Establishing Order Hold Reason Codes (WOHR)

Purpose: Use the Order Hold Reason Code screens to create and maintain reason codes used to place orders on hold, and to set authority to release orders from hold for specific hold reason codes for a user or user class.

The Order Hold Reason table includes:

• system hold reason codes that are delivered with the system and cannot be changed

• reason codes that you can use to place orders on "user hold" in order entry or order maintenance

• reason codes that identify why a credit card order was declined

• reason codes for the system to apply automatically to orders you send to or receive from the Order Broker (see the Oracle Retail Order Broker Integration Overview)

Reason codes in this table are assigned in Order Entry and Order Maintenance, and are also entered in the Vendor Response table to translate the service bureau decline response code into a user defined reason code. See Defining Vendor Response Codes.

In this chapter:

Work with Order Hold Reason Screen

Create Order Hold Reason Screen

Authority Hierarchy

Work with User Field Authority Screen (Setting Hold Reason Authority for Users)

- Resetting User Authority

Work with User Class Field Authority Screen (Setting Order Hold Reason Authority for User Classes)

- Resetting User Class Authority

For more information: See Introducing Order Hold Reason Codes for a discussion of system-assigned order hold reason codes.

Work with Order Hold Reason Screen

How to display this screen: Enter WOHR in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Work with Order Hold Reasons from a menu.





• a user-defined reason for placing an order on hold in Order Entry or Order Maintenance

• a system-defined code used in the credit checking process,

• a reason for credit card decline holds

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.


The description associated with the hold reason code.

Note: When you scan, your entry must match a full description exactly.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions; optional.

Screen Option


Create an order hold reason code

Select Create to advance to the Create Order Hold Reason Screen.

Change an order hold reason code description

Select Change for a hold reason code to advance to the Change Order Hold Reason screen. At this screen, you can change only the description. See Create Order Hold Reason Screen for field descriptions.

To change the actual reason code, you must delete the existing record, then create a new one.

Delete an order hold reason code

Select Delete for a code.

Note: You can delete an order hold reason code that you created at any time. When you delete a code, the code will still appear on customer order records, but no description will display. You will not be able to remove the order from hold through the Release Held Orders menu option; however, you will be able to release the order from hold in order maintenance by deleting the hold reason code. See Performing the Release and Work with Order Screen in Order Maintenance.

Display order hold reason code detail

Select Display for a hold reason code to advance to the Display Order Hold Reason screen. You cannot change any information on this screen. See Create Order Hold Reason Screen for field descriptions.

Work with hold release authority for users

Select User Release Auth for a hold reason code to advance to the Work with User Field Authority Screen (Setting Hold Reason Authority for Users).

Work with hold release authority for user classes

Select User Class Release Auth for a hold reason code to advance to the Work with User Class Field Authority Screen (Setting Order Hold Reason Authority for User Classes).

Create Order Hold Reason Screen

To create: Use this screen to add an order hold reason code.

How to display this screen: Select Create at the Work with Order Hold Reason Screen.




Represents the reason you are placing an order on hold. A reason code may also identify reasons for credit card decline or be a code delivered with the system for use during the credit checking process.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions.

Create screen: required.

Change screen: display-only.


The description associated with the hold reason code.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions; required.

Authority Hierarchy

You can use the Work with Order Hold Reason menu option to set user or user class authorities to specific hold reason codes. The settings you enter through this menu option are overrides to defaults set at a higher level.

General guidelines: The order in which the system checks for a user's authority to release an order from hold is described in the table below:

Authority setting

Set up through:

1. user's authority to the specific order hold reason

Work with User Field Authority Screen (Setting Hold Reason Authority for Users)

2. user's user class authority to the specific order hold reason

Work with User Class Field Authority Screen (Setting Order Hold Reason Authority for User Classes)

3. user's authority to the Order Hold Reason Release Authority (A77) secured feature

Work with Secure Feature Authority screen in Working with User Records (WUSR)

4. user's user class authority to the Order Hold Reason Release Authority (A77) secured feature

Work with User Class Feature Authority screen in Setting Up User Classes (WUCL) (also available by selecting W/W User Classes in Work with Users)

5. default setting of the Order Hold Reason Release Authority (A77) secured feature

Work with Secure Features screen in Work with System Values/Features (fast path = WSYS)

The system checks each setting in the above order, skipping over any blank settings until it finds a *ALLOW or *EXCLUDE setting.

Example One: User SBROWN is assigned to the user class WAREHOUSE. The Order Hold Reason Release Authority (A77) secured feature is set to *ALLOW. The WAREHOUSE user class authority for order hold reason UH is set to *EXCLUDE. SBROWN's user authority for order hold reason UH is set to *ALLOW. The result is that SBROWN can release orders from UH hold, because her user authority overrides the other settings. However, the other users in the WAREHOUSE user class cannot release orders from UH hold, unless they also have an override at the user level.

Example Two: User HBROWN has a Order Hold Reason Release Authority (A77) secured feature setting of *EXCLUDE. However, the user settings for the AA and BB hold reason codes only are set to *ALLOW. This user is not assigned to a user class. The result is that HBROWN can release orders from AA and BB hold only, but is excluded from releasing an order with any other hold reason code.

For more information:

• releasing an order through order maintenance: Work with Order Screen in Order Maintenance

• releasing an order through Release Held Orders: Performing the Release

Note: Order hold reason release authority settings do not prevent a user from releasing an order from recipient hold (available by selecting Display for an order through Release Held Orders) or from a pay type hold (available by selecting User Class Release Auth for an order in Release Held Orders). The authority settings are effective only for header-level holds.

Work with User Field Authority Screen (Setting Hold Reason Authority for Users)

Purpose: Use this screen to review or change a user's authority to release an order from hold for a specific hold reason code.

Note: The authority settings are effective only for header-level holds, not for pay type or recipient holds.

How to display this screen: Select User Release Auth for a hold reason code at the Work with Order Hold Reason Screen.



Hold reason

The hold reason code you selected at the Work with Order Hold Reason Screen. The description displays to the right.

Code: alphanumeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Description: alphanumeric, 50 positions; display-only.


The user ID of a person within your company.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.


The user's name.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.


The user's authority to release an order from the hold reason code specified.

Valid values are:

Allow = User can release orders with this hold reason code.

Display = User can review orders with this hold reason code.

Exclude = User cannot release orders with this hold reason code.

• blank = User's ability to release orders with this hold reason code depends on the user class setting; if there is no user class setting for this hold reason code, the system checks the setting of the Order Hold Reason Release Authority (A77) secured feature at the user, user class, and default levels in order. See Authority Hierarchy.


User class authority

The authority of the user's class to release an order from the hold reason code specified.

Valid values are:

Allow = User can release orders with this hold reason code, unless the user-level authority is set to Exclude.

Display = User can review orders with this hold reason code.

Exclude = User cannot release orders with this hold reason code, unless the user-level authority is set to Allow.

• blank = User's ability to release orders with this hold reason code does not depend on the user class setting; if there is no user setting for this hold reason code, the system checks the setting of the Order Hold Reason Release Authority (A77) secured feature at the user, user class, and default levels in order. See Authority Hierarchy.

Alphanumeric, 8 positions; optional.

Resetting User Authority

To delete: Select Delete for a user ID.

If you delete a user's user-level authority, the user class-level authority setting for this order hold reason, if any, will be in effect; if there is no user class setting, the system checks the setting of the Order Hold Reason Release Authority (A77) secured feature at the user, user class, and default levels in order. See Authority Hierarchy.

If the user did not have a user-level authority setting for this order hold reason, the screen does not display an error message; however, no changes take place.

To set to ALLOW: Select Allow for a user ID. The user will be able to release orders with this header-level order hold reason.

If the user already had authority to this order hold reason, the screen does not display an error message; however, no changes take place.

To set to EXCLUDE: Select Exclude for a user ID. The user will not be able to release orders with this header-level order hold reason.

If the user already is excluded from this order hold reason, the screen does not display an error message; however, no changes take place.

Work with User Class Field Authority Screen (Setting Order Hold Reason Authority for User Classes)

Purpose: Use this screen to review or work with the authority settings to a selected order hold reason by user class.

Important: The authority settings are effective only for header-level holds, not for pay type or recipient holds.

How to display this screen: Select User Class Release Auth for an order hold reason code at the Work with Order Hold Reason Screen.



Hold reason

The hold reason code you selected at the Work with Order Hold Reason Screen. The description displays to the right.

Code: alphanumeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Description: alphanumeric, 50 positions; display-only.


A user class within your company.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.


The description of a user class.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.


The user class's authority to release an order from the hold reason code specified.

Valid values are:

Allow = User in this class can release orders with this hold reason code, unless the user-level setting is Exclude.

Display = User in this class can review orders with this hold reason code.

Exclude = User in this class cannot release orders with this hold reason code, unless the user-level setting is Allow.

• blank = User's ability to release orders with this hold reason code depends on the order hold reason setting at the user level, if defined; otherwise, the system checks the secured feature setting at the user, user class, and default levels in order. See Authority Hierarchy.

Alphanumeric, 8 positions; optional.

Resetting User Class Authority

To delete: Select Delete for a user class.

If you delete a user class's authority, and if there is no user-level setting for the order hold reason, the system checks the setting of the Order Hold Reason Release Authority (A77) secured feature at the user, user class, and default levels in order. See Authority Hierarchy.

If the user class did not have an authority setting for this order hold reason, the screen does not display an error message; however, no changes take place.

To set to ALLOW: Select Allow for a user class. The users in this class can release orders with this header-level order hold reason unless the authority setting for an individual user is set to Exclude.

If the user class already had authority to this order hold reason, the screen does not display an error message; however, no changes take place.

To set to EXCLUDE: Select Exclude for a user class. The users in this class will not be able to release orders with this header-level order hold reason unless the authority setting for an individual user is set to Allow.

If the user class already is excluded from this order hold reason, the screen does not display an error message; however, no changes take place.

WOHR OMSCS 18.1 April 2019 OTN