Description of the illustration remote_job.png

This partial screen capture of the Cloudera Manager yarn Applications page shows the following elements, listed from top to bottom and left to right:

yarn Applications title

Search box with the dimmed text "Search for YARN applications, e.g. 'pool = default' or press space to start typeahead. Search menu (collapsed)

Workload Summary panel on left

(For Completed Applications)

CPU Time




File Bytes Read

122 B

Results tab (selected), Charts tab, in panel on right

Results data in four unlabeled columns:

Col1 with values 04/12/2014 and 04/12/2014

Col2 with values 1:27 PM - and 1:27 PM

Col3 with values Name: QuasiMonteCarlo Pool:, Mapper: QuasiMonteCarlo$QmcMapper Reducer: QuasiMonteCarlo$QmcReducer, and Type: MapReduce ID: job_1397066986369_2392 Duration: 14.14s User: oracle CPU Time: 10.79s File Bytes Read: 122 B File Bytes Written: 1 MiB HDFS Bytes Read: 2.5 KiB HDFS Bytes Written: 215 B Memory Allocation: 59.3M Pool:

Col4 with value Actions menu (collapsed), Details button