J Issues Installing ACSLS Client Applications

This appendix summarizes known issues when installing client applications that communicate with ACSLS and their successful resolution.

Installing an ACSAPI Client on Solaris 11

Solaris 11 does not include all of the packages needed for client applications to communicate with the ACSLS server using RPC.


In this example, the client was unable to detect the ACSLS library.

Figure J-1 Device Configuration Wizard - Drive Path Detection

Description of Figure J-1 follows
Description of ''Figure J-1 Device Configuration Wizard - Drive Path Detection''


  1. Modify the /etc/hosts file and reboot the ACSAPI client server.

    Default on Solaris 11: (has just a loopback IP address)

    ::1 <client_hostname> localhost <client_hostname> localhost loghost 

    Updated /etc/hosts file on Solaris 11: (includes an actual IP address for the ACSAPI client)

    ::1 localhost localhost 
    <client_IP_adddr> <client_hostname> loghost 
  2. Install compatibility/ucb package required for ACSLS communication using Package Manager.

    1. Start Package Manager.

    2. Search for &rsquor;ucb'.

      Figure J-2 Package Manager Search

      Description of Figure J-2 follows
      Description of ''Figure J-2 Package Manager Search''

    3. Check the compatibility/ucb package and click Install/Update.

      Figure J-3 Package Manager Search Results

      Description of Figure J-3 follows
      Description of ''Figure J-3 Package Manager Search Results''

    4. Click on the General tab to make sure that the latest version is installed.

    5. Run Install/Update again, if a newer version is available.

  3. Reconfigure the client.

    Figure J-4 Device Configuration Wizard - Drive Path and Robot Detection

    Description of Figure J-4 follows
    Description of ''Figure J-4 Device Configuration Wizard - Drive Path and Robot Detection''