Default Price Table (E04)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the default price table to consult if you use price table pricing.

Code field: Enter the code representing the price table for the system to consult if you use price table pricing, and if:

• there is no price table defined for the source code, or

• there is no record of an item in the price table defined for the source code

Price tables allow you to define prices, price breaks, and premium items for items or groups of items based on total quantity or total dollars ordered. You must also select price tables on the Pricing Values (B31).

The system will always use the price from the default price table for end-of-order repricing if there is no price table price for the item available at the source code level. When you first enter the item, however, and before you select Properties or Accept, the system may not use the default price table price if you have set up pricing for the group, rather than for the individual item.

In the situation of:

When you enter the item on the order, the system:

When you accept the order or select Properties, the system:

A default price table is defined in the System Control table and a different price table is defined for the source code

Assigns a price from the source code table if it exists; otherwise, goes through the regular pricing routine for the item

Reprices based on the source code price table, or the default price table if the item record exists there and not in the source code table; otherwise, does not reprice based on price table

A default price table is defined in the System Control table and no price table is defined for the source code

Assigns a price from the default table if you have defined pricing at the item rather than the group level; otherwise, goes through the regular pricing routine for the item

Reprices based on the default price table if the item record exists there; otherwise, does not reprice based on price table

A price table is defined for the source code but no default table is defined in the System Control table

Assigns a price from the source code table if it exists; otherwise, goes through the regular pricing routine for the item

Reprices based on the source code price table if the item record exists there; otherwise, does not reprice based on price table

Leave this field blank if you do not use price table pricing, or if you want to define price tables at the source code level only.

See Working with Price Tables (WPTB) for more information on working with price tables.

IN03_02 OMSCS 18.1 April 2019 OTN