B References

This appendix lists Oracle-internal and external references used in this manual. Customers requiring access to Oracle-internal references should contact their Sales Representative to obtain equivalent information. This section also provides the location of customer documentation on the Oracle Customer Support site.

Oracle Communications Internal References

  1. Sigtran Implementation, David Prince, April 2007
  2. Oracle Engineering Rules for Determining IP7 Application Throughput, Oracle, TR005007
  3. Engineering Rules for IP Networks for IP7 Application Deployment, Oracle, TR002826
  4. TK149 V4.1 Student Guide.ppt
  5. SCTP RFC 4960 Compliance Matrix, Oracle, CM005105
  6. M2PA RFC 4165 Compliance Matrix, Oracle, CM005086
  7. M3UA RFC 4666 Compliance Matrix, Oracle, CM005022
  8. SUA RFC 3868 Compliance Matrix, Oracle, CM005002
  9. Increase System-Wide IPGWx TPS, FD005446
  10. SigTran_Training_24 October 06 for Customers.ppt, Oracle
  11. TK149-SIGTRAN IPLIM and IPGW Provisioning Student Guide, Rev. 4.1, Oracle, 2007

External References

  1. Database Administration - IP7 User's Guide, of your current EAGLE documentation. Instructions for locating these documents can be found in the Locate Product Documentation on the Oracle Help Center Site section.
  2. IETF RFCs http://tools.ietf.org/wg/sigtran/
  3. Site Security Handbook, RFC 2196 http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2196#section-1.5
  4. BITS GUIDE TO BUSINESS-CRITICAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES http://www.bitsinfo.org/downloads/Publications%20Page/bitstelecomguide.pdf
  5. Quality of Service Technical White Paper http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/windows2000serv/plan/qosover2.mspx