Evaluate Pending Deposits and Refunds for Credit Card Purge (L83)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether the SECRISK periodic process skips the refund and deposit check when looking to purge credit card information.

Yes/No field: Select this field to have the SECRISK periodic process include the refund and deposit check when determining if the system replaces the first 12 positions of the credit card number with asterisks (*), deactivates the pay type, and removes the expiration date.

Unselect or leave this field blank to have the SECRISK periodic process skip the refund and deposit check when determining if the system replaces the first 12 positions of the credit card number with asterisks (*), deactivates the pay type, and removes the expiration date.

For more information: See Credit Card Retention Days (K65) for a complete description of the SECRISK process.

IN03_05 OMSCS 18.1 April 2019 OTN