Preload Deposits (L78)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether billing or deposits creates records in the CC Deposit Transaction table and CC Deposit History table, based on the records in the Invoice Payment Method table.

Note: The system creates a record in the CC Deposit Transaction table only for pay types that have a deposit service defined.

Yes/No field: Select this field if you want billing to create records in the CC Deposit Transaction table and CC Deposit History table immediately after creating records in the Invoice Payment Method table.

In addition:

• If you use the Cybersource Point-to-Point Integration, the Customer Engagement Stored Value Card Integration, or the External Payment Service, the system sends the deposit transaction to the service bureau during billing. You still need to use Processing Auto Deposits (SDEP) to process credit deposits and perform the Batch Deposit Updates. Also, you will need to use the Resubmitting Rejected Deposits (SRDP) menu option to resubmit any deposits that were not completely processed during billing and deposits.

• For all other service bureaus, the system sends the deposit transaction to the service bureau when you submit deposits using the Processing Auto Deposits (SDEP) menu option.


• The system does not perform preload deposit processing for the deposit service defined in the Deposit Service for Conditional Deposits (L13) system control value. In this situation, the system uses the regular deposit process.

• If you select the Preload Deposits (L78) system control value, you cannot use Consolidated Invoice (B49).

• If both Preload Deposits (L78) and Use CC Net Exchange Billing (M23) system control values are selected, the system performs credit card net exchange processing and does not preload deposits.

• If you select the Preload Deposits (L78) system control value, the Purchases transactions to generate and Purchases amount to generate fields on the Auto Deposit Screen (Send or Receive Deposits) are display only.

Unselect or leave this field blank if you want deposits (SDEP) to create records in the CC Deposit Transaction table and CC Deposit History table prior to sending out the deposit transactions.

CC Deposit Transaction Table

Preload Deposits (L78) selected

Preload Deposits (L78) unselected

Cybersource, Oracle Retail Customer Engagement Service Bureau, or External Payment Service

During billing:

• the system sends the debit deposit transaction to the service bureau.

• When an approved response is received, the system updates the Status of the CC Deposit Transaction record to *RCVD, and the Vendor response 1, Vendor response 2, and Authorization code based on the response received from the service bureau.

During deposits:

• The system processes any credit deposit transactions.

• The system processes Batch Deposit Updates for any credit deposit transactions and any debit deposit transactions that were sent to the service bureau during billing.

• Once all updates are complete, the system deletes the CC Deposit Transaction record.

Any Other Service Bureau

During billing:

The Status is *RDY, indicating the deposit transaction is ready to be submitted for processing.

During deposits:

• The system sends the deposit transaction to the service bureau and processes Batch Deposit Updates when a response is received.

• Once all updates are complete, the system deletes the CC Deposit Transaction record.

All Service Bureaus

During billing:

The system does not create a record in the CC Deposit Transaction table.

During deposits:

• The system sends the deposit transaction to the service bureau.

• When an approved response is received, the system updates the Status of the CC Deposit Transaction record to *RCVD, and the Vendor response 1, Vendor response 2, and Authorization code based on the response received from the service bureau.

• The system processes Batch Deposit Updates.

• Once all updates are complete, the system deletes the CC Deposit Transaction record.

CC Deposit History Table

Preload Deposits (L78) selected

Preload Deposits (L78) unselected

All Service Bureaus

During billing:

• Updates Deposit date with the billing transaction date.

• Updates Deposit status to Net yet sent.

During deposits:

Updates Deposit status to C Confirmed.

All Service Bureaus

The system does not create a record in the CC Deposit History table.

During deposits:

The system creates a record in the CC Deposit History table, based on the information in the Invoice Payment Method and CC Deposit Transaction tables.

For more information: See Processing Auto Deposits (SDEP).

IN03_08 OMSCS 18.1 April 2019 OTN