CPG Item/SKU Exclusions Upload Error Records Report

Important: This report is not currently implemented. When you generate this report, the system prints a generic document with the following information:

The requested document is not currently implemented: CPG_SKU_EXCLUSION_UPLOAD_ERROR

Purpose: This report lists any records in the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload Table that contain errors. You can use this report to determine which customer price group SKU exclusion upload records you need to correct and reprocess.

Note: Each customer price group SKU exclusion upload record in an error status is associated with only one error (the first error the system finds for the record). Once you correct the error and resubmit the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload Process, the system validates the record for additional errors.

This report sorts in ascending Sequence number sequence.

How to print: Submit the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload Process.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


Seq #: The Seq # in the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload table.

Customer Price Group: The Customer Price Group in the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload table.

Item: The Item in the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload table.

SKU: The SKU in the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload table.

Error Description: The Error Description in the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload table.

Total records not processed: The number of records in error in the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload table.

WCPGr OMSCS 18.1 April 2019 OTN