Running Period End Processing

Topics in this part:

Working with Periodic Functions (WPER) describes working with the functions you can include in your periodic processing.

Working with Periodic Processes (WPPR) describes how to create, change, delete or display a periodic process.

Executing Periodic Processes (EPRO) describes how to set up and execute a periodic process.

Working with Periodic Process History (WPHS) presents the screens you use to review periodic process history.

Purge Periodic Process History (MPPR) describes how to purge periodic process history in a completed status for all Order Management System companies prior to a specified date.

Printing the Tax Jurisdiction Report (PTXJ) describes how to run this report and presents a sample.

Releasing Orders from Time Hold describes the RLSTIME periodic function.

Working with the Marketing Download Extract describes how to download order, customer, source code, and vendor information from Order Management System to the DMT system.

Using the Financial Data Interface describes how to extract information to the Financial Sales Download table.

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