Generate Price Tickets During Pick Slip Generation (I77)

Purpose: Use this screen to indicate whether to print price tickets during pick slip generation for retail store orders.

Code field: Enter the code that indicates whether to print price tickets during pick slip generation for retail store orders. Valid values are:

H = Print price tickets in hanging format during pick slip generation for retail store orders. A Hanging price ticket is used for items that are stored in a hanging location, such as a suit.

L = Print price tickets in label format during pick slip generation for retail store orders. A Label price ticket is used for items that are stored on a flat surface, such as shoes.

N or blank = Do not print price tickets during pick slip generation for retail store orders; instead, create a record in the Price Ticket Work table for each price ticket. You must use the Work with Price Tickets Screen to print the price tickets. At this time, you can select which price ticket format (hanging or label) to print.

Identifying retail store orders: The system considers an order a retail store order if:

• The Mailorder/retail field for the order type on the order is set to R (retail), and

• The sold to customer on the order represents a retail store (the Warehouse field for the customer is set to a warehouse code whose Retail outlet field is selected).

The system uses the Price Ticket Print Program (F46) to print the price tickets. If a print program is not defined, the system does not print price tickets during pick slip generation and instead, creates records in the Price Ticket Work table. See Hanging Price Ticket and Label Price Ticket for sample price tickets in hanging format and label format.

Note: If this system control value is set to H or L, pick slip generation automatically generates the price tickets and clears the Price Ticket Work table of any other price ticket records; price tickets printed during pick slip generation and any other price tickets that were previously in the work table are not listed on the Work with Price Tickets Screen.

Leave this field blank if you do not wish to generate price tickets for retail store order during pick slip generation. You can still create price tickets using the Working with Price Tickets (WPTW) menu option.

For more information: See Working with Price Tickets (WPTW) for an overview.

IN03_04 OMSCS 18.1 April 2019 OTN