8. Funding

8.1 Introduction

At this stage of the Loan origination process, the application has been entered into Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing and approved manually by an underwriter or by the system. The next step is to view and complete the contract information and make a funding decision to finance or reject the application. This is accomplished by using the Funding screen.

This chapter explains how to:

8.2 Funding (an overview)

In Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing, the funding process follows these basic steps:

  1. Open the Funding screen and load the application you want to work with.
  2. In the Funding screen’s Applications master screen, Change the status of the application to Approved - Verifying.
  3. Using the Funding screen’s Applicants link, view and verify information about the applicant (data recorded from the Application Entry screen). This includes verifying the applicant’s actual address and employment information.
  4. Using the Funding screen’s Decision link, view and verify information supplied during the credit bureau pull and underwriting process. This is display only information and cannot be edited.
  5. Using the Funding screen’s Collateral link, view and verify information regarding the collateral for the application.
  6. Using the Funding screen’s Contract link, complete the truth-in-lending information.
  7. In the Funding screen’s the Applications master screen, change the status to Final Document Check.
  8. Using the Funding screen’s Verification link, view any errors and warnings that prevent the status change.
  9. Make changes to the application data that correct the errors until you can change the status.

When the system changes the status of the application to Final Document Check, it sends the application to a supervisor or Loan officer queue where it is viewed and verified. After this, the application’s status is changed to Approved - Verified. If the supervisor/ Loan officer decides to fund the Loan, he or she will change status of the application to Approved - Funded.

Loading an Application on the Funding screen

The first step in the funding process is to open the Applications form and manually or automatically load the application you want to work with. You can manually select an application using the Search tab’s Criteria and Results screens. If your system is configured to load applications based on work queues, use the Queue field in the Quick Search section.

Refer the chapter Searching for Application for more information on the following:

Funding non OFSLL Loan Applications

Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing can readily process credit contracts generated from external system for funding. You can load the credit applications data received from external system into OFSLL through the 'Application Entry' screen and proceed with funding. For more information, refer 'Entering a Credit Application' section.

Once the application is processed or approved through OFSLL funding screen, the external system is intimated with the decision. Those applications can still be processed further in external system itself to validate the contract against approved credit. If agreed, the signed contract documents can be distributed in electronic format to OFSLL for funding. Once Credit Contract is distributed, the ‘Contract Type’ is automatically changed to eContract/Dealer in OFSLL and notified to the user.

All communications between OFSLL and external systems are recorded into a log and is accessible through Dashboard > System Monitor > Database Server Log Files screen. Also the ‘Comments’ screen facilitates to exchange information regarding credit contract processing between OFSLL and external system as comments, provided the comment Sub Type is selected as 'OUTBOUND TO INTERFACE' for such communications.

In addition, OFSLL also supports revoking of funded credit contracts worked through external interface by reversing the active transaction in Customer Service > Transaction History > Transaction tab. Whereby the application/account status is changed to 'Void' and subsequently categorized as FLAT CANCEL (indicating as fraud application and funding is withdrawn) or UNWIND (when application still has errors and allowed to update/rectify details and resubmit for funding).

Overall, this process minimizes the application processing time and fastens the funding process.

8.3 Funding Screen’s Master Screen

The Funding screen’s master screen displays information from the Application Entry and Underwriting screens, such as the application number, product and producer. It also contains the Status field that allows you to change the status/sub status of the application and begin the funding process.

For details on this screen refer Applications section in Underwriting chapter.

After opening the Funding screen and loading the application you want to work with, you must change its status to Approved - Verifying before you can begin the funding process. This allows you to begin working with the application.

To change the status and begin work on the application on the Funding screen

  1. Open the Funding screen and load application you want to verify.
  2. In the Funding screen’s Applications master screen, use the Status field to select APPROVED - VERIFYING.
  3. Click Save on the Funding screen.

You can now begin making changes to the application.

Funding an Application

After you have verified the application, entered the contract information and completed the contract edits, the application is ready to be funded. Applications can be approved automatically or manually. To manually fund an application, change the status to Approved - Funded.

After an application is funded, the Loan origination cycle is over. The system moves the application to the Loan servicing module (Customer Service form) where it receives an account number. The system also automatically creates a check requisition for the funded account.

Funding tasks

  1. Load the application on the Funding form
  2. Change the status and initiate Funding process
  3. Verify the applicant information
  4. Complete Contract (5) details
  5. Verify the documents
  6. Generate letters
  7. Attempt to change the application status
  8. Verify edits
  9. Complete Funding

After you approve the application, the information on the Decision tab is unavailable. The application remains in this status of Approved - Verified until a user (usually a supervisor) changes the status to Approved - Funded. When the status is changed to Approved - Funded, the account is created.

8.4 Summary Tab

The summary screen provides a unified view of the application details without navigating to the respective screens/ sub-tabs.

Using this screen, the user can view the applicant details, asset details, ratios (only for Primary Applicant), trade-In, requested details, approved details, itemization, decision history, alerts, comments, and checklist details in the respective section.

To view the Summary

  1. Open the Funding screen and load the application you want to work with.
  2. Click Summary.

For details on this screen refer Summary Tab section in Underwriting chapter.

8.5 Applicants Tab

Having selected and loaded an application, you can use the Applicants link to view information about the applicant (s). This is information that was recorded on the Application Entry screen or gathered during the credit pull. You can edit the data from the Application Entry screen at anytime in the following steps. Remember to save your work with each change. Information from the credit bureau pull is available to view only.

To verify information about an applicant

  1. Open the Funding screen and load the application you want to work with.
  2. In the Funding tab, click Applicants.
  3. In the Applicants Details section, select the applicant you want to verify and click Edit.

For details on this screen refer Applicant Tab section in Underwriting chapter.

8.6 Business tab

If this application is an SME Loan (defined in the Applications section Class field as small business), the Business Applicant link appears on the Funding link bar. This link displays the small business information recorded on the application entry process. You can edit the Funding screen at anytime in the following steps. Remember to save your work with each change.

If there is no business information associated with the application, the Business Applicant link is unavailable.

For more information about the individual fields in this section, see the Application Entry chapter.

To verify business information from the Business Applicant link

  1. Open the Funding screen and load the application you want to work with.
  2. Click Business Applicant.

For details on this screen refer Business Tab section in Underwriting chapter.

8.7 Request Tab

System displays the calculated Payment, Interest Rate, Term and Loan Amount in the Request tab.

For details on this screen refer Request Tab section in Underwriting chapter.

8.8 Decision Tab

With the Decision tab, the system displays information gathered during the underwriting process. Depending on the type of application you are working with, system displays Loan information. On Clicking Calculate, the user can calculate the Loan amount, rate, term, and payment.

The fields on the Decision screens and sub screens are described in detail in the Underwriting chapter.

For details on this screen refer Decision Tab section in Underwriting chapter.

8.9 Customer Credit Limit tab

This tab displays the customer credit limit details captured during the underwriting process and is validated during application funding. Depending on the type of application you are working with, system displays Loan information.

For details on this tab, refer Customer Credit Limit tab section in Underwriting chapter.

8.10 Bureau Tab

The Bureau tab displays the credit report (if pulled) for an applicant. If there is a need for another pull for any applicant, it can be done here manually using the New Request section.

To verify the credit bureau data using the Bureau tab

  1. Open the Funding screen and load the underwriting application you want to work with.
  2. Click Bureau

For details on this screen refer Bureau Tab section in Underwriting chapter.

8.11 Contract Tab

The screens associated with the Contract link are the core of the funding process. They allow you to perform the important task of completing the truth-in-lending details. These screens include information mandated by Regulation Z; information about the financed amount, the payment schedule, the total of these payments, the finance charge, the resulting annual percentage rate (calculated according to Federal/Central bank guidelines; that is, within 125% of the Treasury OCC calculated APR) for the conventional Loan, and internal rate of return for Islamic Loan. Use the Loan packet to supply the required information.

In completing the truth-in-lending details on the Contract link, you will enter Loan information. The truth-in-lending details must be completed before a Loan can be funded.

The tabs opened from the Contract link share the following sub tabs:

You can use the quick calculator provided with the drop-down list adjacent to the ‘Calculate’ button to calculate the required Loan parameters. You can also use the calculator available in Tools section for completing this step. For detailed information on using the Calculator tools, refer “Tools” chapter in the document.

To enter the contract details

  1. Open the Funding screen and load the application you want to work with.
  2. On the Funding screen, click the Contract tab.
  1. Using the information in the contract packet, complete the Contract section.

(The system calculator may used when completing this section. For more information, see the Tools chapter.)

  1. In this section, you can perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:

Contract section

Contract Rcvd Dt

Specify the contract received date.

Contract Dt

Specify the contract date.


Select the required instrument from the drop down list and click on Load Instrument Details.

Amt Financed

Specify the amount financed: the Loan amount applied minus the prepaid finance charges. Prepaid finance charges can be found on the Good Faith Estimate/Settlement (HUD-1 or 1A). For exam­ple, if the borrower’s note is for $100,000 and the prepaid finance charge total is $5,000, the amount financed would be $95,000. The amount financed is the figure on which the annual percent­age rate (APR) is based.

Loan Term

Specify the term/number of payments.


Select the index.

Index Rate

View the index rate.

Contract Margin Rate

Specify the margin rate.

Contract Rate

View the interest rate.

The following 3 fields - Regulatory Name, Regulatory Rate, and Contract Imputed Rate are displayed only if the ‘Imputed Interest’ check box is selected in Contract Setup (i.e. Setup > Administration > Products > Contract screen).

The value in these fields are automatically populated from setup on selecting a ‘Instru­ment’ with imputed interest and clicking on ‘Load Details’.

Regulatory Name

The regulatory name is populated with the value defined in Setup > Administration > Products > Regulatory Rates screen.

Regulatory Rate

The regulatory rate is populated on loading an instrument with the ‘Interest Rate’ defined for that definition in Setup > Administration > Products > Regulatory Rates screen

Note: If there are no matching records with regulatory rate, the Edits (underlying rules) validation fails (if Edits are enabled) and system does not allow to save the contract information.

Contract Imputed Rate

View the contract imputed rate which is derived based on Con­tract Rate and Regulatory rate as indicated below:

  • If Contract Rate - Regulatory Rate = 0, Imputed Rate = 0
  • If Contract Rate - Regulatory Rate > 0, Imputed Rate = 0
  • If Contract Rate - Regulatory Rate < 0, Imputed rate = Regulatory Rate (minus) Contract Rate.

While funding if the contract Imputed Rate is greater than ‘0’, sys­tem automatically calculates Imputed Interest Amortization schedule. For more information, refer ‘Imputed Interest’ section.

Balloon Method

View the balloon payment method.

Balloon Amt

Specify the balloon amount.

Due Day

Specify the due day.

1st Pmt Dt

Specify the first payment date.

Maturity Dt

Specify the maturity date.

Finance Charge Amt

Specify the finance charge: the amount of interest, prepaid finance charge, and certain insurance premiums (if any) that the borrower will be expected to pay over the life of the Loan.

Total of Pmts

Specify the total of payments.

Down Pmt Amt

Specify the down payment amount.

Total Sale Price

Specify the total sales price.

Payment Amt

Specify the payment amount.

Final Pmt Amt

Specify the final payment amount.This amount will be same as that in the Payment Amt field when the installment method is EQUAL PAYMENTS. (required).

Repmt Currency

Specify the currency to be used for repaying the Loan.

Principal Balance

View the principal balance on the Loan.


Specify the annual percentage rate: the cost of the Loan in per­centage terms taking into account various Loan charges of which interest is only one such charge. Other charges which are used in calculating the APR are private mortgage insurance of FHA mort­gage insurance premium (when applicable) and prepaid finance charges (Loan discount, origination fees, prepaid interest and other credit costs). The APR is calculated by spreading these charges over the life of the Loan, which results in a rate higher than the interest rate shown on the mortgage/deed-of-trust note. If interest was the only finance charge, then the interest rate and the annual percentage rate would be the same.

Verified Dt

Specify the contract verification date.

Verified By

View the user id who verified the contract.

Signing Dt

Select the signing date on when the documents is signed.

Probable Delivery Dt

Select the probably delivery date.

Note: For Islamic products the following additional fields will be displayed.

Residual Income

View the residual income for the residual days.

Residual Days

View the number of residual days.


View the interest rate of return.

Profit Rate

View the profit rate (display only).

Instrument Details – An instrument is a contract with specific rules tied to it. An instru­ment associated with the application indicates OFSLL of the type of contract being used for the approved loan. Items defined in the contract are “locked in” when you select the instrument from drop down list and click on "Load Instrument Details". These values cannot be changed on the funding screen.

Any changes to the instrument in account will be handled by monetary/non-monetary transactions.

The system loads all the rules established by the company that are required at the time of funding; for example, the accrual method, billing method, type of billing, tolerance, due dates, extensions and so on.

Accrual Method

View the accrual calculation method.

Start Dt Basis

View the accrual start basis.

Base Method

View the accrual base method.

Bill Method

View the billing method.

Bill Type

View the billing type.

Time Counting Method

View the time counting method.

Installment Method

View the installment methods.

Calendar Method

View the Calendar Method.

Start Days

View the accrual start days.

Stop Accrual Days

View the accrual stop days.

ACH Fee Ind

Indicates that the ACH fee should be applied or not. Depending on the status of check box, the ACH fee is applied based follow­ing conditions

- When the check box is selected and the fee amount is ZERO, system will not apply the ACH fee.

- When the check box is selected and the fee amount is BLANK, system will apply the ACH fee from Contract setup.

- When the check box is selected and the fee amount is specified, system will apply the specified amount and overrides the ACH fee amount mentioned in Contract Setup.

- When the check box is not selected, system will apply the ACH fee amount mentioned in Contract Setup.

Promotion Details – If applicable, enter information regarding any promotion associ­ated with the application in the Promotion section


Select the promotion.


View the promotion type.

Dlq Days

View the delinquency days.

Period Type

View the period type.


View the promotion period.

Tolerance Amt

View the tolerance amount (displays only).


View the promotion index (displays only).

Index Rate

View the promotion index rate (displays only).

Promotion Margin Rate

View the promotion margin rate (displays only).

Promotion Rate

View the promotion rate.

Rate Caps and Adjustments section

Increase Per Year

View the maximum rate increase allowed in a year.

Increase Max Life­time

View the maximum rate increase allowed in the life of the Loan.

Increase Floor

View the rate cap (minimum).

Increase Ceiling

View the rate cap (maximum).

Decrease Per Year

View the maximum rate decrease allowed in a year.

Decrease Max Lifetime

View the maximum rate decrease allowed in the life of the Loan.

# of Adjs / Year

View the maximum number rate changes allowed in a year.

# of Adjs / Life

View the maximum number of rate changes allowed in the life of the Loan.

Advance section

Stage Fund Allowed

If selected, indicates that multiple disbursements are allowed.

Draw End Dt

Specify the advance draw end date.

Initial Advance Max Amt

View the maximum initial advance amount.

Initial Advance Min Amt

View the minimum initial advance amount.

Advance Max Amt

View the maximum subsequent advance amount.

Advance Min Amt

View the minimum subsequent advance amount.

Late Charge Allowed

If selected, late charges are allowed during the disbursement period.

Billing Allowed

If selected, billing is allowed during the disbursement period.

Billing Method

View the billing method during the disbursement period.

Draw Period Rate

Specify the applicable interest rate during the disbursement period.

PDC section


If selected, indicates that the customer has opted for PDC.

PDC Security Ind

If selected, indicates that the customer has submitted the PDC as a security.

Escrow section


View the escrow allowed indicator. If selected, escrow is allowed for this account.

Opt Out

View the escrow opt out indicator. If selected, escrow is not allowed for this account.

Post Maturity section

Default Rate

If selected, indicates the default rate is available.


Select the post maturity index.

Post Margin Rate

Specify the past maturity rate.

Billing section

Pre Bill Days

This is the number of days before the first payment is due that accounts funded with this Loan instrument will be billed for the first payment. Thereafter, the accounts will be billed on the same day every month.

If an account has a first payment date of 10/25/2003 and Pre Bill Days is 21, then first payment due will be on 10/04/2003, and then 4th of every month.

Bill Cycle

View the billing cycle.

Payment Caps

Max Pmt Increase / Year

The maximum payment that can be increased for the year.

Max Pmt Increase / Life

The maximum payment that can be increased in the life of an application.


Stmt preference mode

Select the account statement preference mode as either Email or PHYSICAL from the drop-down list.

By default, the option selected in ‘Product’ setup screen (Setup > Administration > Products > Contract screen) is displayed.

Recourse Details


View the recourse indicator. If selected, it indicates that there is a recourse associated with the Loan and the following recourse details can be specified.

Recourse Type

Select the recourse type as either 'Partial' or 'Full' from the drop-down list.

Recourse Rea­son

Depending on the type of recourse selected, you can select the following type of recourse reason from the drop-down list.

For recourse type as 'Partial', system defaults the recourse rea­son as ‘Partial’.

For recourse type as 'Full', you can select one of the following options:

- Fraud

- Titles

- Fraud and Titles

- Full

- Full and Titles

Recourse Max %

Specify the maximum percentage of recourse allowed. Ensure that the specified amount does not exceed 100% or the amount defined at Contract.

Note: You can specify the recourse either in percentage or as flat amount in the below field.

Recourse Amt

If ‘Recourse Max %’ is not specified, you can specify a flat amount to be allowed for recourse.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.
  2. Quick Calculate

In the ‘Contract Information’ section, there is a drop-down list adjacent to the ‘Calculate’ button with following options to auto calculate different Loan parameters based on the data provided. Select the required option from the drop-down list and click ‘Calculate’:

    • Calculate Payment
    • Calculate Interest Rate
    • Calculate Term
    • Calculate Loan Amount

The system displays the requested calculation in the respective field.

  1. Click Calculate. The system displays the calculation in the respective field.

Imputed Interest

Imputed interest is the difference of interest rate arising when the regulatory rate offered is less than the contract rate (i.e. market rate). As per the tax regulations, if the stated (regulatory rate) and market (contract) interest rates are substantially different, it is necessary to record the transaction using an interest rate that more closely accords with the market rate.

Hence, for a loan with imputed interest rate, along with repayment schedule which consist of EMI, Principal, Interest and Outstanding Balance, there is also ‘Imputed Interest Amortization Schedule’ generated to depict the imputed interest calculated with ‘Present value of Principal’ (PVP).

Though imputed interest is part of advance principal, the tax calculation is indicated as ‘Imputed Interest’ which is an additional income and is taxable. The imputed interest calculation follows repayment schedule and amortization schedule is processed on executing the batch job TAMIMP_BJ_100_01 (IMPUTED INTEREST AMORTIZATION TRANSACTIONS PROCESSING).

As part of the funding, if the ‘Contract Imputed Rate’ is greater than ‘0’, system calculates Imputed Interest Amortization schedule based on following calculation:

To record the imputed interest amount during loan creation stage, system automatically posts FND IMPUTED INTEREST monetary transaction with total imputed interest amount. In case of loan reversal/cancellation, REVERSE FND IMPUTED INTEREST transaction is posted to post reversal entry on account for imputed interest.

Once the application is funded, the Contract Imputed Rate is propagated to Servicing > Account Details > Contract Information tab.

Amortization Transactions record is created in Servicing > GL Transactions > Amortized Transactions with the following details:

If case there is a change in repayment schedule due to change in interest rate, then respective imputed interest rate also changes since the principal changes. Along with this, if there is an early Payoff or account Charge-off, the remaining unearned imputed interest is written-off. On posting monetary transactions which changes the repayment schedule such as ‘Due Date Change’, ‘Due Date Change Override’, ‘Change Term’ and so on, system recalculates imputed interest amortization schedule along with repayment schedule and posts an Imputed Interest amortization adjustment transaction.

In above cases, system posts the following adjustments/write-off and reversal transactions automatically on loan account to basically write-off some amount:

System automatically creates imputed interest related transaction/journal entries at the time of processing of the following transactions of loan account.

8.11.1 Contract (2) Sub Tab

The Contract sub screen records the application’s servicing branch and collector. It also displays additional information regarding the contract not covered on the Loan screen, such as the tolerance, delinquencies, due dates, billings, and extensions.

To complete the Contract sub tab

  1. Open the Funding screen and load the application you want to work with.
  2. Click the Contract > Contract sub tab.
  3. In this section, you can perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:

Servicing Branch

Select the servicing branch for the contract.


Select the collector for the contract.


If you are acting as a proxy for a Funder, then you can select the Funder’s name from the adjoining options list. The list displays all the associated Funders, Funding Supervisors, and Funding Managers.

However, this is not mandatory and can be used while auc­tioning an application on behalf of another Funder.

Misc section

Link To Existing Cus­tomer

Select to link the application to the existing customer.

Anniversary Period

View the anniversary term.

Default Pmt Spread

View the spread.

HMDA section

Lien Status

Select the lien status.


Select the home owner equity protection act (HOEPA) code.

Rate Spread

Specify the rate spread. You can calculate this spread from a tool on the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) website.

Others section

1st Pmt Deduction

View the first payment deduction indicator. If selected, the first payment deduction is in use.


View the first payment deduction days.

1st Pmt Refund

View the first payment refund indicator. If selected, the first payment refund is in use.


View the first payment refund days.

Pre-Pmt Penalty

View the prepayment penalty indicator. If selected, a prepay­ment penalty can be applied.

% of Term for Penalty

View the prepayment penalty percentage of term.

Pay Off Fee

View the payoff fee indicator. If selected, a payoff fee can be applied to the Loan.

Rebate section

Rebate Method

View the rebate calculation method.

Rebate Term Method

View the rebate term method.

Rebate Min Fin Chg Method

View the rebate minimum finance charge calculation method.

Rebate Min Fin Chg Value

View the minimum finance charge value.

Acquisition Charge Amt

View the acquisition charge amount.

Tolerance section - This section displays the tolerance details as defined in Setup > Products > Contract screen.

Refund Allowed

View the refund allowed indicator. If selected, the refund pol­icies in this section are in use.

Refund Tolerance

View the refund tolerance amount.

Pmt Tolerance Amt

View the payment tolerance amount.

Pmt Tolerance%

View the payment tolerance percentage.

Promise Tolerance Amt

View the ‘Promise to Pay’ tolerance amount.

Promise Tolerance %

View the ‘Promise to Pay’ tolerance percentage.

Writeoff Tolerance

View the write-off tolerance amount.

Delinquency section

Late Charge Grace Days

View the late charge grace days.

Delq Grace Days

View the delinquency grace days.

Delq Category Method

View the delinquency category method.

Time Bar Years

View the total number of years allowed to contact the customer starting from the first payment date as defined in Setup > Products > Contract screen.

Due Date section

Max Due Day Change Days

View the maximum due days.

Min Due Day

View the minimum due day.

Max Due Day

View the maximum due day.

Max Due Day Change Year

View the maximum due day changes allowed (year).

Max Due Day Change Life

View the maximum due day changes allowed (life).

Extension section

Max Extn Period / Year

View the maximum extension allowed (year).

Max Extn Period / Life

View the maximum extension allowed (life).

Max # Extn / Year

View the maximum number of extensions allowed (year).

Max # Extn / Life

View the maximum number of extensions allowed (life).

Minimum # Payments

View the minimum number of payments.

Extension Gap in Months

View the extension gap in months.

Usage / Rental Details

Agreement Type

View the Agreement Type if the current application belongs to any of the below category. Else, the same is displayed as UNDEFINED.




  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.

8.11.2 Repayment Sub Tab

The Repayment sub screen records the application’s advance information, repayment schedule, and skipped repayment months for variable rate Loan.

To complete the Repayment sub tab

  1. Open the Funding screen and load the application you want to work with.
  2. Click the Contract > Repayment sub tab.
  3. In this section, you can perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:

Repayment section:

Flexible Repay­ment Allowed

If this display only check box is selected, then the flexible repay­ment functionality is set up and allowed for this application's prod­uct type.


Select the flexible repayment schedule you want to use from the following: SKIP PERIOD, USER DEFINED, UNDEFINED.

If you select the repayment schedule type of SKIP PERIOD, you then select the months for which borrower won't make any pay­ments in the Skip Months section.

If you select the repayment schedule type of USER DEFINED, you then enter the repayment schedule requested by borrower in the Schedule section; for example, $300.00 for first 12 months, $350.00 for next 18 months, and so on.

Note: The borrower may not provide a complete repayment sched­ule with the contract. Provisions are available with the system to compute the repayment schedule for remaining periods at a later time, if borrower provides partial repayment schedule.

Skip Months section


If selected, indicates that repayment is skipped for January.


If selected, indicates that repayment is skipped for February.


If selected, indicates that repayment is skipped for March.


If selected, indicates that repayment is skipped for April.


If selected, indicates that repayment is skipped for May.


If selected, indicates that repayment is skipped for June.


If selected, indicates that repayment is skipped for July.


If selected, indicates that repayment is skipped for August.


If selected, indicates that repayment is skipped for September.


If selected, indicates that repayment is skipped for October.


If selected, indicates that repayment is skipped for November.


If selected, indicates that repayment is skipped for December.

Extendable Balloon section

Max Term

Specify maximum number of payments.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.
  2. In the Repayment Schedule section, click View.
  3. View the following information:

    Repayment Schedule section

    Note: Complete the Schedule section only if you have entered USER DEFINED in the Repayment section’s Type field. Click Add to make new entries.


    Specify the sequence number of the repayment schedule.

    Pmt Amt

    Specify the repayment amount borrower agreed to pay during the schedule.

    # of Pmts

    Specify the number of payments borrower agreed to pay for stated repayment amount during this schedule.


    If selected, indicates that the schedule is system generated.


    If selected, indicates that the schedule is enabled.

  4. In the Payment Change Schedule section, click View.
  5. View the following information:

    Payment Change Schedule section


    Specify the payment sequence number.

    Option Type

    Select the option type.


    Specify the payment change frequency.


    Specify the period.

    # of Adj

    Specify the number of adjustments.


    Specify the adjustment value.

8.11.3 Itemizations Sub Tab

The system lists the distribution of the Loan proceeds on the Itemizations sub screen when you choose Select Instrument on the Contract link. It lists amounts paid to the borrower directly, amount paid to the borrower’s account, and amount’s given on the borrower’ behalf to third parties. Itemizations are categorized according to advances, finance fees, prepaid fees, producers or escrows. If you have entered itemization amounts during application entry or underwriting, you will see these values in the Amount or Approved Amt columns.

The Itemizations sub screen offers the option of computing the values for itemization according to a itemization formula associated with the selected instrument based on system setup.

If you require any new itemizations, you can add them using the Setup menu Products command. (For more information, see the Products chapter in the Setup Guide.)

To complete the Itemizations

  1. Open the Funding screen and load the application you want to work with.
  2. Click the Contract > Itemizations sub tab.
  3. In this section, you can perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:


View the itemization.


View whether the itemization is added or subtracted.


View the amount.

Approved Amt

View the approved amount. This is information recorded on the Underwriting screen.

Discount Rate

Specify the discount rate.


View whether the itemization is taxable (Sales) if box is selected.


View the seller payment.

Itemization Formula

View the itemization type.

Itemization Type

View the itemization type.

Prefunding Status

View the prefunding status.

Pmt Dt

View the payment date.

Pmt Ref #

View the payment reference number.


Specify additional comments, if any.

  1. Choose the option button for the type of itemization you want to use: Advance, Financed Fees, Pre-Paid Fees, Producer or Escrow.
  2. In the Amount column, enter the amount corresponding with what is listed in the Itemization column.
  3. If the Itemization Formula field contains an entry other than UNDEFINED, you can choose Compute to auto-compute the value in the Amount field using a predefined itemization formula.

Itemization formulas are created on the Product Setup screen’s Origination Fees screens. (For more information, see the Org. Fees tab section of the Products chapter in the Setup Guide.)

To ensure you create the correct computed value, choose Compute after entering values for all base itemizations; that is, values of all such itemizations with an Itemization Formula of undefined.

You can also manually enter amounts for auto-computed itemizations.

If you click Initialize, the system sets the values of auto-computed itemizations to 0 (zero).

  1. If you choose, use the Comment field to add remarks.
  2. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.

8.11.4 Trade-In Sub Tab

If there is any information regarding an itemized trade-in, use the Trade-In sub screen to enter the details in the system (This sub screen might already contain information supplied during the underwriting process.)

To complete the Trade-In sub screen

  1. Open the Funding screen and load the application you want to work with.
  2. Click the Contract > Trade-In sub tab.
  3. In this section, you can perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:

Trade In section

Asset Type

Select the asset type.

Asset Sub Type

Select the asset sub-type.


Specify the year of the asset.


Specify the make of the asset.


Specify the model of the asset.

Identification #

Specify the identification number.


Specify the body of the asset.


View the asset description.

Valuations section

Wholesale Amt

Specify the wholesale amount.

Base Retail Amt

Specify the retail amount.

Addons Amt (+)

Specify the add ons amount.

Payoff Amt (-)

Specify the payoff amount.

Total Amt =

View the total amount.

Valuation Dt

Specify the valuation date.


Select the valuation source.

Valuation Supple­ment

Specify the valuation supplement.


Specify the valuation edition.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.

8.11.5 Subvention Sub Tab

With the Subvention sub screen, you can enter the subvention information and calculate the subvention amount, as well as override the calculated subvention amount. The participant’s information is automatically populated based on the selected subvention plan.

To use the Subventions sub screen

  1. Open the Funding screen and load the application you want to work with.
  2. Click the Contract > Subventions sub tab.
  3. In this section, you can perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.
  4. A brief description of the fields is given below:


    Do this:

    Subvention section:


    Select the subvention plan code.


    View the subvention plan description

    Sub Plan

    Select the sub plan.

    Sub Plan Description

    Select the subvention sub plan.

    Subvention Type

    View the subvention type

    Subvention Amount

    View the subvention amount for the plan.


    If selected, indicates that the subvention is included.

  5. Click View in the Subvention Details section.

View the following:

Participants section:


View the participant.

Participant Type

View the participant type

Collection Method

View the collection method.


View the subvention rate.

Rent Factor

View the subvention rent factor.

Calculation Method

View the subvention calculation method.


View the factor.

Calculated Amount

View the calculated subvention amount.

Subvention Amount

Specify the subvention amount.

Total Subvention Rate

View the total subvention rate.

Total Subvention Amount

View the total subvention amount.


If selected, indicates that the subvention is included.

  1. Click Initialize to reset the subvention amount to zero.
  2. Click Calculate to calculate the subvention amount.
  3. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.

8.11.6 Insurance Sub Tab

If there is any information regarding an itemized insurance amount, enter the details on the Insurance sub screen. The Insurance sub screen also enables you to calculate the commission if there is a commission rule defined during Contract setup.

To complete the Insurance sub tab

  1. Open the Funding screen and load the application you want to work with.
  2. Click the Contract > Insurance sub tab.
  3. In this section, you can perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:

Insurance Plan

Select the insurance plan associated with the financed insurance product.

Insurance Type

View the insurance type associated with the insurance plan.

Sub Type

Select the insurance sub type offered under the insurance plan.

Insurance Com­pany

Specify the insurance company associated with the insurance plan. The system populates the default insurance plan defined during product setup.

Policy #

Specify the insurance policy number.

Effective Dt

Specify the insurance effective date.


Specify the insurance term.

Expiry Dt

Specify the insurance expiry date.

Commission Rule

View the insurance premium amount.

Premium Amt

Specify the insurance premium amount.

Commission Amt

View the insurance commission amount.


Specify the insurance company’s primary phone number.


Specify the insurance company’s primary phone extension.


Specify the insurance company’s alternate phone number.


Specify the insurance company’s alternate phone extension.

Beneficiary section


Specify the primary beneficiary of the insurance.


Specify the secondary beneficiary of the insurance.

Cancellation/Refund section

Cancellation Refund Allowed

If selected, a refund is allowed. A selected box indicates that the insurance premium can be rebated to the customer in case of early payoff.

Grace Days

View the number of grace days allowed for cancellation without charging a cancellation fee.

Calculation Method

View the insurance premium refund/rebate calculation method to be used when insurance is cancelled.

Grace Days Can­cellation Fee Allowed

If selected, indicates that cancellation fees during grace is allowed.

Cancellation Fee

View the amount of the cancellation fee to be charged when the insurance is cancelled.

Deduct Fee From

View the option defined in setup screen (Setup > Administration > Products > Insurances) to deduct the cancellation fee.

‘Premium Amount’ indicates fee is deducted upfront before computation and ‘Rebate Amount’ indicates fee is deducted after computation.

  1. If you click the Calculate button, the system computes the commission based on the commission method in the Cancellation/Refund section.

The commission appears in the Commission Rule and Commission Amt fields of the Policy Information section.

It also appears on the Itemizations sub screen.

You can overwrite the suggested value if you choose.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.

8.11.7 ESC Sub Tab

If there is information regarding an itemized extended service contract or warranty amount, enter the details on the ESC sub screen.

To complete the ESC (extended service contracts) sub tab

  1. Open the Funding screen and load the application you want to work with.
  2. Click the Contract > ESC sub tab.
  3. In this section, you can perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.
  4. A brief description of the fields is given below:


    Do this:

    Warranty Information section

    Service Con­tract

    View the extended service contract type.

    Policy #

    Specify the ESC number.

    Effective Date

    Specify the ESC effective date.


    Specify the ESC term.

    Expiration Dt

    Specify the ESC expiry date.

    Premium Amt

    View the ESC premium amount

    Commission Amt

    View the commission amount.

    Commission Rule

    View the commission rule.

    Warranty Company

    Specify the ESC company’s name.


    Specify comment if any.

    Phone No

    Specify the ESC company’s primary phone number.


    Specify the ESC company’s primary phone extension.

    Phone No

    Specify the ESC company’s alternate phone number.


    Specify the ESC company’s alternate phone extension.



    Check this box to allow cancellation/refund.


    Specify the method of cancellation/refund.

  5. In the Cancellation/Refund section, view the following information.
    • If the Allowed box is selected, a refund is allowed. A selected box indicates that the ESC premium can be rebated to the customer in case of early payoff.
    • The Method field displays the refund method.
  1. If you click the Calculate button, the system computes the commission based on the commission method in the Cancellation/Refund section.

The commission appears in the Commission Rule and Commission Amt fields of the Warranty Information section.

It also appears on the Itemizations sub screen.

You can overwrite the suggested value if you choose.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.

8.11.8 Escrow Sub Tab

If there is escrow information selected on the Itemization sub screen, enter information about it on the Escrow sub screen. The Escrow sub screen records escrow details regarding disbursement, insurance, and property tax -- information that is parsed to the Customer Service screen on the Customer Service (2) master tab, where it is available for maintenance.

This sub tab is available if escrow is allowed for the instrument selected on the Loan screen.

The Escrow Analysis screen enables you to view and perform the initial escrow analysis. You can perform multiple analyses; however, the system records only the most recent analysis.

To complete the Escrow sub screen

  1. Open the Funding screen and load the application you want to work with.
  2. Click the Contract > Escrow sub tab.
  3. The Escrow Information section displays information regarding the escrow recorded on the Itemization sub screen. In this section, you can perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:




The escrow itemization code and description.

Escrow Type

The escrow type.

Escrow Sub Type

The escrow sub type.

Advance Amt

The amount that’s been approved for the Item in the itemiza­tion screen under the escrow.

Required Escrow

If selected, indicates that this is mandatory itemization and customer can not opt out of this escrow item.

Cushion Allowed

If selected, indicates that cushion is allowed.

  1. Select the Opt Out box only if you want to ignore this particular escrow.
  2. In the Disbursement section, enter the following information:


    Do this:


    Select disbursement rule.

    Yearly Amt

    Specify yearly disbursement amount.

    Account #

    Specify reference account number for vendor.

    Note: If the organizational parameter UIX_HIDE_RESTRICTED_­DATA is set to Y, this appears as a masked number; for example, XXXXX1234.


    Specify the vendor name.

    Maturity Dt

    Specify the maturity date, if one exists.

  3. If this escrow involves an insurance, use the Insurance section to enter the following information:


    Do this:

    Coverage Type

    Specify the coverage type.

    Coverage Term

    Specify the coverage term.

    Policy #

    Specify the policy number.

    Coverage Amt

    Specify the coverage amount.

    Effective Dt

    Specify the effective date.

    Expiration Dt

    Specify the expiration date.

  4. If this escrow involves a tax, use the Tax section to enter the following information:


    Do this:

    Property Tax Type

    Specify property tax code.


    Specify a comment.

  5. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.

8.11.9 Compensation Sub Tab

The Compensation (Loan) sub tab records and displays the terms of compensation between the finance company and the dealer for Loan transactions.

To complete the Compensation (Loan) sub screen

  1. Open the Funding screen from the Origination master tab’s Funding bar link and load the application you want to work with.
  2. Click the Contract > Compensation sub tab.
  3. On the Compensation sub screen’s Compensation section, select in the Compensation Plan section the compensation plan you want to use.
  4. Click Load.

The system loads the following information on the Compensation sub screen:


Do this:

Compensation section

Compensation Plan

View the compensation plan.

Disbursement Method

View the compensation payment method.

Calculation Method

View the compensation calculation method.

Chargeback section

Paid Calc Method

View the charge back calculation method (early payoff).

Paid %

View the percentage of chargeback paid.

Paid Basis

View the charge back paid basis.

Paid Term

View the charge back paid term.

Paid Days

View the charge back paid days.

Charge off Calc Method

View the charge back calculation method (charge off).

Charge off %

View the charge back percentage (charge off).

Charge off Basis

View the charge back basis (charge off).

Charge off Term

View the charge back term (charge off).


View the charge back days (charge off).

Calculation section

Spread Formula

View the compensation spread formula.

Buy Rate

Specify the buy rate.


View the compensation factor.

Addl Factor

View the additional compensation factor.

Max Spread %

View the maximum spread or percent allowed.

Upfront %

View the upfront compensation percentage.

Flat Amt

View the flat amount.

Upfront Comp Amt

View the compensation amount paid upfront.

Rem Comp Amt

View the compensation amount remaining.

Comp Amt

View the compensation amount.

  1. Make any necessary changes in the Buy Rate field.
  2. Click Calculate.

The system displays the details and amounts for this compensation plan.

8.11.10 Proceeds Sub Tab

The Proceeds sub screen displays the payment amount due to the dealer, based on the Compensation and Itemization sub screens. It is a view only sub screen, though you can record comments.

To use the Proceeds

  1. Open the Funding screen and load the application you want to work with.
  2. Click the Contract > Proceeds sub tab.
  3. In this section, you can perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:


View the proceed itemization.


View whether the itemization is added to or subtracted from the total proceeds.


Specify the amount.


Specify the currency of the proceed.


Specify a comment.

Total Amount

View the total amount.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.

8.11.11 Disbursement Sub Tab

The Disbursement sub screen records how the Loan payment is disbursed and records payments to third parties such as the Department of Motor Vehicles. This sub screen needs to be completed if there is an itemized disbursement.

To complete the Disbursement sub screen

  1. Open the Funding screen and load the application you want to work with.
  2. Click the Contract > Disbursement sub tab.
  3. In this section, you can perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:

Disbursement section

Validate Payee

Check this box to validate payee.


View the disbursement description.


Specify the disbursement party’s number.

Payment Mode

Select the payment mode.


Specify the company name.

Account #

Specify the account number.

Note: If the organizational parameter UIX_HIDE_RESTRICTED_­DATA is set to Y, this appears as a masked number; for example, XXXXX1234.


View the payment amount.


Specify the currency.

ACH Account Type

Specify the account type.

Account #

Specify the ACH account number.

Note: If the organizational parameter UIX_HIDE_RESTRICTED_­DATA is set to Y, this appears as a masked number; for example, XXXXX1234.

ACH Bank

Specify the bank number.

ACH Routing #

Specify the routing number.


Select the Business Identifier Code from the drop-down list. The list displays the BIC codes defined in the system.


Specify the IBAN (International Bank Account Number). IBAN is used for identifying bank accounts across national borders with a minimal of risk of propagating transcription errors.

Ensure that value entered satisfies the check-digit validation based on modulo 97. On save, system automatically validates the IBAN number length based on country code, characters, white spaces, and checksum. Validation is also done during posting non-monetary transaction (ACH Maintenance).

You can maintain the IBAN length and other details required as per the country code in the user defined table (Setup > Adminis­tration > System > User Defined Tables).

Note: IBAN for 'NL' country code (IBAN_FORMAT_NL) is defined by default with length of IBAN as 18.


Specify a comment.


Select the country.

Address Line 1

Specify the address line 1.

Address Line 2

Specify the address line 2.


Specify the zip code.

For non US country, you have to enter zip code.


Specify the city.


Select the state.

Phone 1

Specify the primary phone number.


Specify the primary phone extension.

Phone 2

Specify the alternate phone number.


Specify the alternate phone extension.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.

Disbursement tab will display the records only if a third party itemization is maintained during contract setup.

8.11.12 Fee Sub Tab

The Fee sub screen is a view-only table displaying what fees on the Loan instrument are in use, based on the contract.

To view the Fee

  1. Open the Funding screen and load the application you want to work with.
  2. Click the Contract > Fee sub tab.
  3. In the Fee sub screen, view the following display only information:


    Do this:


    View the fee type.

    Fee Calc Method

    View the fee calculation method.

    Txn Amt From

    View the minimum transaction amount.

    Amount Financed From

    View the minimum value of amount financed on the contract.


    View the maximum percentage.

    Min Amt

    View the minimum fee amount.

    Max Amt

    View the maximum fee amount.


    If selected, the fee rule is enabled.

8.11.13 ACH Sub Tab

The ACH sub screen records details about automatic clearing house, if this is a direct deposit payment account; otherwise, it remains empty. This information is used to receive payments, primarily when working with the Payments screen.

To complete the ACH

  1. Open the Funding screen and load the application you want to work with.
  2. On the Funding screen, click the Contract tab, then choose the ACH sub tab.
  3. In this section, you can perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:

Bank Name

Specify the bank name.

Routing #

Specify the routing number.


Select the required ACH status from the drop down list. By default, the ACTIVE status is selected.


By default, this check box is selected indicating that the current ACH is the default one. If not, you need to uncheck the same.

Start Dt

Specify the ACH start date. By default the first payment date of the contract is auto populated and can be edited.

End Dt

Specify the ACH end date.

Account Type

Select the account type.

Account #

Specify the account number. Note: If the organizational parameter UIX_HIDE_RESTRICTED_DATA is set to Y, this appears as a masked number; for example, XXXXX1234.


Select the Business Identifier Code from the drop-down list. The list displays the BIC codes defined in the system.


Specify the IBAN (International Bank Account Number). IBAN is used for identifying bank accounts across national borders with a minimal of risk of propagating transcription errors.

Ensure that value entered satisfies the check-digit validation based on modulo 97. On save, system automatically validates the IBAN number length based on country code, characters, white spaces, and checksum. Validation is also done during posting non-monetary transaction (ACH Maintenance).

You can maintain the IBAN length and other details required as per the country code in the user defined table (Setup > Administration > System > User Defined Tables).

Note: IBAN for 'NL' country code (IBAN_FORMAT_NL) is defined by default with length of IBAN as 18.

Pmt Day

Specify the payment day. By default the payment due day specified for the contract is auto populated and can be edited.

Pmt Amt

Specify the payment amount. By default the payment amount decided for the contract is auto populated and can be edited.

Note: If the payment amount is specified as ZERO, system will automatically consider the EMI amount.

Pmt Amt Excess

Specify the additional payment (if any). This is the additional amount over and above the regular EMI. Appropriation of this amount is based on the ‘Spread’ defined in the contract.

Pmt Freq

Select the payment frequency. By default the bill cycle frequency defined for the contract is auto populated and can be edited.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.
  2. If there are more than one ACH banks and an optional End Date, click Add and repeat steps 3 through 5.

8.11.14 Coupon Sub Tab

The Coupon sub screen enables you to order (or re-order) new coupon books. This sub screen is only available if the bill type for this application is a coupon payment, not a statement.

To complete the Coupon

  1. Open the Funding screen and load the application you want to work with.
  2. Click the Contract > Coupon sub tab.
  3. In this section, you can perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:


Select to order coupon book.

Order Dt

Specify the coupon book order date.

Ordered By

Select the user id of the user who ordered the coupon book.

# of Coupons

Specify the number of coupons.

First Pmt Dt

Specify the first payment date.

Coupon Start­ing #

Specify the starting number of the coupon book.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.

8.11.15 References Sub Tab

The References link enables you to enter any number of people as a reference on the application.

To complete the Reference screen (Contract link)

  1. Open the Funding screen and load the application you want to work with.
  2. Click the Contract > References link in this section, you can perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:


Select the reference type.


Specify the reference name.


Select the status of the reference from the drop-down list.


Specify the number of years.


Specify the number of months.


Specify a comment.


Select the country.

Address Line 1

Specify the address line 1.

Address Line 2

Specify the address line 2.


Select the state.


Select the zip code.

For non US country, you have to enter zip code.

Zip Extn

Specify the zip extension.


Specify the city.

Phone 1

Specify the reference’s primary phone number.


Specify the reference’s primary phone extension.

Permission to call

Check this box if customer has provided permission to contact through the specified phone number.

When selected, system auto validates this option against the phone number specified. Atleast one phone number should have the per­mission to call for successful pre-qualification of the application. Else, an error message is displayed.

Permission to Text

Check this box if customer has provided permission to contact through text message.

Phone 2

Specify the reference’s secondary phone number.


Specify the reference’s secondary phone extension.

Permission to call

Check this box if customer has provided permission to contact through the specified phone number.

When selected, system auto validates this option against the phone number specified. Atleast one phone number should have the per­mission to call for successful pre-qualification of the application. Else, an error message is displayed.

Permission to Text

Check this box if customer has provided permission to contact through text message.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.

If you want to add another reference, click Add and repeat steps 3 and 4.

8.11.16 Real Estate Sub Tab

The Real Estate Fields screen records additional information regarding manufactured home Loan.

To complete the Real Estate Fields screen

  1. Open the Funding screen and load the application you want to work with.
  2. Click the Contract > Real Estate.
  3. In this section, you can perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:

Note Transmittal Number

Specify the note transmittal number.

Deed Transmittal Number

Specify the deeding transmittal number.

Cancel/Cashout Transmittal Number

Specify the deeding cancel/cash out transmittal number.

Deed Input Date

Specify the deed input date.

Deed Recording Date

Specify the deed recording date.

Deeding Book Number

Specify the deeding book number.

ConDeeding Page Number

Specify the condeeding page number.

Mortgage Recording Date

Specify the mortgage recording date.

Mortgage Book Number

Specify the mortgage book number.

Mortgage Page Number

Specify the mortgage page number.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.

8.11.17 PDC Sub Tab

The PDC sub screen displays any post dated checks associated with the contract.

To complete the PDC

  1. Open the Funding screen and load the application you want to work with.
  2. Click the Contract > PDC sub tab.
  3. In this section, you can perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:


If selected, indicates that this account involves a post dated check as a method of repayment.

PDC Type

Select the post dated check type, Security checks or post dated checks for payment.

Account #

Specify the account number, on which the cheque is drawn.

Routing #

Specify the routing number of the cheque. It is the number printed on the cheque, also called MICR number (Magnetic Ink Character Rec­ognition).

Account Type

Specify the type of the account

Bank Name

Specify the bank name of the customers cheque

Branch Name

Specify the Branch name of the customers cheque

Docket #

Specify the docket number where post dated checks are supposed to be stored.

Check #

Specify the starting cheque number.

Check Dt

Select the check date. In case there are multiple checks being deposited that have sequential serial numbers, the date of the first cheque in the series would be entered in the date field. The remain­ing cheque dates would be anniversary dates based on the fre­quency set up.

For example, the cheque range could be from 111 to 180. If the date on the first cheque-111 is October 12, 2003 and the frequency is set to Monthly, the next cheque would be picked up for processing on November 12, 2003.

Check Amt

Specify the appropriate cheque amount.

No of Checks

Specify the total number of checks in the range.

Billing Cycle

Select the frequency at which the checks are to be sent for collec­tion.


Specify any remarks for the details.

  1. Click Generate.
  2. In the PDC Table section, select the record you want to work with and enter, view or edit the following information:


    View this:


    If selected, indicates that this is the current record.

    PDC Type

    The type of post dated check in use.

    Account #

    The account number of the post dated check.

    Bank Name

    The bank name of the post dated check.

    Check #

    The check number of the post dated check.


    The status of the post dated check.

    Check Dt

    The check date of the post dated check.

    Check Amt

    The check amount of the post dated check.

    Account Type

    The account type of the post dated check.

  3. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.

8.12 Collateral tab

Having selected and loaded an application, you can view the information about the collateral of the Loan.

The Collateral link opens screens with information regarding any collateral associated with an account. Depending on the type of Loan, collateral can be a vehicle, home, or something else, such as major household appliances. The Collateral link is unavailable if this is an unsecured Loan.

A detailed explanation of the fields found on the Collateral link’s screens and sub screens can be found in the Application Entry chapter.

To verify information about the collateral

  1. Open the Funding screen and load the application you want to work with.
  2. Click the Collateral link.

Depending on the type of collateral, information about the vehicle, home or other type of collateral appears.

  1. Verify the information regarding the collateral and its sub screens. (This is information that was recorded during the application entry process or gathered during the credit pull.)

If the collateral is a vehicle, the Collateral link displays information about the vehicle.

If the collateral is a home, the Collateral link displays information about the home.

If the collateral is anything other than a vehicle or home, the Collateral link displays information about the other type of collateral.

For details on this screen refer Collateral Tab section in Underwriting chapter.

8.13 Comments Tab

When using the Underwriting screen, you can add comments to an application at any time in the underwriting process by using the Comments screen.

Whenever an application is funded by a proxy user, a system generated comment with timestamp is inserted in the comments tab in the format ‘<User 1> actioned as proxy for Funder <User2>’. Here, User 1 refers to the logged in user who has acted on behalf of User2, who is the concerned Funder. The concerned Funder’s name will also be selected in Contract Tab > 'Funder' field.

To add comments to an application

  1. Open the Funding screen and load the application you want to work with.
  2. Click Comments.

For details on this screen refer Comments Tab section in Underwriting chapter.

8.14 Tracking Tab

When using the Funding screen, you can add tracking attribute information to an application at any time in the underwriting process by using the Tracking Attributes screen.

To enter the tracking attributes for an application

  1. Open the Funding screen and load the application you want to work with.
  2. Click the Tracking tab.

For details on this screen refer Tracking Tab section in Underwriting chapter.

8.15 Document tab

The Document Maintenance link allows you to view documents attached to an application in the form of GIF files, PDF files, DOC files, XLS files, and TXT files and add comments regarding a selected document.

For more information, see the chapter Document Management in this User Guide.

To view a document attached with an application

  1. Open the Funding screen and load the application you want to work with.
  2. Click Document.

For details on this screen refer Document Tab section in Underwriting chapter.

8.16 Verification Tab

The system can be configured to automatically validate portions of an application when you attempt to change its status. The results of this data check appear on the Verification link’s Edit screen as an Error, a Warning or an Override.

If it is an Error, the system will not allow you change the application’s status and approve the Loan until you fix all the errors.

If it is a Warning, the system enables you to change an application’s status without correcting the matter. While you should still investigate the problem, Warning messages are of a lesser importance than Error messages.

If it is an Override, the system displays a dialog box informing you that an override is needed; your responsibility level does not have the authority required to process this step. (Choose Yes on the dialog box to move the application to the queue of the user with the required authority.)

The system can be configured to verify different sets of information; for example, the system could check one set of data when checking application entries for completeness and another when approving auto Loan. Each one of these “edit types” has its own set of “edit details.”


The Edit Details section’s errors and warnings are created during the setup process.

To complete the Verification tab

  1. Open the Funding screen and load the application you want to work with.
  2. In the Edit Type drop-down list, select 'Application Approval Edits' and click on 'Check Edits' button.

Edit details are displayed in the table below along with the result, expected value, actual value and the override responsibility. This is based on the product and contract set up details that is done initially.

For more information, refer to Configuring Lending and Leasing setup guides.

  1. Specify all the information associated with the application on the Funding screen.

  1. When you are finished entering data, on the Funding link bar, click Verification.

For details on this screen refer Verification Tab section in Underwriting chapter.

8.17 Correspondence Tab

Ad-hoc correspondence enables you to include information from applications in document templates you create yourself without manually transferring the data. Ad-hoc documents can be generated as either Microsoft Word or PDF files.

Ad-hoc correspondence can be viewed on the Correspondence link’s Correspondence screen when you have opened an account. The screen enables you to generate a new letter or view a previously generated letter.

To generate an ad hoc correspondence

  1. Open the Funding screen and load the application you want to work with.
  2. Click Correspondence.

For details on this screen refer Correspondence Tab section in Underwriting chapter.

8.18 Escrow Analysis Tab

If escrow is allowed for the selected instrument, the Escrow Analysis link is available on the Contract drop-down link. This screen enables you to view and perform the initial escrow analysis. When you are satisfied with the analysis, complete the Approval Dt field in the Approval section and save your entry.

The escrow payment for the Loan account starts on the 1st date of the Loan payment month. The disbursement happens on the 10th of the month (as per the disbursement rules). The escrow analysis lasts for a year (12 months) irrespective of the Loan term.

You can perform multiple analysis; however, the Escrow Analysis screen only records the last analysis performed. No record of any earlier analysis is currently available.

To complete the Escrow Analysis screen

  1. Open the Funding screen and load the application you want to work with.
  2. On the Funding screen, Click Escrow Analysis tab.

  3. In the Escrow Analysis section, view or enter the following information:




    The escrow item.

    Disbursement Rule

    The escrow disbursement rule.

    Yearly Amt

    The escrow disbursement yearly amount.

  4. Click Analyze.
  5. Information on the Analysis Details screen is based on expected cash flow from contract and escrow disbursement setup. Payments received appear before escrow disbursement in any given month. Click View in Escrow Analysis section.
  6. In the following section, enter, view, or edit the following information:



    Parameters section


    The date.

    From Dt

    The FROM date for the escrow activity.

    To Dt

    The TO date for the escrow activity.

    Opening Bal (Act)

    The opening balance actual amount.

    Opening Bal (Est)

    The opening balance estimated amount.

    Calculation: cushion amount + low required balance

    Cushion Type

    The cushion type.

    Cushion Value

    The cushion value.

    Cushion Amt

    The cushion amount.

    Calculation: as per the shortage /cushion Rule maintenance

    Results section

    Std Pmt Amt

    The standard payment amount.

    Escrow Pmt Amt (+)

    The escrow payment amount.

    Calculation: Yearly Amount/12.

    Spread Pmt Amt (+)

    The spread payment amount.

    Calculation: Surplus amount / 12

    Other Pmt Amt (+)

    The other payment amount.

    New Pmt Amt =

    The new payment amount.

    Calculation: standard payment amount + escrow payment amount + spread payment amount + other payment amount

    Surplus section

    Surplus /<Shortage Amt>

    The surplus shortage amount.

    Calculation: escrow account balance - opening balance

    Refund Amt

    The refund amount.

  7. Click View in the Analysis Details section.
  8. On the Analysis Details sub screen, view the following information:



    Txn Dt

    The transaction date.


    The escrow transaction.


    The vendor name.

    Txn Amt

    The amount of the transaction.

    Balance Amt (Est)

    The estimated amount of balance.

    Balance Amt (Act)

    The actual amount of balance.

Information on the Analysis Details sub screen is based on expected cash flow from contract and escrow disbursement setup. Payments received appear before escrow disbursement in any given month.

  1. If you want to re-analyze the escrow analysis, change the escrow information on the Contract link’s screen and sub screens.

If you want to approve the escrow analysis, complete the following information fields on the Approval section:



Approval section

Approval Dt

The approval date.

Approved By

The person who approved the Loan.

  1. Click Save on the Funding screen.

8.19 Tool Tab

The Tools tab calculates the payment amount, term, interest rate, Loan amount, amortization schedule and allows for the printing of a report.

For detailed information on using the tools, refer “Tools” chapter in the document.

8.20 Review Request

The Review Request tab facilitates to flag an Application for the attention of another Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing user and ask for review / feedback. It allows the system users to send and receive requests (including e-mail) commenting on a specific account or application. The Review Request tab supports iterative review of selected Application and also to process the review with multiple reviewers.

For detailed information on using this feature, refer to ‘Review Request’ section in Underwriting chapter of the document.