4. Product

Under the Setup master tab’s drop-down link bar, the product Setup link opens screens that enable you to configure the basic business guidelines necessary to support one or more products in the system. This includes defining the types of collateral your company supports, creating lending instruments, and determining what is included in credit bureau reporting. Setting up the Products screens requires a thorough understanding of the current rules of your business and must be completed before you can use Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing. The Products drop-down link opens screens to record data of all the products supported by the system and contains the following links:

Navigating to Products

In the Setup > Setup > Products link enables you to setup the options related to following closed ended products your company offers:

This chapter explains how to setup the screens associated with each one.

4.1 Asset Types

In Assets types you can setup the asset types that can serve as an application or account’s collateral. In addition, you can also define USAGE/RENTAL details along with USAGE/RENTAL charge matrix to facilitate usage billing calculation for Leased/Rented asset types.

The information on the Assets screen is used by the system to automatically display the appropriate collateral screen (Vehicle, Home, or Other) on the Application Entry screen.

The system recognizes the following four types of collateral:

Collateral Type


Home collateral

Homes, manufactured housing, or any real estate collateral.

Vehicle collateral

All vehicle types, such as cars, trucks, and motorcycles.

Household goods and other collateral

All other collateral types not defined as home, vehicle, or unse­cured; for example, household items such as water heaters, tele­visions, and vacuums.

Unsecured collat­eral

All unsecured lending instruments. (This collateral type makes the collateral tabs on the system forms unavailable.)

The Asset Sub Type section allows you to further categorize an asset; for example, the asset type vehicle might be categorized as car, truck, or van.

The Attributes/Addons and Makes and Models sub screens continue to further detail the asset both in description and value. For example, a vehicle asset might include addons such as leather seats and cruise control.


Neither asset types nor asset sub types can be deleted. As they may have been used in the past, the display and processing of that data is still dependent on the existing setup.

To set up the Asset Types

You can either define new Asset Type or specify a new name in the New Asset Type field and click Create Copy to create a copy of selected asset with details.

  1. Click Setup > Setup > Products > Asset Types.
  2. In the Asset Type section, perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:

Asset Type

Specify the asset type.


Specify the description for the asset. (This is the asset type which will appear throughout the system).

Collateral Type

Select the collateral type (the general category that the asset type falls within) from the drop-down list.

Note: There is no need to define an asset for UNSECURED COLLAT­ERAL, as by definition there is no asset on such account.


Select the portfolio company to which the asset type belongs, from the drop-down list. These are the companies within your organization that can make Leases using this asset type. This may be ALL or a specific company.


Select the portfolio branch to which the asset type belongs, from the drop-down list. This is the branch within the selected company that can make Leases using this asset type. This may be ALL or a spe­cific branch. This must be ALL if in the Company field you selected ALL.

IMPORTANT: By selecting which asset type to use, the system searches for a best match using the following attributes:

1 Company

2 Branch

Hence, the system recommends creating one version of each asset type where ALL is the value in these fields.


Check this box to enable the asset type and indicate that the asset type is currently in use.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.
  2. In the Asset Sub Type section, perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:

Asset Sub Type

Specify the asset sub type.


Specify the description for the asset subtype

Asset Property Type

Select the type of property from the drop-down list.


Check this box to enable the asset sub type.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.
  2. Click Setup > Setup > Products > Assets > Attributes/Addons.
  3. In the Attributes/Addons section, perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:


Displays the asset attribute or addon name for the selected asset).


Select the description for the asset attribute/addon from the drop-down list.


Specify the default text to be copied or displayed when the asset attributes and addons fields are completed on an application for this asset.


Specify the default monetary value to be copied or displayed when the asset attributes and addons fields are completed on an applica­tion for this asset.


Check this box to enable the asset attribute/Addon and indicate that it is available for this type of asset.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.
  2. Click the Setup > Setup > Products > Assets > Makes and Models.
  3. In the Makes and Models section, perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:


Specify asset make.


Specify asset model.


Specify asset style type.

Model Year

Specify asset model year.


Check this box to enable the asset make and model and indicate that it is included on fields for this asset type.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.

4.1.1 Usage/Rental Details

The Usage / Rental Details sub tab allows you to define Usage/Rental definition details to categorize the incoming asset usage/rental data based on different parameters. The details maintained here are populated in Origination screen for billing calculation and can also be modified based on requirement.

For more information on how OFSLL handles Usage based leasing, refer to Appendix - Usage Based Leasing chapter and for Rental based leasing, refer to ‘Rental Agreement’ section in Lease Origination User Guide.

  1. In the ‘Usage/Rental Details’ section, perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.
  2. A brief description of the fields is given below:


    Do this:

    Agreement Type

    Select the agreement type as one of the following from the drop-down list. The selected Agreement Type defines the criteria for pricing selection during billing calculation.

    - USAGE

    - RENTAL


    Note: Based on the above selected option, the other fields are either enabled or disabled for selection as indicated below:

    For Usage Agreement Type, the following fields are editable:

    • Calc Method
    • Usage Cycle
    • Min Usage
    • Max Usage
    • Discount %
    • Usage Rollover / Advance
    • Usage Term Calc Method

    For Rental Agreement Type, the following fields are editable:

    • Discount %
    • Discount Amount
    • Security Deposit

    For Usage Rental Agreement Type, the following fields are editable:

    • Usage Cycle
    • Max Usage
    • Discount %
    • Discount Amount
    • Security Deposit

    Calc Method

    Select the calculation method as one of the following from the drop-down list.

    - TIERED (billing is based on the defined Usage/Rental Charge Matrix)

    - NON-TIERED (system automatically chooses the applicable slab based on the final usage value)

    Usage Cycle

    Select the frequency of billing the asset usage from the drop-down list. This field is disabled for RENTAL agreement type.

    Min Usage

    Specify the minimum usage value of the allowed range. This field is disabled for RENTAL agreement type.

    Max Usage

    Specify the maximum usage value of the allowed range. This field is disabled for RENTAL agreement type.

    Discount %

    Specify the percentage of discount exempted from final billing.

    Usage Rollover / Advance

    Select the type of asset usage calculation as one of the following:

    - ROLLOVER (remaining usage balance is carried forward to next cycle)

    - NO-ROLLOVER (remaining usage balance is not carried forward)

    - ROLLOVER AND ADVANCE (remaining usage balance is carried forward to next cycle + total usage limit for current cycle can be utilized upfront)

    - ADVANCE (total usage limit for current cycle can be utilized upfront)

    Note: This field is disabled for RENTAL and USAGE RENTAL agreement type and ‘NO-ROLLOVER’ option is applicable by default.

    Reset Frequency

    Specify the reset frequency of the billing cycle. This field is disabled for RENTAL and USAGE RENTAL agreement types and is available for ROLLOVER, ADVANCE and ROLLOVER AND ADVANCE methods of asset usage billing.

    Usage Term Calc Method

    Select the type of asset usage term for billing calculation as one of the following from the drop-down list:

    - ACTUAL - here the current details updated/received is treated as the final record for usage term calculation.

    - AVERAGE - here system takes the average of usage details received in previous cycles for usage term calculation.

    The calculation method selected here is populated to ‘Elastic Term Calc Method’ field in Origination/Servicing Collateral screen. This field is disabled for RENTAL and USAGE RENTAL agreement type.

    Discount Amount

    If you are defining Usage/Rental Details for RENTAL or USAGE RENTAL type of agreements, specify the discount amount allowed upfront from the final billing. This field is disabled for USAGE agreement type.

    Security Deposit

    If you are defining Usage/Rental Details for RENTAL or USAGE RENTAL type of agreements, specify the security deposit amount paid upfront for the term. This field is disabled for USAGE agreement type.

    Excess Rent Collection Method

    If you have selected the Agreement Type as USAGE RENTAL, select one of the following type of Charge Matrix to be used to derive the Excess Rent Collection Method from the drop-down list.



  3. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.

4.1.2 Usage Charge Matrix

The Usage Charge Matrix sub tab allows you to define and maintain different chargeable slabs based on the combination of Billing Cycle and Charge Type. The details maintained here are used for billing calculation based on a particular asset usage.

For more information on how OFSLL handles Usage based leasing, refer to Appendix - Usage Based Leasing chapter and for Rental based leasing, refer to ‘Rental Agreement’ section in Lease Origination User Guide.

  1. In the ‘Usage Charge Matrix’ section, perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:

Billing Cycle

Select the frequency of the billing cycle for the asset from the drop-down list.

Units From

Specify the minimum number of units from which the current usage charge matrix is applicable.

Charge Per Unit

Specify the amount to be charged for every unit.

Charge Type

Select the Charge Type as one of the following from the drop-down list. The list is displayed based on CHARGE_TYPE_CD lookup.

- BASE (Units considered as base and chargeable at base rate)

- EXCESS CYCLE (Units beyond base units and chargeable considering excess cycle)

- EXCESS LIFE (Units exceeding the total contracted units and chargeable considering excess life cycle)

Excess life is not applicable for Rental agreement type.


Check this box to enable the charge matrix for usage calculation.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.

4.1.3 Rental Charge Matrix

The Rental Charge Matrix sub tab allows you to define and maintain different chargeable slabs based on the combination of Billing Cycle, Rental Duration, Charge Per Cycle and Charge Type. The details maintained here are used for billing calculation based on a particular asset usage.

For more information on how OFSLL handles Usage based leasing, refer to Appendix - Usage Based Leasing chapter and for Rental based leasing, refer to ‘Rental Agreement’ section in Lease Origination User Guide.

  1. In the ‘Rental Charge Matrix’ section, perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:

Billing Cycle

Select the frequency of the billing cycle for the asset from the drop-down list.

Rental Duration From

Specify the minimum duration for which the rental charge is applicable.

Charge Per Cycle

Specify the amount to be charged for every rental cycle.

Charge Type

Select the Charge Type as one of the following from the drop-down list. The list is displayed based on CHARGE_TYPE_CD lookup.

- BASE (Chargeable units exceeding from base units allowed)

- EXCESS CYCLE (Chargeable units exceeding from billing cycle units)

- EXCESS LIFE (Chargeable units exceeding the total contract term)

Excess life is not applicable for Rental / Usage Rental agreement type.


Check this box to enable the charge matrix for usage calculation.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.

4.2 Scoring Parameters

With the Scoring Parameters, you can define the scoring parameters of a company’s credit scorecard and behavioral scoring.

Pricing scores apply to applications and are based on information recorded during origination, behavioral scoring applies to accounts and is based on account history attributes and performed on a monthly basis.

Behavioral scoring

Behavioral scoring examines the repayment trends during the life of the account and provides a current analysis of the customer. This logical and systematic method identifies which accounts are more likely to perform favorably versus accounts where poorer performance is probable. This is useful when determining which other Lines of credit/loan products a customer may qualify for.

This information appears on the Customer Service form in the Account Details screen’s Activities section.

To set up the Scoring Parameters

You can either define new Scoring Parameters or specify a new name in the New Parameter field and click Create Copy to create a copy of selected parameter with details.

  1. Click Setup > Setup > Products > Scoring Parameters.
  2. In the Parameters section, perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:


Specify the name of the scoring parameter. The system recom­mends entering a name that in some way reflects how the parameter is used; for example, use FICO_SCORE instead of PARAMETER_1.


Specify a description of the parameter. Again, Specify a name that reflects how the parameter is used; for example, use FICO SCORE and WEIGHTED FICO SCORE instead of FICO SCORE NUMBER 1 and FICO SCORE NUMBER 2.

Data Type

Select the data type of the scoring parameter being defined from the drop-down list. This determines how the system handles the values. (While DATE and CHARACTER are available data types, generally only NUMBER should be used when defining a scoring parameter.

Scoring Type

Select the scoring type from the drop-down list: credit scoring or behavioral scoring.


Check this box to enable and indicate that the scoring parameter is available.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.

The Formula Definition section allows you to define a mathematical expression of the scoring parameter you want to define. The expression may consist of one or more sequenced entries. All arithmetic rules apply to the formula definition. If errors exist in the formula definition, the system displays an error message in this section when you choose Show Expression.

  1. In the Formula Definition section, perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:


Specify the sequence number (the order in which the formula definition variable will be assembled and evaluated).


Specify a left bracket, if you need to group part of your formula definition.


Select the variable from a validated field based on the user-defined table SCR_CRED_SUMMARY: SCORING PARAMETERS, from the drop-down list.

Constant Value

Specify the constant value (optional).

Mathemati­cal Operator

Select the math operator to be used on the adjacent formula definition rows, from the drop-down list.


Specify a right bracket, if you are grouping part of your formula definition.


Check this box to enable the formula and indicate that it is included when building a definition for the scoring parameter.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.
  2. In the Parameters section, click Show Expression.

The mathematical expression appears in the Formula Expression section (in sequential order) in the Expression field.

4.3 Products

The Product screen defines the closed ended products your organization offers. This screen is enhanced to support Islamic along with the conventional.

A product is based on the following attributes:

The Product Definition section records details about the product such as the description, start and end dates, collateral type and sub type, credit bureau reporting attributes, billing cycle, index and rate calculation attributes.

For a lease product definition, the calculation is based on either Rent Factor or Interest Rate and Contract and Pricing definition will be driven depending on one of the above option selected.

The Product Itemization section is used to define itemized entries for a product. This information is used on the Itemization sub screens of the Application Entry and Application screens.

The Rate Adjustments section is used to define the frequency of rate change allowed during interest rate calculations.

To set up the Product

You can either define new Product details or specify a new product code in the New Product field and click Create Copy to create a copy of selected product with details.

  1. On the Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing home screen, Setup > Setup > Administration > User > Products > Products > Lease.
  2. In the Product Definition section, perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:


Specify the product code as defined by your organization (in other words, how you want to differentiate the products). For example, products can be differentiated according to asset. The product code, or name, is unique.


Specify the description of the product. (This is the product description as it appears throughout the system).

Start Dt

Specify the start date for the product. You can even select the date from the adjoining Calendar icon.

End Dt

Specify the end date for the product. You can even select the date from the adjoining Calendar icon.


Check this box, if you need the product to be originated directly to customer. (In this case, the compliance state is the state listed in the customer’s current mailing address.) If unchecked, the product is an indirect lending product; that is, payment is made to the producer. (In this case, the compliance state is the state listed in the producer’s address.)

Customer Credit Limit

Check this box to enable ‘Customer Credit Limit’ tab in Origination module. Using the ‘Customer Credit Limit’ tab, an underwriter can define a specific credit limit for the customer while funding the first application and based on that credit limit, subsequent applications can be funded.

For more information, refer to ‘Customer Credit Limit’ details in User Guide.

Same Billing Cycle

Check this box to set the same billing cycle (supported only billing cycles Monthly and Weekly) for all the future applications funded for an existing customer.


Check this box to activate the product.

Note: You can check this box only when Rate adjustment schedule is maintained, i.e., All the products should be variable rate products

Collateral Type

Select the collateral type for the product, from the drop-down list. This field identifies what type of collateral is associated with the and assists the system in identifying the correct screen(s) to display.

Collateral Sub Type

Select the collateral sub type for the product, from the drop-down list.

Credit Bureau Portfolio Type*

Select the credit bureau portfolio type for the product, from the drop-down list.

Credit Bureau Account Type*

Select the account type for the product, from the drop-down list.

*Note: The Credit Bureau Portfolio Type and Credit Bureau Account Type fields determine how the portfolio is reported back to the credit bureaus.

Billing Cycle

Select the billing cycle for the product, from the drop-down list.

Note: This field is not editable and the billing cycle is selected as MONTHLY by default if the lease calculation method is selected as RENT FACTOR.


By default the category of the product is selected as STANDARD and is not editable.

Calculation Parameters: This section allows you to define the parameters for lease calculation starting from choosing the calculation method.

Calculation Method

Select the type of lease calculation method as one of the following:

  • RENT FACTOR (selected by default)

If the lease calculation method is selected as ‘Interest Rate’, the following fields are enabled in the screen and also the ‘Rate Adjustments’ sub tab is available to specify the details:

  • Flexible Repayment
  • Index Rounding
  • Reschedule Method
  • Reschedule Value

Flexible Repayment

Check this box to allow flexible repayment for the Product. When you check this check box, the Flexible Repayment Allowed box of Repayment Options section available under Funding tab > Contract sub tab > Replacement sub tab of Funding screen.

Note: On the Repayment sub screen of Contract link on Funding screen, you may only enter the desired repayment schedule type in the Repayment section’s Type field if the Flexible Repayment Allowed is selected.

Index Rounding

Select the index rate rounding factor for the product, from the drop-down list.

Note: For more information, refer Appendix C: Rounding Amounts and Rate Attributes.

Reschedule Method

Select the rate change reschedule method for the variable rate product, from the drop-down list. Select CHANGE PAYMENT, if you want to automatically recalculate the repayment amounts on the interest rate change. Select UNDEFINED (the default value), if you do not want to take any action on interest rate change.

Reschedule Value

Specify the value in percent (%) to decide the repayment change. For example, if you enter 10, then the periodic repayment amount will change only if the newly computed repayment amount is higher by 10% of the previous repayment amount. Specify 0 if you want to change repayment amounts with every index rate change.

Agreement Type

If you have selected the ‘Collateral Type’ as either VEHICLE COLLATERAL or HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND OTHER COLLATERAL, you can select one of the following types of lease agreement from the drop-down list for further calculation:




Note: For each Usage or Rental details defined in ‘Asset Type’ screen, you can define only one record for each asset type (i.e. one for Usage and one for Rental).

Based on the selected option, OFSLL handles the lease calculation and billing. For more information on Usage based leasing, refer to Appendix - Usage Based Leasing chapter and for Rental based leasing, refer to ‘Rental Agreement’ section in Lease Origination User Guide.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.


The 'Reschedule Method' and 'Reschedule Value' fields allows you to define and control the changes in lease amount for Variable and Fixed rate lease during originating, funding, and servicing. For more information, refer Variable and Fixed Interest Rate.

4.3.1 Product Itemizations

  1. Click Setup > Setup > Administration > User > Products > Products > Lease > Product Itemizations.
  2. In the Product Itemization sub screen, perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:


Select the itemization type for the product selected in product definition section, from the drop-down list.

Discount Rate

Specify the discount rate.


Specify the sort order.


Select +ve for a positive number and -ve for a negative number.

Note: The +ve and -ve buttons determine whether the values will increase or decrease the itemization total for the product based on the selected product. Together the contents of the Product Itemization sub screen, positive and negative, add up to the amount.


Check this box to indicate that this product itemization is currently available.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.

4.3.2 Rate Adjustments

The Rate Adjustment sub tab is enabled for lease calculation based on Interest Rate.

  1. Click Setup > Setup > Administration > User > Products > Products > Loan > Rate Adjustments.
  2. On the Rate Adjustments subtab, perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:


Specify the sequence number of the rate change adjustments. Consider 1 as the initial (first) rate change adjustment frequency. All subsequent frequencies will be considered for rate change adjustments according to their sequence number.

Adjustment Frequency

Select the frequency value for adjustments, from the drop-down list. Currently, the following values are available in the system:








Specify the period associated to adjustment frequency. For example, if you select the adjustment frequency as RATE CHANGE OCCURS EVERY X YEARS and enter 5, the rate change occurs every five years.

# of Adjustments

Enter the number of adjustments associated with the adjustment frequency. For example, in above example, if you enter the value as 2, then rate payment adjustment occurs on the product every five years and will happens 2 times before switching to the next adjustment frequency.


Check this box to indicate that this rate adjustment is currently available.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.

4.4 Contract

The Contract screen allows you to define the instruments used within your system. A instrument is a contract used by a financial organization with specific rules tied to it. When processing an application, an instrument associated with the application informs the system of the type of contract being used for the approved loan. This ensures that all parameters tied to the instrument are setup for the account as it is booked - without requiring you to do it.

Instruments can be setup at different levels:

The following groups of parameters are setup at the instrument level (Each has its own section on the Contract screen):

Items defined in the contract are “locked in” when you choose Select Instrument on the Funding form’s Contract link.

The Contract screen’s Instrument and Description fields allow you to enter the financial instrument’s name and description.

To set up the Contract

You can either define new Contract Definition details or specify a new name in the New Instrument field and click Create Copy to create a copy of selected contract with details.

  1. On the Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing home screen, click Setup > Setup > Administration > Products > Contract > Lease
  2. On the Contract Definition section, perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:

Contract Definition section


Specify the code identifying the instrument.


Specify the description of the instrument being defined.

Start Dt

Specify the start date for the instrument. You can even select the date from the adjoining Calendar icon.

End Dt

Specify the end date for the instrument. You can even select the date from the adjoining Calendar icon


If you check this box, the system will consider this contract definition when selecting a instrument for an application.

Note: Once the field is enabled load balances button in balances sub tab will be disabled

Selection Criteria section


Select the company for the instrument from the drop-down list. This may be ALL or a specific company.


Select the branch within the company for the instrument from the drop-down list. This may be ALL or a specific branch. This must be ALL, if you have selected ‘ALL’ in the Company field.

Calculation Method

Select the type of lease calculation method for the contract as one of the following:

  • RENT FACTOR (selected by default)

Note: Based on the above selection, some of the fields in lease contract definition screen are either disabled or is displayed in view only mode with default supported option. The same is detailed in respective fields.

Billing Cycle

Select the billing cycle frequency for the contract as one of the following from the drop-down list.

  • MONTHLY (Default)

Note: The billing cycle is selected as ‘Monthly’ by default and is not editable if the lease calculation method is selected as ‘Rent Factor’.

Agreement Type

Select the lease agreement type as one of the following from the drop-down list for further calculation:




For more information on how OFSLL handles Usage based leasing, refer to Appendix - Usage Based Leasing chapter and for Rental based leasing, refer to ‘Rental Agreement’ section in Lease Origination User Guide.


Select the product for the instrument from the drop-down list. This may be ALL or a specific product. If the Agreement Type is selected as either USAGE or RENTAL, then the drop-down list displays only those products associated with USAGE or RENTAL type of lease.


Select the state in which the instrument is used from the drop-down list. This may be ALL or a specific state.


Select the currency for the instrument from the drop-down list.

By selecting which type to use, the system searches for a best match using the following attributes:

1. Billing Cycle

2. Start Date

3. Company

4. Branch

5. Product

6. State

Hence, Oracle Financial Services Software recommends creating one version of each type, where ALL is the value in these fields.


Select the pricing in which the instrument is used from the drop-down list. This may be ALL or a specific pricing.

Accrual section

Rent Accrual Method

Depending on the lease calculation method selected, the applicable rent accrual method which is used to calculate interest accrual for this instrument is defaulted from the drop-down list.

- For Rent Factor calculation method, ACTUARIAL - MONTHLY method is selected by default.

- For Interest Rate calculation method, INTEREST BEARING method is selected by default.

Note: System displays an error on save if any of the above default options are interchanged.

Base Method

Select the base method used to calculate interest accrual for this instrument from the drop-down list. The list is populates with the val­ues defined in ACCRUAL_BASE_METHOD_CD lookup code.

Note: The base method is selected as 30/360 by default if the lease calculation method is selected as ‘Rent Factor’.

Start Dt Basis

If the lease calculation method is selected as Interest Rate, then the start date is by default is Effective Date and the interest is calculated from the lease Contract date.

If the lease calculation method is selected as Rent Factor, this field is disabled since it is not applicable.

Start Days

Specify the number of days for which the interest accrual is to be cal­culated.

Note: If the lease calculation method is selected as Rent Factor, this field is disabled since it is not applicable.

Time Counting Method

Select the time counting method used to calculate interest accrual for this instrument from the drop-down list.

Note: If the lease calculation method is selected as Rent Factor, this field is disabled since it is not applicable.

Installment Method

System supports an amortized repayment schedule with the final payment potentially differing from the regular payment amount in the other billing cycles.

If the lease calculation method is selected as Interest Rate, then the installment method by default is EQUATED PAYMENTS where-in the equal installments for each billing cycle includes any minute final payment differences.

If the lease calculation method is selected as Rent Factor, this field is disabled since it is not applicable.

Int Amortization Freq

Select the interest amortization frequency from the drop-down list. You can either select DAILY or MONTHLY (MONTH END) which is selected by default.

Scheduled Dues section

Due Day Min

Specify the minimum value allowed for the due day for this instru­ment.

Due Day Max

Specify the maximum value allowed for the due day for this instru­ment.

Note: If billing cycle is selected as weekly, then Due Day Max field value cannot be greater than 7.

Max Due Day Change / Year

Specify the maximum number of due day changes allowed within a given year for this instrument.

Max Due Day Change / Life

Specify the maximum number of due day changes allowed over the life of a product funded with this instrument.

Max Due Day Change Days

Specify the maximum number of days a due date can be moved.

Pmt Tolerance Amt*

Specify the payment tolerance amount. This is the threshold amount that must be achieved before a due amount is considered PAID or delinquent. If (Payment Received + Pmt Tolerance: $Value) >= Standard Monthly Payment, the Due Date will be considered as sat­isfied in terms of delinquency. The amount unpaid is still owed.

Pmt Tolerance%*

Specify the payment tolerance percentage. This is the threshold per­centage that must be achieved before a due amount is considered PAID or delinquent. If Payment Received >= (Standard Monthly Payment * Pmt Tolerance% / 100), the due date will be considered satisfied in terms of delinquency. The amount unpaid is still owed.

The system uses the greater of these two values.

Promise Tolerance Amt*

Specify the promise tolerance amount. This is the threshold amount that must be achieved before a due amount is considered kept or Broken. If (Payment Received + Promise Tolerance: $Value) >= Promise Amount, the Due Date will be considered kept (satisfied).

Promise Tolerance %*

Specify the promise tolerance percentage. This is the threshold percentage that must be achieved before a due amount is considered kept or Broken. If Payment Received >= (Promised Amt * Promise Tolerance%), the due date will be considered kept (satisfied).

The system uses the greater of these two values.

Billing section

Prebill Days

Specify the prebill days. This is the number of days, before the first payment due, that accounts funded with this instrument will be billed for the first payment. Thereafter, the accounts will be billed on the same day every month. If an account has a first payment date of 10/25/2003 and Pre Bill Days is 21, then the account will bill on 10/04/2003, and then bill on the 4th of every month.

Bill Type

Select the billing type for accounts funded using this instrument from the drop-down list.

Bill Method

Select the billing method for accounts funded using this instrument from the drop-down list.

Balloon Method

If the lease calculation method is selected as Interest Rate, then the balloon payment method for accounts funded using this instrument is ‘N + 1 PMTS’ by default. Amortization happens based on N+1 payments. However, this field is not applicable if the lease calcula­tion method is ‘Rent Factor’.

Delinquency section

Late Charge Grace Days

Specify the number of grace days allowed for the payment of a due date before a late charge is assessed on the account.

Stop Accrual Days

Specify the number of days a contract can be in delinquent state, after which the interest accrual must stop for an account.

A Batch Job is run daily to select accounts in delinquent status for a pre-defined number of days and post ‘No Accrual transaction’ for such accounts on current date. When the account recovers from Delinquency, the system will then post a ‘Start Accrual Transaction’ on the date the account is recovered from delinquency.

Delq Grace Days

Specify the number of grace days allowed for the payment of a due date before an account is considered delinquent. This affects DELQ Queues, the system reporting, and the generation of collection letters.

Time Bar Years

Specify the total number of years allowed to contact the customer starting from the first payment date and beyond which the account is considered delinquent. You can specify any value between 0-999.

Cure Letter Gen Days

Specify the number of delinquency days to initiate cure letter generation.

Cure Letter Valid Days

Specify the number of days during which the issued cure letter is valid. Usually financial institutions will start the collection activities after the lapse of cure letter validity date.

Delq Category Method

Select the delinquency category method to determine how the system populates delinquency counters on the Customer Service form.

Note: This value does not affect credit bureau reporting.

Accrual Post Maturity

Check this box to indicate that this is the post maturity default rate.

Extensions allow you to extend the maturity of the contract by one or more terms by allowing the customer to skip one or more payments. The skipped terms are added to the end of the contract.

Note: If the lease calculation method is selected as Rent Factor, this field is disabled since it is not applicable.

Lease Contract section

Lease Type

Select the lease type from the drop-down list. You can select the lease type as either Direct Finance or Operating Lease.

If the lease Type is selected as Direct Finance, system enables the field ‘Residual Value in Final Bill’ under Residual Details section for selection.

Tax Book Type

Select the lease tax book type for depreciation from the drop-down list.

Depreciation section

In this section you can define asset depreciation method and frequency. The same is used for asset depreciation calculation when the batch job TAMDEP_BJ_121_01 (DEPRECIATION RATE PROCESSING) is executed.

If asset is associated to an account then an ‘Asset Depreciation’ amortization transaction is posted on to the account with new delta depreciated value. Asset depreciation is cal­culated till the entire lease term or till the asset residual amount becomes ‘0’.

Depreciation Method

Select the asset depreciation method to be used for calculation as one of the following from the drop-down list.

- FLAT RATE: This method is used to depreciate the asset over a fixed time using a fixed rate. This method of calculation is similar to Written Down Value Method (Diminishing Balance Method / Reducing Installment Method). On selecting this option, the following fields - Base Rate, Adjusting Rate and Bonus Rate are enabled to define the flat rate.

- LIFE BASED: This method is used to depreciate the asset over a fixed time using the specified rates. This method of calculation is similar to Straight Line Method (Original Cost Method / Fixed Installment Method). On selecting this option and saving the record, ‘Depreciation Rate Schedule’ sub tab is enabled to define depreciation rates slab.

Depreciation Convention

Select the frequency at which the leased account should be updated with depreciation details from the drop-down list. The list is populated with frequency details (i.e. monthly, weekly, and so on) maintained in ‘FIRST_LAST_YEAR_CONVENTION_CD’ lookup code.

Base Rate

If you have selected the Depreciation Method as ‘Flat Rate’, specify the estimated base depreciation rate.

Adjusting Rate

If you have selected the Depreciation Method as ‘Flat Rate’, specify the adjusting rate at which the above base rate should be increased to derive the flat rate of depreciation.

For example,

- If base rate is 10 and adjusted rate is 10 then flat rate is 11

- If base rate is 10 and adjusted rate is 20 then flat rate is 12

Bonus Rate

If you have selected the Depreciation Method as ‘Flat Rate’, specify the bonus rate (if any) which is additional depreciation allowed on base rate for calculating flat rate depreciation.

Bonus rate is a tax incentive offered to deduct a percentage of the purchase price of eligible business assets and as a measure of relief for small to medium sized businesses to buy additional equipment.

For example,

- If base rate is 10 and bonus rate is 10 then flat rate is 20

- If base rate is 10 and bonus rate is 2 then flat rate is 12

Depreciation Rate

View the system calculated flat rate depreciation value which is calculated as:

Depreciation Rate% = (Base Rate x (1 + Adjusting Rate/100)) + Bonus Rate.

Tax section

Sales Tax Mode

Select the sales tax mode from the drop-down list.

Sales Tax Method

Select the sales tax method from the drop-down list.

Early Termination section

Allowed To Terminate

Check this box to indicate if the contract is allowed to be terminated before the maturity date.

Note that, system validates and allows termination only if either the Billed Term or Lease Amount Recovered % is met.

Billed Term

Specify the minimum number of bills that needs to be generated before allowing for early termination.

Lease Amt Recovered %

Specify the percentage of lease amount to be recovered to allow early termination.

The calculation for minimum lease amount to be recovered for Rent Factor and Interest Rate is as indicated below:

For calculation method as Rent Factor, Minimum lease amount = (Depreciation + Rent Charge i.e. Lease Receivable balance) that needs to be recovered before allowing early termination.

For calculation method as Interest Rate, the Minimum lease amount = (Depreciation + Rent Charge i.e. Lease Receivable balance + Interest balance) that needs to be recovered before allowing early termination.

Residual Details section

Minimum Residual %

Specify the minimum residual percentage that is allowed to be specified in Origination > Contract screen (Residual % field).

Maximum Residual %

Specify the maximum residual percentage that is allowed to be specified in Origination > Contract screen (Residual % field).

Auto Include Residual Value

Check this box to indicate if the Residual value of the asset is to be included in the final bill. This check box is disabled if the lease Agreement Type in ‘Selection Criteria’ section is selected as USAGE RENTAL.

When bill is generated, system validates if the generated bill is last bill and includes the Residual Value (either Contract Value or FMV (fair market value) based on selection) in the final bill. For FMV, the total value of all collaterals are considered.

Here, Contract value is the value determined as residual value during the contract agreement time and FMV is the value of asset at the end of the lease term.

Also when residual value is included in final bill, system does not allow to post an Extension transaction and displays an error while posting the same.

Residual Valuation

If the above check box is selected, you need to select the Residual Valuation as either Contract Value or Fair Market value from the drop down list.

Note: Fair Market Value is referred from Collateral > Valuation tab.

Payment Caps section

Max Pmt Inc / Year

Specify the maximum payment increase allowed in a year.


Note: If the lease calculation method is selected as Rent Factor, this field is disabled since it is not applicable.

Max Pmt Inc / Life

Specify the maximum payment increase allowed in the life of the loan.

Note: If the lease calculation method is selected as Rent Factor, this field is disabled since it is not applicable.

Extension section

Note: If the lease calculation method is selected as Rent Factor, the fields in this section are disabled since it is not applicable.

Max Extn Period / Life

Specify the maximum number of terms that the contract may be extended, beyond the life of the Lease.

Max # Extn / Life

Specify the maximum number of extensions that may be granted beyond the life of the Lease.

Minimum # of Payments

Specify the minimum number of payments that must be made before lease extension.

Rate Cap & Adjustments section

Note: If the lease calculation method is selected as Rent Factor, the fields in this section are disabled since it is not applicable.

Max Rate Inc / Year

Specify the maximum rate increase allowed in a year.

Max Rate Inc / Life

Specify the maximum rate increase allowed in the life of the loan.

Max Rate Dec / Year

Specify the maximum rate decrease allowed in a year.

Max Rate Dec / Life

Specify the maximum rate decrease allowed during the life of the loan.

Max # Adjust / Year

Specify the maximum number of rate changes allowed in a year.

Max # Adjust / Life

Specify the maximum number of rate changes allowed during the life of the loan.

Min Int Rate (Floor)

Specify the minimum rate.

Max Int Rate (Ceiling)

Specify the maximum rate.

Other section

Rent Collection Method

Select the applicable rent collection method from the drop-down list.

If the lease calculation method is selected as Rent Factor, the rent collection method is set to ADVANCE by default. For Interest Rate calculation method, you can either select ADVANCE or ARREARS.

In case of ADVANCE, the first payment date must be equal to contract date and first bill would be generated on contract date.

In case of ARREARS, you can specify the first payment date as future date and bill would be generated accordingly.

Refund Allowed

Check this box to indicate that refunding of customer over payments are allowed.

Refund Tolerance Amt

Specify the refund tolerance amount. If the amount owed to the customer is greater than the refund tolerance, the over payment amount will be refunded if Refund Allowed box is selected.

Anniversary Period

Specify the anniversary term that define the anniversary period. This is based on billing cycle, so normally for MONTHLY the value is 12 and for WEEKLY the value is 52.

Contract Expiry Letter Days

Specify the number of days before the maturity to generate the ‘Con­tract Maturity’ letter.

WriteOff Tolerance Amt

Specify the write off tolerance amount. If the remaining outstanding receivables for accounts funded using this instrument is less or equal to the write off tolerance amount, the remaining balance on the account will be waived.


Check this box if recourse is allowed. This indicates whether the unpaid balance may be collected from the producer if the consumer fails to perform on the loan.

Max Recourse%

Specify the maximum percentage of the outstanding receivables that may be collected from the producer if the Recourse Allowed box was selected.

Repmt Currency

Select the designated repayment currency for this contract from the drop-down list.

PDC Security Check

Check this box to indicate that post dated checks are the method of repayment for this contract.

Default Pmt Spread

Select the default payment spread to be used when receiving pay­ments for this account if one is not explicitly chosen, from the drop-down list.


Check this box to indicate that direct debit fee is included.

Note: The ACH Fee/Direct Debit Fee balance will be displayed in Balances sub tab only when this checkbox is selected.

Stmt Preference Mode

Select the account statement preference mode from the drop-down list.

The selected preference will be propagated to Application > Contract screen when the instrument is loaded.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.

Extension of Terms

The system facilitates extension of terms, provided the following conditions are satisfied:

If the above conditions are not satisfied, then the system displays an appropriate error message.

A new transaction Force Extension will be available. This transaction will be posted when you want the system to bypass the extension validations defined at the contract level.

When a backdated transaction with TXN Date exists before the transaction date of extension, all the transactions are reversed and posted again. If extension transaction is posted again, then the validation rules are not validated again.

Staged Funding

Staged funding for closed-end loans allows you to disburse funds to customers through multiple advances or draws up to the approved amount within a specified “draw period.”

To create a multiple disbursement contract for a transaction

  1. In the Contract Definition section, click Add and complete the fields following the instructions above, making sure to complete the following steps:


You cannot clear the Multi Disbursement Allowed box in the Advance section on the Con­tract screen.


This information appears in the Advance section of the Funding screen’s Contract link.

  1. If you choose, set the following application contract edits as an Error or Warning on the Setup Module screen’s Edits screen.


For more information, see the Edits link (Edits screen) section in this chapter.


These edits appear on the Funding screen’s Verification screen.

Repayment scheduling for staged funding

When funding a loan, the system computes repayment schedules from the contract date, irrespective of whether funds have been disbursed or not. The system uses the approved amount (amount financed) for computing repayment schedules on the contract date.

As the might have been disbursed through multiple draws, or the draws have been less than the approved amount, or the amount may have been repaid in some amount before the draw end date, you may need to change the payment amount. In such cases, you can manually change the payment in the system by posting the monetary transaction CHANGE PAYMENT AMOUNT on the Customer Service screen’s Maintenance link.

Disbursements for staged funding

The approved amount for staged funding can be disbursed with the Funding screen or at a later time using the Advances screen. If the first disbursement is requested during funding, you may enter it on the Itemization sub screen of the Funding screen’s Contract screen.

If the entire approved amount is not disbursed during initial funding, it can be disbursed using the Advances screen’s Advance Entry screen.

If the initial amount on the Advance Entry screen is not within the minimum or maximum limits (as entered in the Advance Details section on the Setup Module screen’s Contract screen), the system displays any of the following error or warning messages in the Advances section’s Error Reason field:


The Advance Entry screen also allows you to enter subsequent funding / disbursements. If subsequent advances are not within the predetermined minimum or maximum amounts, the system displays any of the following warning or error messages in the Advances section’s Error Reason field:


Additional messages in the Error Field regarding Staged Funding

If you attempt to post an advance after the draw end date, then the system displays the message in the Advances section’s Error Reason field as, "ADVANCE DT IS AFTER DRAW PERIOD END DATE".

If you attempt to post an advance above the approved amounts, including tolerance, the system displays the message in the Advances section’s Error Reason field as "ADVANCE AMOUNT IS MORE THAN THE TOTAL APPROVED AMOUNT INCLUDING TOLERANCE".

Since this is not a revolving loan, if any repayment is made against the approved amount principal balance, the system will not adjust the disbursed amount allowing for subsequent additional staged funding or advances.


There is no change to the payoff quote functionality in the system. The system uses the actual amount of the advance(s) and any interest accrued since the date of the last pay­ment or credit in the PAYOFF QUOTE VALID UPTO DATE value when the payoff quote is requested before the draw end date.

4.4.1 Balances

The Balances sub screen lists the balances that will be established when an account is booked and funded.

CAUTION: Please contact your Implementation Manager for changes to this section.

To set up the Balances

  1. Click Setup > Setup > Administration > User > Products > Contract > Lease > Balances.
  2. On the Balances sub screen, perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:

Balance Type

Displays the balance type.

Chargeoff Method

Select the charge off method to determine how the outstanding amount of this balance type will be handled from the drop-down list, if the account becomes uncollectable and the product is charged off.

Writeoff Method

Select the write off method to determine how the outstanding amount of this balance type will be handled from the drop-down list, if the account is within the write off tolerance of being PAID.

Reschedule Method

Select the reschedule method to determine how the outstanding amount of this balance type will be handled from the drop-down list, if the account is rescheduled.


Specify the sort order of how account balances will appear on the Customer Service form’s Balance screen.


Check this box to indicate that outstanding amounts for this bal­ance type are considered a part of the billed amount. This also determines whether payments applied to this balance type are considered when satisfying outstanding amounts due.


Check this box to indicate that outstanding amounts for this bal­ance type will be included when interest is accrued against the account.

Non Performing Rollover

Check this box to indicate that “non-performing” is used as an intermediary status on your general ledger prior to charge off and want to create balances for non-performing accounts for this bal­ance type.

Note: (The Non-Performing Rollover box applies only to Balance Types of Advance/Principal and Interest. For all other Balance Types, this box would be cleared).

Non Performing Balance Type

Select the balance type you want to rollover from drop-down list, if you select the Non-Performing Rollover box (Advance/Princi­pal).


Check this box to indicate that this balance type will be created when the account is booked and funded

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.

The system loads the currently defined balances for accounts.

If your organization maintains additional balances, contact your Implementation Manager for information regarding those balances.

4.4.2 Amortized Balances

With the Amortize Balances sub screen, you can select one or more balances to be amortized over the life of the loan. You can also define the amortization method.

To set up the Amortization Balances

  1. Click Setup > Setup > Administration > User > Products > Contract > Lease > Amortized Balances.
  2. In the Amortization Balances section, perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:

Amortize Balance Type

Select the amortize transaction type from the drop-down list.

Amortization Method

Select the amortization method used to calculate the net amortization amount from the drop-down list.

Cost/Fee method

Select the amortization cost/fee method.


Specify the sort sequence to define the order of the amor­tize balances.


Check this box to enable the amortize balance to be created when the account is booked and funded.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.

4.4.3 Itemizations

On the Itemizations sub screen, you can define the itemized components for each type of contract, indicate if it is required, and determine whether it has a positive or negative bearing on the contract itemization math. You can establish the following groups of itemization transactions:




Total amount of the product that is not a part of financed fees; in other words, the total amount the customer requested to be advanced.

Financed Fees

Fees rolled into the principal balance of the product. Financed fees are also considered to be a part of the finance charge.

Pre-Paid Fees

Fees that are paid by the consumer prior to the funding of the loan. These fees are not rolled into the balance of the product but are consid­ered as part of the finance charge and are included in the calculation of the APR.


Fees that are paid to or by the producer of the loan; for example, a fee that is being charged to the producer. These transactions will affect pro­ceeds.


Allows you to connect the actual escrow itemization with the escrow type and the funding transaction.

To set up the Itemizations

  1. Click Setup > Setup > Administration > User > Products > Contract > Lease > Itemizations.
  2. On the Itemization sub screen select the option button to indicate the type of itemization you are working with: Advance, Financed Fees, Pre-Paid Fees, Producer, or Escrow.
  3. On the Itemization sub screen, perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:


Select the itemization from the drop-down list.

Disbursement Type

Select the disbursement type from the drop-down list.


Select the funding transaction type from the drop-down list.

Itemization Type

Select the itemization type from the drop-down list.


1. On selecting the "Prefunding Txns" as itemization type, it indi­cates that this particular itemization expects a payment from the cus­tomer prior to funding.

2. The itemization type "Prefunding Txns" is available only for loans.


Specify the sort order to define the order of the itemization transac­tions.


If the itemized transaction increases the group balance, click +ve.


If the itemized transaction decreases the group balance, click -ve.


Check this box to enable the itemization and indicate that this itemi­zation transaction will be created when the account is booked and funded.

Amortize Bal­ance

Select the amortize balance affected by this itemization transaction from the drop-down list. Note: Advance itemizations do not affect amortize balances.

Refund Calcula­tion Method

Select the refund calculation method from the drop-down list


Check this box, if the itemization type is taxable. However, note that the taxable option defined in Setup > Administration > System > Sale Tax screen will supersede with this preference.

Seller Pmt

Check this box to enable seller payment


Select the escrow from the drop-down list.

Itemization For­mula

Select the itemization formula description from the drop-down list.

Refund Calcula­tion Method

Check this box to enable Refund calculation Method.

Escrow Required

If this is an escrow account, check this box to indicate that an escrow is required during the application process (though at that time the user can choose Opt Out to decline.)

Discount. Rate

Specify the discount rate for the itemization.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.

4.4.4 Fees

Any fees that are defined in the contract are set up on the Fees sub screen. The system currently supports the following contract fees:

The Fees sub screen allows you to define those fees whose value and method of calculation are set at the time of the loan. As these amounts cannot be changed after the product is booked and funded, you should only set up fees here that will not change over the life of the loan. Individual contract fee types may be defined multiple times in order to create graduated fees.


Certain fees, like late fees, can be set up at contract, as well as state level. In such cases, the contract fee, if present, is used first.

To set up the Fees

  1. Click Setup > Setup > Administration > User > Products > Contract > Lease > Fees.
  2. In the Fees section, perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:


Select the fee type from the drop-down list.

Txn Amt From

Specify the lowest transaction amount or balance amount against which this contract fee definition may be applied.

Gross Capital­ized Cost From

Specify the minimum value of gross capitalization cost.


Select the method of calculating the fee to be assessed from the drop-down list.


Select the frequency of calculating the fee to be assessed from the drop-down list.

Min Amt

Specify the minimum fee amount to be assessed.

Max Amt

Specify the maximum fee amount to be assessed. If you selected FLAT in the Method field, then this field is not used and is normally populated as $0.00.


Specify the fee percentage of the outstanding transaction amount to be assessed as a fee. This amount will be adjusted to fall within the Min Amount and the Max Amount.


Check this box to create the selected contract fee when the account is booked and funded.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.

4.4.5 Depreciation Rate Schedule

This tab is enabled if you have selected LIFE BASED depreciation method in Contract Definition and allows to define depreciation rates slab.

To define Life Based Depreciation Rate Schedule

  1. Click Setup > Administration > User > Products > Contract > Lease > Depreciation Rate Schedule tab.
  2. Perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:


Specify the cycle period sequence for life based depreciation calculation.


Specify the tenure for which the rate slab is applicable.

For example, if duration is 12, and depreciation convention frequency is Monthly, then rate slab is applicable for first 12 months.

Depreciation %

Specify the percentage of depreciation to be calculated during the above duration.


Select the check box to enable the rate schedule.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.

4.5 Scoring Models

The Scoring screen allows you to setup individual and multiple scoring models. You can define different scoring models by company, branch, currency and product. Scoring models are used to automate the decisioning process during underwriting and grade applications.

When you complete the Application Entry process, the system determines which scoring model to use by finding a best match. The system searches the Company, Branch, Currency and Product fields of all enabled scoring models that contain either the exact value on the application or ALL. (Exact matches for each field are given a higher weight than matches to ALL.) The system then ranks the returned matches in descending order, based on the weighted values and the hierarchical position of the field and then by Start Date. The system recognizes the first row returned as the best match. This scoring model information is then used to determine the next status and sub status of the application.

If you use a standard bureau score as a scoring model, you can set up the system to use the adverse action reasons provided by the standard bureau score on the Stipulations sub screen.

To set up the Scoring

  1. On the Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing home screen, click Setup > Setup > Administration > User > Products > Scoring Models > Lease. You can set the following categories of scoring models:

4.5.1 Credit Score Models

You can either define new Credit Score Model or specify a new name in the New Credit Model field and click Create Copy to create a copy of selected score model with details.

  1. Click Setup > Setup > Administration > User > Products > Scoring Models > Lease > Credit Score Models.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:

Results section

Max Score

Specify the maximum score allowed. (This is normally the sum of the Max Value fields within the scoring parameters.).

Selection Criteria section


Select the company for the scoring model, from the drop-down list. This may be ALL or a specific company.


Select branch within the company for the scoring model, from the drop-down list. (This may be ALL or a specific branch. However, if you have selected ‘ALL’ in Company field, then you must select ‘ALL’ for this field).


Select the product for the scoring model, from the drop-down list. This may be ALL or a specific product.


Select the currency for the scoring model, from the drop-down list. This may be ALL or a specific currency.

Bureau Score Reasons

Check this box to use the score reasons supplied by the credit bureau. If unchecked, then automatically rejected applications scored using this scoring model display the Adverse Action Reasons from the Parameters sub screen.

Auto Decision

Check this box to assign an application, a status/sub status based on the grade associated with the score returned for this scoring model. If not selected, the system assigns applications scored using this scor­ing model a status/sub status of NEW-REVIEW REQUIRED.


Specify the code for the scoring model.


Specify a description of the scoring model.

Start Dt

Specify the start date for the scoring model. You can even select the date from the adjoining Calendar icon.

End Dt

Specify the end date for the scoring model. You can even select the date from the adjoining Calendar icon.


Check this box to enable the scoring model.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.


The Parameters records the parameters used to determine the score calculated by the scoring model. You can define multiple parameters and adverse action reason associated with each parameter in a scoring model. Each scoring parameter can have maximum values set. The score range is based upon the information in the Range Definition section on the Parameters sub tab.

The system calculates a final score by adding the score for each parameter in the scoring model. A parameter weighted value is used to find the four adverse action reasons, if bureau reasons are not used.


A character parameter range definition should contain the exact value of the parame­ter.Each scoring parameter should have range definitions defined that encompass all of the values that might result.

  1. Click Setup > Setup > Administration > User > Products > Scoring Models > Lease > Credit Score Models > Parameters.
  2. In the Parameters section, perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:


Select the parameter from the field, from the drop-down list.

Max Value

Specify the maximum value allowed for the selected parameter.

Adverse Action Reason

Select the adverse action reason, from the drop-down list. (If, on the Scoring Models screen, the Bureau Screen check box is checked for the scoring model, you cannot update this field).

Weighted Value

Specify the adverse action weighted value. This indicates the priority of this parameter when determining which adverse action reasons to use on the application. The top ten adverse action reasons based on the weighted value of the parameter will be populated.


Check this box to enable the parameter.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.
  2. The Range Definition section allows you to translate the calculated value for a scoring parameter into the value to be used, depending on the returned value of the parameter
  3. In the Range Definition section, perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:

Value From

Specify the lowest calculated value to apply the specific translation. The ceiling of the range definition is based on the range definition with the next highest Value From or the Max Value of the scoring parameter (whichever is less).

Value From

Select the following options to determine how values for a scoring param­eters are translated:

% Max Value – If selected, then the calculated values within the range definition receives a value based on a percentage of the Max Value of the scoring parameter.

% Param – If selected, then the calculated values within the range defini­tion receives a value based on a percentage of the calculated value of the scoring parameter.

Value – If selected, then the calculated values with in the range definition receives a specific value.

Percent / Value

Specify the percent or value to be used in the translation of the calculated value of the scoring parameter.


Check this box to consider this range definition while translating values for this scoring parameter.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.


The Grades sub screen allows you to define how the system translates the scoring model scores into your organization’s grade. The system uses these grades in the auto-decisioning process. Each grade has a specific status/sub status that informs the system what to do with the application of a particular grade as it continues through the origination cycle.


Each scoring model should have grade definitions defined that encompass all of the val­ues that might result.

  1. Click Setup > Setup > Administration > User > Products > Scoring Models > Lease > Credit Score Models > Grades.
  2. In the Grade Definition section, perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:


Specify the score the application receives.

Credit Grade

Select the grade to assign to an application, from the drop-down list.

Application Status

Select the status to assign to applications with a score start­ing with the value of this grade definition, from the drop-down list.

Sub Status

Select the sub status to assign to applications with a score starting with the value of this grade definition, from the drop-down list.

Credit scoring allows you to select the following status/sub status pairs:







Check this box to indicate that this grade definition will be considered when grading an application using this scoring model.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.

4.5.2 Behavioral Score Models

You can either define new Behavioral Score Model details or specify a new name in the New Behavioral Model field and click Create Copy to create a copy of selected score model with details.

  1. Click Setup > Setup > Administration > User > Products > Scoring Models > Lease > Behavioral Score Models.
  2. In the Score Models section, perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:

Result section

Max Score

Specify the maximum score allowed. (This is normally the sum of the Max Value fields within the scoring parameters.).

Selection Criteria section


Select the company for the scoring model, from the drop-down list. This may be ALL or a specific company.


Select branch within the company for the scoring model, from the drop-down list. (This may be ALL or a specific branch. However, if you have selected ‘ALL’ in Company field, then you must select ‘ALL’ for this field).


Select the product for the scoring model, from the drop-down list. This may be ALL or a specific product.


Select the currency for the scoring model, from the drop-down list. This may be ALL or a specific currency.

Bureau Score Reasons

Check this box if bureau score reason is applicable.

Auto Decision

Check this box if auto decision is applicable.


Specify the code for the scoring model.


Specify a description of the scoring model.

Start Dt

Specify the start date for the scoring model. You can even select the date from the adjoining Calendar icon.

End Dt

Specify the end date for the scoring model. You can even select the date from the adjoining Calendar icon.


Check this box to enable the scoring model.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.
  2. Click ‘Create Copy’ button on the Score Models screen to create copy of the selected record with details.

The Parameters section records the parameters used to determine the score calculated by the scoring model. You can define multiple parameters and adverse action reason associated with each parameter in a scoring model. Each scoring parameter can have maximum values set. The score range is based upon the information in the Range Definition section on the Parameters sub tab.

The system calculates a final score by adding the score for each parameter in the scoring model. A parameter weighted value is used to find the four adverse action reasons, if bureau reasons are not used.


A character parameter range definition should contain the exact value of the parameter. Each scoring parameter should have range definitions defined that encompass all of the values that might result.

  1. In the Parameters section, perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:


Select the parameter from the field, from the drop-down list.

Max Value

Specify the maximum value allowed for the selected parameter.

Adverse Action Reason

Select the adverse action reason.

Weighted Value

Specify the weighted value.


Check this box to enable the parameter.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.
  2. The Range Definition section allows you to translate the calculated value for a scoring parameter into the value to be used, depending on the returned value of the parameter.
  3. In the Range Definition section, perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:

Value From

Specify the lowest calculated value to apply the specific translation. The ceiling of the range definition is based on the range definition with the next highest Value From or the Max Value of the scoring parameter (whichever is less).

Value From

Select the following options to determine how values for a scoring param­eters are translated:

% Max Value – If selected, then the calculated values within the range definition receives a value based on a percentage of the Max Value of the scoring parameter.

% Param – If selected, then the calculated values within the range defini­tion receives a value based on a percentage of the calculated value of the scoring parameter.

Value – If selected, then the calculated values with in the range definition receives a specific value.

Percent / Value

Specify the percent or value to be used in the translation of the calculated value of the scoring parameter.


Check this box to consider this range definition while translating values for this scoring parameter.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.

4.6 Fees

The Fee screen allows you to define fees that may be automatically assessed by the system. The Fee Definition section records fees not defined within the Contract screen’s Fees sub screen.

The following fee types are currently supported for automatic assessment:

Fees can be calculated as either a flat amount or a percentage of payment due based on fee type.

You can specify minimums and maximums for fee amounts in the Min Amt and Max Amt fields. Different fee rules can be setup at the company/branch level.

When Fees are assessed, the system determines the best match using all enabled fee definitions that meet the following criteria:

The returned rows are then given a descending rank based on the weighted values and the hierarchical position of the following criteria:

  1. Company
  2. Branch
  3. Product
  4. Application state
  5. Transaction amount
  6. Start date
  7. End date
  8. Currency

On the ranked rows, the first row is returned as the best match.


Certain fees, like late fees, can be set up at contract, as well as state level. In such cases, the contract fee, if present, is used first. Only if the contract fee is not present in the state fee used.

To set up the Fee

  1. On the Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing home screen, click Setup > Setup > Administration > User > Products > Fees > Lease.
  2. In the Fee Definition section, perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:

Fee Rule

Specify the fee rule used to identify the particular fee definition.

Fee Type

Select the fee type from the drop-down list. The system computes these drop-down values from the TXN_TYPE_CD Lookup, with FEE as the sub type.

Start Dt

Specify the start date. You can even select the date from the adjoin­ing Calendar icon.

End Dt

Specify the end date. You can even select the date from the adjoin­ing Calendar icon.


Check this box to enable the fee.

Calc Method

Select one of the following method of calculating the fee, from the drop-down list.

If ‘Flat Amount' is selected, then minimum fee will be charged.

If ‘Percentage’ is selected, then the amount charged will be based on percentage defined subject to minimum and maximum amount (i.e. 'Txn Amt From').

Min Amt

Specify the minimum amount for the fee.

Max Amt

Specify the maximum amount for the fee. If you selected FLAT amount in the Calc Method field, then this field is not used and is normally populated as $0.00.


Specify the percentage value of the outstanding transaction amount to be assessed as a fee. This amount will be adjusted to fall within the Min Amount and the Max Amount.

Selection Criteria section


Select the portfolio company from the drop-down list. This may be ALL or a specific company.


Select the portfolio branch from the drop-down list. This may be ALL or a specific branch. (This must be ALL, if you have selected ‘ALL’ in the Company field).


Select the channel from the drop-down list, This can be ALL or a specific channel.


Select the product from the drop-down list. This may be ALL or a specific product. The available values come from a validated field based on the selected Billing Cycle setup and the Product setup.


Select the state for this fee, from the drop-down list. This may be ALL or a specific state.


Select the currency for this fee, from the drop-down list. This may be ALL or a specific currency.

Txn Amt From

Specify the transaction or balance amount. The fee is calculated using the specifications of this record only if the transaction amount is greater than the value specified in this field (and less than this field in another record for the same fee).


When you select the fee to use, the system searches for a best match using the following attributes:

1 Company

2 Branch

3 Product

4 State

5 Amount (Txn Amt From)

6 Effective/start date (Start Dt)

Hence, Oracle Financial Services Software recommends creating a version of each fee, where ALL is the value in the these fields.

It is also recommended that you define a default printer for an Organization, Division and Department.

Gross Capi­talized Cost From

Specify the minimum value of gross capitalization cost.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.

4.7 Checklists

A checklist is an optional set of steps to follow when completing a task in the system, such as the underwriting and funding processes.

Checklists can be used as guidelines to help ensure that the system users follow your business’s standard operating procedures and enter all required data. Some checklists are optional, but others such as those related to application decisions or contract verification, may be required depending on the edit sets defined in your system. The Checklists screen allows you to specify the contents of the checklist.

You can define additional checklists for your organization. You can set up multiple checklists for a single type of checklist. These checklists can be differentiated by:

To set up the Checklists

You can either define new Checklist Type Definition details or specify a new code in the New Checklist field and click Create Copy to create a copy of selected checklist type definition with details.

  1. On the Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing home screen, click Setup > Setup > Administration > User > Products > Checklists > Lease.
  2. In the Checklist Type Definition section, perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

  3. A brief description of the fields is given below:


    Do this:

    Checklist Code

    Specify the checklist code that identifies checklist being defined.


    Specify the description for the checklist.

    Checklist Type

    Select the checklist type from the drop-down list, to define where the specific checklist will be available in the system.


    Select the portfolio company associated with the checklist from the drop-down list. This may be ALL or a specific company.


    Select the portfolio branch associated with the checklist from the drop-down list. This may be ALL or a specific branch. This must be ALL if in the Company field you selected ALL).


    Select the channel from the drop-down list, This can be ALL or a spe­cific channel.


    Select the product associated with the checklist from the drop-down list. This may be ALL or a specific product. The available values come from a validated list based on the selected Billing Cycle setup and the Product setup.


    Select the state associated with the checklist type from the drop-down list. This may be ALL or a specific state.

    IMPORTANT: By selecting which edits type to use, the system searches for a best match using the following attributes:

    1 Company

    2 Branch

    3 Product

    4 State

    Hence, Oracle Financial Services Software recommends creating one version of each checklist type where ALL is the value in these fields.


    Select the currency associated with the checklist from the drop-down list. This may be ALL or a specific currency.


    Check this box to enable the checklist.

  4. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.

Checklist actions are steps (a set of one or more tasks) related to the checklist you are creating. They are loaded on the Checklist Action Definition section.

  1. In the Checklist Action Definition - Regular section, perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:

Action Code

Specify the action code for the checklist.


Specify the description for the action type.


Specify the sort order to define the placement of the action type on the Checklist sub screen.


Check this box to include this action in the checklist.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.
  2. In the Checklist Action Definition - Document section, perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:

Action Code

Specify the action code for the checklist.


Specify the description for the action type.

Document Type

Select the document type from the drop-down list.

Document Sub Type

Select the document sub type from the drop-down list.

Document Mandatory

Check this box to indicate that the document is mandatory.


Specify the sort order to define the placement of the action type on the Checklist sub screen.


Check this box to include this action in the checklist.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.

4.8 Statement Messages

The Messages screen allows you to set up messages that appear on account statements sent to customers. You can set up statement messages for different products. When the system generates a statement for an account, all statement messages matching the selection criteria are included in the statement file for that account.

The system inserts the message in the Text field into the statement file produced during the nightly batch job for the appropriate consumers.

A record of an account’s statement history, including the messages included in the statement, appears on the Statement’s screen on the Customer Service screen.

To set up the Messages

  1. On the Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing home screen, click Setup > Setup > Administration > User > Products > Statement Messages > Lease.
  2. In the Statement Messages section, perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:


Specify the sort sequence of how the statement message should be printed.


Specify the message code identifying the statement message.

Start Dt

Specify the first date the statement message is available. You can even select the date from the adjoining Calendar icon.

End Dt

Specify the last date the statement message is available. You can even select the date from the adjoining Calendar icon.


Check this box to enable the message.

Result section


Specify the text of the statement message.

Selection Criteria section


Select the company for the statement message from the drop-down list. This may be ALL or a specific company.


Select the branch within the company for the statement message from the drop-down list. This may be ALL or a specific branch. This must be ALL if in the Company field you selected ALL.


Select the product for which this statement message will be used from the drop-down list. This may be ALL or a specific product.


Select the currency for the statement message from the drop-down list. This may be ALL or a specific currency.


Select the producer for the statement message from the drop-down list. This may be ALL or a specific producer. The available values come from a validated field based on the Pro Group and Pro Type.

IMPORTANT: By selecting which message to use, the system searches for a best match using the following attributes:

1. Company

2. Branch

3. Product

4. Producer

5. Currency

Hence, Oracle Financial Services Software recommends creating one version of each edit type where ALL is the value in these fields.

4.9 Letters

The Letters screen allows you to define letters that the system automatically generates when the application or the account for a products meets certain conditions, or “trigger events.” Each letter has its own trigger event. For example, you can configure the system to automatically send a welcome letter when an application becomes an account or send a collection letters when an account becomes delinquent.

The system supports the following types of letters:

Type of letter:



Generated when account is to receive a billing statement (this time is defined in contract setup). Letter is sent to customer.

ADVERSE Action letter

Generated in nightly batch jobs for applications that were declined. This letter is sent to the consumer to indicate the reasons why the application was declined.


Generated in nightly batch jobs for applications that were


declined. This letter is sent to the consumer to indicate the reasons why the application was declined. This letter also indicates steps that the consumer may take to gain approval of the application.


Generated when an account becomes delinquent. This is the first dunning letter sent to the customer.


Generated when an account remains in delinquency for an extended period. This is the second dunning letter sent to the customer.


Generated when an account remains in delinquency for an extended period, even after having received previous notices. This is the final dunning letter sent to the customer.


Generated when an application is APPROVED: FUNDED or condi­tioned: funded. This letter is sent to the producer.


Generated when an application is APPROVED, conditioned, or rejected. This letter is sent to the consumer or producer, depend­ing on whether the product is a direct or in-direct loan.


Generated in nightly batch jobs when the account pays off. This letter is sent to the customer.


Generated when a payoff quote is created for an account. This letter is sent to the customer.


Generated when an application is APPROVED: FUNDED. This letter is sent to the consumer.

STATEMENT PAST MATURITY Generated when an accounts are matured but unpaid.

This letter is sent to the account holders as a reminder to make their payments.

When the system generates letters, it searches the Letters screen for letter definitions that meet the following criteria:

Exact matches for each field are given a higher weight than matches to ALL.

The returned rows are then given a descending rank based on the weighted values and the hierarchical position of these fields:

  1. Company
  2. Branch
  3. Product
  4. State
  5. Currency

On the ranked rows, the first row is returned as the best match.

To set up the Letters

  1. On the Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing home screen, click Setup > Setup > Administration > User > Products > Letters > Lease.
  2. In the Letter Definition section, perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:

Letter Code

Specify the code for the letter.

File Name

Specify the file name of the Oracle report used to generate the letter. The file should be named <File Name>.rep on your server.

Letter Type

Select the type of letter you want to generate from the drop-down list.


Select the application source (channel) for the letter from the drop-down list. This may be ALL or a specific channel.


Check this box to enable this letter definition.

Result section

Batch Printer

Select the batch printer being used to generate the letter from the drop-down list.

Batch User

Select the user who will submit this letter from the drop-down list. This will normally be set to BATCH.

Selection Criteria section


Select the portfolio company for which this letter will be used from the drop-down list. This may be ALL or a specific company.


Select the portfolio branch for which this letter will be used from the drop-down list. This may be ALL or a specific branch. This must be ALL if in the Company field you selected ALL).


Select the product for which this letter will be used from the drop-down list. This may be ALL or a specific product.


Select the state for which this letter will be used from the drop-down list. This may be ALL or a specific state.


Select the currency for which this letter will be used from the drop-down list. This may be ALL or a specific currency.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.

4.10 Subvention

The Subvention Setup screen’s leaseSubvention tab allows you to set uplease subvention plans for producers (groups or individuals). Multiple producers may contribute to one subvention plan or a plan can be set for a specific producer.

Subvention Types

Subvention can be offered in many forms for vehicle leases. The most common format is the Rent factor for vehicle leases. Rent factor subvention involves sharing the finance charge (interest) by the participant (most frequently with the manufacturer). The finance company sets its buy rate (the minimum cost to the company to extend the Lease to a customer). If the customer rate is less than this buy rate, then the amount is equivalent to the interest amount for the difference (the buy rate minus the customer rate) is paid by the participant as the subvention amount.

Currently Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing supports the following subvention types:

Leasesubvention types:

Subvention plans can be defined for one participant (for example, a manufacturer or a particular dealer) or group of participants (such as a dealer association). One subvention plan could have multiple sub plans and multiple participants could participate to each sub plan.


Subvention plan:

Subvention sub-plans for above plan:

- or -

- or -

- or -

Multiple participants may participate in each sub plan. For example, for the 1.9% rate, 1% might be shared by the manufacturer and 0.9% might be shared by the dealer. Similarly, for the $1,500 cash bonus, $1,000 might be shared by the manufacturer and $500 by the dealer. Or, the complete $1,500 might be covered by the manufacturer.

Collection of subvention amounts can be set for each participant in the subvention plan with the Collection Method.

Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing supports following collection methods:




The entire subvention amount is collected at the booking of the Lease from the producer proceed.


The entire subvention amount is collected at the time of the subven­tion statement.


The subvention amount is billed to the producer when the customer pays the Lease payment. The producer is due for the amount at each statement.

Subvention Refund

There are times when a Lease is either paid-off early or gets charged off and the finance company refunds the unearned subvention amount back to the producer. The refund is available only when the subvention amount is collected from the producer proceeds (upfront) or the whole amount is billed in the first statement (Upfront Statement).

You can set up the system to allow refunds only for a certain period and not beyond that. The period can be set differently for charge offs and paid offs and can be based on two methods:

  1. Days
  2. Term

The system provides the following methods for refund amount calculation:

  1. Earned
  2. Percentage

The earned method is used to refund the unearned portion of the collected subvention amount. The percentage method is used to refund a certain percentage of the subvention amount collected.

4.10.1 Lease Subvention Plans

The Lease Subvention Plans screen allows you to set up subventions for Leases

To set up the Lease Subvention Plans screen.

  1. On the Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing home screen, Click Setup > Setup > Products > Subvention > Lease.
  2. The system displays the LeaseSubvention screen. The details are grouped into three.
  1. In the Plan Definition section, perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:


Specify the subvention plan code.


Specify the subvention plan description.


Select the company name from the drop-down list.


Select the branch name from the drop-down list.


Select the state from the drop-down list.

Start Date

Specify the start date for the subvention plan (required). You can select the date even from the adjoining Calendar icon.

End Date

Specify the end date for the subvention plan. You can select the date even from the adjoining Calendar icon.


Check this box to activate the record.

Selection Criteria

Billing Cycle

Select billing cycle from the drop-down list.


Select the product from the drop-down list.

Asset Class

Select the asset class from the drop-down list.

Asset Type

Select the asset type from the drop-down list.

Asset Sub Type

Select asset sub type from the drop-down list.

Asset Make

Select asset make from the drop-down list.

Asset Model

Select the asset model from the drop-down list.

Asset Age

Specify the asset age.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.
  2. In the Sub Plan Definition section, perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:


Specify the subvention sub plan code.


Specify the subvention sub plan description (required).


Select the state from the drop-down list.

Pro Group

Select the producer group from the drop-down list.

Pro Type

Select the producer type from the drop-down list.


Select the producer from the drop-down list.


Check this box to activate the record.

Amt From

Specify the amount.

Subvention Type

Select the subvention type from the drop-down list.


Select the grade from the drop-down list.


Specify the term.

Asset Class

Select the asset class from the drop-down list.

Asset Type

Select the asset type from the drop-down list.

Sub Type

Select asset sub type from the drop-down list

Asset Make

Select asset make from the drop-down list.

Asset Model

Select the asset model from the drop-down list


Specify asset age.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.
  2. In the Plan Details section, perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:


Select the participant from the drop-down list.

Collection Method

Select the collection method for the subvention plan from the drop-down list.


Select the transaction code from the drop-down list.


Specify the subvention rate.


Check this box to activate the record.

Calculation section:


Select the subvention calculation method from the drop-down list. The list displays the following values:







Check this box to allow overriding the rate at the time of under­writing / funding.

Max Amt

Specify the maximum subvention amount.

% Capitalized Cost

Specify the percentage of capitalized cost to derive the Subven­tion Amount.

For example: If Capitalized Cost = 100$, and % of Capitalized Cost = 5%, then the Subvention Amount = 100 * 0.05 = 5$

Flat Amt

Specify the flat amount.


Specify the subvention factor.

Spread Max

Specify the maximum subvention spread value.

Refund section:

Paid Off Method

Select the method from the drop-down list, if the account is paid-off early.

Paid Off Basis

Select the basis from the drop-down list, if the account is paid-off early.

Paid Off Period

Specify the number of terms in which the subvention can be refunded to the producer, if the account is paid-off early.

Paid Off Percent

Specify the refund percentage, if the account is paid-off.

Charge Off Calc Method

Select the calculation method from the drop-down list, if the account is charged-off.

Charge Off Basis

Select the charge off basis from the drop-down list.

Charge Off Period

Select the charge off period from the drop-down list.

Charge Off Percent

Select the charge off percent from the drop-down list.

Amortization section:

Balance Type

Select the amortize balance type from the drop-down list.


Select the amortize method from the drop-down list.


Select the amortize frequency from the drop-down list.

Cost / Fee

Select the cost / fee from the drop-down list.

Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.