Marketing Download Order Detail Interface Summary Report

Purpose: This report lists order detail summary information for records in the Marketing Download Order Detail Table and Extract File.

The system creates a record in the Marketing Download Order Detail table for each record in the Marketing Download Trigger table with a trigger type of LH (order line history) or OH (order header) that you download.

• The system creates LH (order line history) trigger records when you create order line history (for example, cancelling an item on an order, adding an item, or performing other updates in order maintenance; or billing an order).

• The system creates OH (order header) trigger records when you create a new order in order entry or accept an order in batch order entry.

See Marketing Download Order Detail Table and Extract File for more information on how the system populates each field in a marketing download order detail record.

How to print: Run the MDORDTL periodic function. See Setting up the Marketing Download Extract for more information.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


Total marketing download order detail records sent to marketing download: the total number of records that exist in the Marketing Download Order Detail table.

SO02_13r OMSCS 18.1 April 2019 OTN