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Oracle® Communications Diameter Signaling Router Service Capability Exposure Function User's Guide
Release 8.4
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Start/Restart Administrative Server

The procedure to start and restart the server is the same.
  1. Make sure the nodemgr service is running on the Admin server by with this command:
    sudo service nodemgr status
    If the nodemgr service is not running, start the service:
    sudo service nodemgr start
  2. cd to /u03/app/oracle/ocsg-x.x.x/user_projects/domains/services-gatekeeper-domain.
  3. Execute
    source ../../../wlserver/server/bin/setWLSEnv.sh
  4. Execute
    java weblogic.WLST”, this will start a WLST prompt
  5. Execute this command at the WLDT prompt
    Wls:/offiline: nmConnect(‘<nodemanager-user-name', ‘nodemanager-password', 'adminserver-imi-ip', '5556', 'services-gatekeeper-domain', '/u03/app/oracle/ocsg-x.x.x/user_projects/domains/services-gatekeeper-domain','plain')

    nodemanager-user-name - user name of node manager provided while configuring DSR API GW

    nodemanager-password - password of node manager provided while configuring DSR AI GW

    ocsg-x.x.x. - current DSR API GW version installed

  6. Execute
    wls:/nm/services-gatekeeper-domain> nmStart(‘AdminServer’)
  7. Make sure the Admin server has successfully started by accessing the console URL at https://<Admin-Server-XMI-IP>:9002/console.