Product Performance Report (Ordered Totals)

How to print: Select Ordered Product Performance by Ascending Items, Ordered Product Performance by Descending Total Dollars, or Ordered Product Performance by Order Type at the Product Performance Reports Screen.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.

Note: When you generate the report by ascending items or by descending total dollars, the report is also available as a spreadsheet file, which you can open in a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel®. See Reports Available in Spreadsheet Format for more information.


Selection criteria:

Date Range: The Start Date and End Date you entered at the Product Performance Reports Screen. The report includes items and SKUs that were ordered during this date range, based on the Entered date for the order.

Report: The selected Report Option at the Product Performance Reports Screen:

- Ordered by Items Ascending: The report lists items and SKU’s ordered during the selected date range in alphanumeric order by item code and SKU.

- Ordered by Descending Total Dollars: The report lists items and SKU’s ordered during the selected date range beginning with the item/SKU with the highest Merchandise Dollars Ordered for the selected date range and descending to the item/SKU with the lowest Merchandise Dollars Ordered.

- Ordered by Order Type: The report lists items and SKU’s ordered during the selected date range sorted first by order type, and then in alphanumeric order by item code and SKU.

Order Type (included only if you selected the Ordered by Order Type report option): Indicates the order type code and the order type description. Order types are defined in and validated against the Order Type table. See Establishing Order Types (WOTY) for more information.

For each item ordered during the date range (and for an order of the indicated order type, if you selected the Ordered Product Performance by Order Type sort option):

Item: The code identifying an item ordered during the selected date range.


- In the case of a set item, the item listed on the report is the set master not its component items. Components of sets are included on the report only if you sell them as stand-alone items, and the order totals reflect only those orders where the components were ordered independently. See Working with Sets for background on working with set items.

- The Update Demand for Order Maintenance Transactions (C72) system control value does not affect the items or totals listed on this report. Items you add to orders after initial item entry, including exchange items added in order maintenance or through Work with Return Authorizations, are included on the report regardless of the setting of the system control value.

- The Demand Update for Non-Inventoried Items (E59) system control value does not affect the items or totals listed on this report. Non-inventory items are included on the report regardless of the setting of the system control value.

SKU: The item’s unique characteristics, such as its color or size.

Item Description: The description of the item. May be truncated to fewer positions based on the total width of the characters. This is the item description, even for SKU’d items; the SKU description does not print.

Order Quantity: The total quantity of the item/SKU ordered during the selected date range. This total quantity is not reduced by any order lines that were sold out or canceled (unless the cancel reason code is flagged to reduce demand), does not include any Lost sales entered at the Display Item Availability Screen, and does not include returns created by entering a negative quantity.

Merchandise Amount Ordered: The total value of all order lines entered for the item/SKU during the selected date range. This total is based on the actually selling price after applying any repricing or other discounts, and does not include the value of order lines that were sold out or canceled with a cancel reason code flagged to reduce demand or returns created by entering a negative quantity.

Percent of Total Net Amount: The Merchandise Amount Ordered for this item or SKU, divided by the total Merchandise Amount Ordered for all items and SKU’s included on the report. The resulting percentage is rounded up or down to one decimal position. For example, a value of 12.123 is rounded to 12.1.

Merchandise Plus Charges Anount: Calculated by adding the totals for all orders included on the report:

- the total merchandise value ordered of the item or SKU for each order that includes the item or SKU

- the total tax charged for all order lines of the item or SKU for each order that includes the item or SKU

- the total Freight, Additional freight, Handling, and Additional charges for all orders that include the item or SKU, times the percentage of the total merchandise value of the order that includes the item or SKU.


The report includes an order of four items with merchandise values of $100.00 each, so each item represents 25% of the total merchandise value.

The total freight, additional freight, handling, and additional charges are $50.00:

• Freight = 30.00

• Additional freight = 0

• Handling = 10.00

• Additional charges = 10.00

These total charges of $50.00 are prorated across the items on the order, resulting in $12.50 (25% of $50.00) to each.

Note: Tax is not prorated across the items; instead, the total tax amount charged for all order detail lines is added to the total for each item:

• Item A: $10.00 tax

• Item B: $5.00 tax

• Item C: $20.00 tax

• Item D: $0.00 tax

Note: One item might have more tax than another if, for example, there are special handling or gift wrap charges for order lines, and you tax handling. Alternatively, another item might have less tax if it has been canceled or sold out on orders included on the report.

Result Merchandise Plus Charges Amount:

• Item A: $122.50 ($100.00 merch + $12.50 prorated charges + $10.00 tax)

• Item B: $117.50 ($100.00 merch + $12.50 prorated charges + $5.00 tax)

• Item C: $132.50 ($100.00 merch + $12.50 prorated charges + $20.00 tax)

• Item D: $112.50 ($100.00 merch + $12.50 prorated charges + $0.00 tax)

Note: If you tax freight and handling, the total Merchandise Plus Charges Amount on the report will not be consistent with the total value of orders included on the report, since the calculation does not include the total tax for the order ship to; it includes only the tax amount from the order detail lines.

Percent of Total Gross Amount (Percentage of Total Gross Dollars): The Merchandise Plus Charges Amount for this item or SKU, divided by the total Merchandise Plus Charges Amount for all items and SKU’s included on the report. The resulting percentage is rounded up or down to one decimal position. For example, a value of 12.123 is rounded to 12.1.

Average Amount Per Item: The Merchandise Plus Charges Amount for the item or SKU divided by the Order Qtuantiy.

Quantity Available: The current available quantity for the item or SKU as of the date and time when you generated the report (not during the date range selected for the report). This is the quantity of this item or SKU currently available to sell in all allocatable warehouses, and includes only reservable locations, not locations defined as defective or return-to-vendor. Item availability is calculated as follows: On hand - Protected - Reserved - Reserve Transfer - Backordered = Quantity available

Quantity on Backorder: The current quantity of the item or SKU ordered but not available as of the date and time when you generated the report (not during the date range selected for the report).

Quantity on Open Purchase Orders: The current quantity on open (unreceived) purchase orders for the item or SKU as of the date and time when you generated the report (not during the date range selected for the report).

Note: The Quantity Available, Quantity on Backorder, and Quantity on Open Purchase Order totals are normally zero for items you do not actually stock in inventory, such as set master items, non-inventory items (including subscription items, or membership items if they are flagged as non-inventory), and drop ship items.

Total for order type: (included only when you select the Ordered by Order Type option):

- Merch Dollars Ordered: The total dollar value of all order lines entered for all items and SKU’s for the order type, based on the actually selling price after applying any repricing or other discounts.

- Merchandise Plus Charges Amount: The total Merchandise Plus Charges Amount for all items for the order type.

Final Totals:

- Merchandise Amount Ordered: The total value of all order lines entered for all items and SKU’s included on the report, based on the actually selling price after applying any repricing or other discounts.

- Merchandise Plus Charges Amount: The total Merchandise Plus Charges Amount for all items included on the report.

MK03_08r OMSCS 18.1 April 2019 OTN