Price Override Code for Promotional Priced Lines (B61)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the price override reason code to use when adding a free gift to an order through a tiered promotion.

Code field: Enter the price override reason code to use when adding a free gift to an order through a tiered promotion. If you do not specify a price override reason code here, you will not be able to add a free gift to an order through a tiered promotion. See Tiered Discount or Free Gift for a discussion of this type of promotion, and see Working with Promotions (WPRO) for general background on promotions.

This code must be established in the Price Reason Code Table. See Establishing Price Override Reason Codes (WPOR).

Leave this field blank if you do not use tiered promotions.

Note: This system control value is not currently implemented for promotion priced lines. The Default Price Override Reason (B35) defaults in order entry for promotional priced lines.

IN03_02 OMSCS 18.1 April 2019 OTN