PO Expected Delivery Report

Purpose: Use this report to review open purchase order lines that are due to be received within a specified date range.

This report sorts in warehouse/vendor #/PO #/Item/SKU code/due date sequence.

How to print: Select Accept at the PO Expected Delivery List Prompt Screen.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.

Note: This report is also available as a spreadsheet file, which you can open in a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel®. See Reports Available in Spreadsheet Format for more information.


Date range: The date range you entered at the PO Expected Delivery List Prompt Screen, limiting the report to open purchase order lines whose Due date falls within this date range.

Warehouse: The code and description of the warehouse expected to receive the inventory on the purchase order line. This is the Whs field in the PO Detail table.

For each purchase order line in the PO Detail table whose Status is O (open) and whose Due date falls within the report’s PO due date range.

Vendor #: The vendor number associated with the open purchase order line. This is the Vendor # field in the PO Detail table.

Vendor name: The name of the vendor associated with the open purchase order line.

P/O #: The purchase order number containing the open purchase order line. This is the P/O # field in the PO Detail table.

Item: The code for the item on the open purchase order line. This is the ITM number field in the PO Detail table.

SKU: The SKU code for the item on the open purchase order line. This is the SKU code field in the PO Detail table. Note: Included only if you selected Print SKU details at the PO Expected Delivery List Prompt Screen.

Item description: The first 25 positions of the description of the item on the purchase order line. If you selected to Print SKU detail, only the first 15 positions of the item description is included.

SKU description: The first 15 positions of the description of the SKU on the purchase order line. Note: Included only if you selected to Print SKU details at the PO Expected Delivery List Prompt Screen.

Due date: The date the open purchase order line is due to be received. This is the Due date field in the PO Detail table.

Open qty: The open quantity on the open purchase order line that is expected to be received within the report’s date range. The system uses this calculation for open purchase order lines in the PO Detail table whose Date date falls within the report’s date range: order qty - rec qty = open qty. Note: If you did not select to Print SKU details, the Open qty represents the quantity on all open purchase order lines in the PO Detail table for the same P/O #, Vendor #, Due date, and ITM number.

Received qty: The quantity received on the purchase order line. From the Received qty field in the PO Detail table.

Cost extension: The extended cost of the items on the open purchase order line. The system uses this calculation for open purchase order lines in the PO Detail table whose Due date falls within the report’s date range: Price - (Unit Dsc amount + PDT unit discount amt 1 + PDT unit discount amt 2 + PDT unit discount amt 3) x Open qty = extension. Note: If you did not select to Print SKU details, the Extension represents the extended cost on all open purchase order lines in the PO Detail table for the same P/O #, Vendor #, Due date, and ITM number.

Warehouse totals: Open quantity, Received quantity and Extension totals by warehouse.

- Open quantity: The total open quantity across all open purchase order lines that are expected to be delivered to the specified warehouse within the report’s date range. The system uses this calculation for open purchase order lines in the PO Detail table for the specified Whs whose Date date falls within the report’s date range: order qty - rec qty = open qty

- Received quantity: The total quantity received across all open purchase order lines for the specified warehouse within the report’s date range.

- Extension: The total extended cost across all open purchase order lines that are expected to be delivered to the specified warehouse within the report’s date range. The system uses this calculation for open purchase order lines in the PO Detail table for the specified Whs whose Due date falls within the report’s date range: Price - (Unit Dsc amount + PDT unit discount amt 1 + PDT unit discount amt 2 + PDT unit discount amt 3) x Warehouse total open qty = extension

ME11_03r OMSCS 18.1 April 2019 OTN