Printing the Online Credit Card Authorization List (PATL)

Purpose: Use the screen to select the criteria you wish to use to print the Online Authorization Listing. This report lists credit cards that have been authorized using the online credit card authorization process. See Performing Online Credit Card Authorizations for an overview and required setup.

You can use this report to review credit cards that have been authorized, declined, authorized but not used, or sent for authorization for a specific date range.

The system looks at records in the Authorization History table and the Online Authorization table to determine what information prints on this report.

Note: You can print a similar report for credits cards that are authorized during pick slip generation; see Credit Card Authorization Listing.

In this chapter:

Authorization Listing Screen

Online Credit Card Authorization Listing

Authorization Listing Screen

How to display this screen: Enter PATL in the Fast path field at the top of a menu or select Print Credit Card Authorization List from a menu.



Authorization date range

The authorization date range you wish to use to generate the Authorization Listing. The system only prints authorizations that have been received for this specific date range.

Enter a beginning date in the first field and enter an ending date in the second field. If you do not enter an ending date in the second field, the system defaults the beginning date, indicating the report will print for this date only.

A message displays if you enter a beginning date that is greater than the ending date: From Date must be less than To Date

A message displays if you enter a future date in the starting date or ending date: Date entered must not be greater than today’s date

Numeric, two 6 position fields (in user date format); beginning date required, ending date optional.

Status (Authorization status)

A code that indicates the status of the credit card authorization.

Valid values are:

blank = the credit card has not yet been sent for authorization

Authorized = the credit card has been authorized

Declined = the credit card has been declined

Authd but not used = the credit card has been authorized, but the authorization has not been used

Sent for authorization = the credit card has been sent to the authorization service for authorization

If you enter a status, the system prints the Authorization Listing only for authorizations that contain this status.

If you do not enter a status, the system prints the Authorization Listing for all eligible authorizations, regardless of status.

Authorization status codes are defined in and validated against the Authorization Status table.


Held orders

Indicates whether authorizations on held orders print on the Authorization Listing. The system uses the Status field on the order header to determine if an order is held.

Selected = Authorizations for held orders print on the Authorization Listing.

Unselected = Authorizations for held orders do not print on the Authorization Listing. This report only displays authorizations for open orders.

Report sorts

Determines the sort on the Authorization Listing.

Pay Type/Auth Date/Status = The Authorization Listing sorts in pay type/authorization date/status order.

Status/Pay Type/Credit Card # = The Authorization Listing sorts in status/pay type/credit card number order.

Numeric, 1 positions; required.

Response code

The authorization response you wish to use to generate the Authorization Listing. If you enter a response code, the system only prints authorizations that received this response.

Note: If you enter a response that does not match the Status (Authorization status), nothing prints on this report. For example, if you enter D (declined) in the Status field and enter a response code of 100 (approve), nothing prints on the report because approved responses would never be put in a declined status.

Vendor response codes are defined in and validated against the CC Vendor Response table; see Defining Vendor Response Codes.

Alphanumeric, six 10 position fields; optional.

Screen Option


Accept the criteria you defined and generate the Authorization Listing

Select Accept. The system displays a submit job message at the bottom of the screen indicating the Online Credit Card Authorization Listing has been submitted.

PATL OMSCS 18.1 April 2019 OTN