that have been applied to the item price.


Information about the tender applied to the transaction.

This information does not display on the Display Purchase History Screen.


Information about the tax applied to the transaction.

This information does not display on the Display Purchase History Screen.


The type of document.


The ID code for the item activity.


Modifiers that have been applied to the layaway item price.


Information about the total types for the transaction.

This information does not display on the Display Purchase History Screen.


The customer loyalty account associated with the transaction.

This information does not display on the Display Purchase History Screen.


The customer associated with the transaction.

This information does not display on the Display Purchase History Screen.


The customer’s name.


The customer’s address.


The customer’s telephone number.


The customer’s email address.


The customer’s account number.


Alternate keys identifying the customer.


A link to any associated transactions. This is typically used in a return line item type to reference the original transaction.

This information does not display on the Display Purchase History Screen.


Properties of the POS transaction.

Order Management System uses this information to determine the Channel where the sales or return transaction took place.

Web displays in the Channel field on the Display Purchase History Screen if the RetailStoreID in the Customer Engagement Get Transaction History Response matches the value in the Default Location for ORCE Integration (K69) system control value and the PosTransactionPropertyValue for the PosTransactionPropertyCode Channel is ECOMM.

Call Center displays in the Channel field on the Display Purchase History Screen if the RetailStoreID in the Customer Engagement Get Transaction History Response matches the value in the Default Location for ORCE Integration (K69) system control value and the PosTransactionPropertyValue for the PosTransactionPropertyCode Channel is CATALOG.

Store-CODE, where CODE is the store code, displays in the Channel field on the Display Purchase History Screen if the RetailStoreID in the Customer Engagement Get Transaction History Response does not match the value in the Default Location for ORCE Integration (K69) system control value and there is no PosTransactionPropertyCode with a value of Channel.



ID code for the POS transaction property.



Value of the POS transaction property.

Sample Customer Engagement Get Transaction History Response

The information relevant to purchase history in highlighted in the sample below.




<transactions__ class="">








<businessDayDate class="org.apache.xerces.jaxp.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendarImpl">

















<beginDateTime class="org.apache.xerces.jaxp.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendarImpl">


















<endDateTime class="org.apache.xerces.jaxp.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendarImpl">


























<beginDateTime class="org.apache.xerces.jaxp.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendarImpl">


















<endDateTime class="org.apache.xerces.jaxp.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendarImpl">





























<businessDayDate class="org.apache.xerces.jaxp.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendarImpl">
























<beginDateTime class="org.apache.xerces.jaxp.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendarImpl">


















<endDateTime class="org.apache.xerces.jaxp.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendarImpl">


























<beginDateTime class="org.apache.xerces.jaxp.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendarImpl">


















<endDateTime class="org.apache.xerces.jaxp.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendarImpl">






















































<businessDayDate class="org.apache.xerces.jaxp.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendarImpl">

















<beginDateTime class="org.apache.xerces.jaxp.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendarImpl">


















<endDateTime class="org.apache.xerces.jaxp.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendarImpl">


























<beginDateTime class="org.apache.xerces.jaxp.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendarImpl">


















<endDateTime class="org.apache.xerces.jaxp.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendarImpl">



































<beginDateTime class="org.apache.xerces.jaxp.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendarImpl">


















<endDateTime class="org.apache.xerces.jaxp.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendarImpl">



































<beginDateTime class="org.apache.xerces.jaxp.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendarImpl">


















<endDateTime class="org.apache.xerces.jaxp.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendarImpl">


























<beginDateTime class="org.apache.xerces.jaxp.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendarImpl">


















<endDateTime class="org.apache.xerces.jaxp.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendarImpl">


























<beginDateTime class="org.apache.xerces.jaxp.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendarImpl">


















<endDateTime class="org.apache.xerces.jaxp.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendarImpl">
























































CS04_14 OMSCS 18.1 April 2019 OTN