Carryover Report

Purpose: This report displays unconfirmed pick slips whose date is on or before the pick print date you specify at the Print Carryover Report Screen.

The report groups pick slips by warehouse and sorts in batch number, pick control number sequence. A final total is at the end of the report.

How to print: Specify a date and select Submit to submit the CARRYOVER job at the Print Carryover Report Screen.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


Picks Printed on or before: The date you specified at the Print Carryover Report Screen.

Warehouse: The warehouse code and description where the picks were printed.

For each unconfirmed pick slip:

Batch Number: The billing batch number for the pick slip.

Pick Number: The pick control number for the pick slip.

Status: The status of the pick slip.

- The system includes pick slips whose status is blank (open), M (manifest submission), O (carryover), P (packed), or R (reprinted).

- The system does not include pick slips whose status is A (submitted to async), B (billing pending), C (confirmed), D (declined authorization), E (async processing error), G (generated no authorization), H (generated has authorization), S (suspended), V (void), W (waiting for authorization), or Z (authorized).

Type: The generation type for the pick slips, including R (regular), D (drop ship), S (special handling), and M (master pick slip).

Special Handling: Indicates if the pick slip includes one or more items with special handling. The system looks at the Additional charge code field in the Pick Control Detail table to determine if an item has special handling.

- Y indicates one or more items on the pick slip have special handling.

- blank indicates no items on the pick slip have special handling.

Print Date: The date when the pick slip was printed, from the Date printed field in the Pick Control Header table.

Print Time: The time when the pick slip was printed, from the Time printed field in the Pick Control Header table.

Order Number: The order number associated with the pick slip, from the Order # field in the Pick Control Header table.

Ship To: The order ship-to number.

Via: The ship via associated with the pick slip, from the Ship via code field in the Pick Control Header table.

Pick Total: The total value for the pick slip, from the Total order amount field in the Pick Control Header table. Includes merchandise, tax, freight, handling, and all other charges.

Cust Number: The number of the sold to customer on the pick slip, from the Customer # field in the Pick Control Header table.

Sold To: The name or company of the sold to customer on the pick slip, from the First, Last, and Company fields in the Pick Control Header table.

Date Total: The total number of unconfirmed pick slips that printed on a specific date and the total value for those pick slips.

Type Total: The total number of unconfirmed pick slips of a specific generation type and the total value for those pick slips.

Warehouse Total: The total number of unconfirmed pick slips for a specific warehouse and the total value for those pick slips.

Final Total: The total number of unconfirmed pick slips, across all print dates, generation types, and warehouses and the total value for those pick slips.

FU01_10r OMSCS 18.1 April 2019 OTN