Invocation Syntax

The syntax for the invocation of automated data upload is:

<form method=POST ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" action="http://<server>/SiteWand/Submission/<account_name>/dataupload/automatedupload/receivedata">User Login <input type=text name='user_login_id' value=''/>Password <input type=password name='password' value='' /> Delimiter <input type=text name='delimiter' value=',' /> Encoding <input name = "encoding_type" value="UTF-8"> Entity_Name1 <input type=text name='entity_name1' value='user' /> File_Name1 <input type=file name='file_name1' />Entity_Name2 <input type=text name='entity_name2' value='user' /> File_Name2 <input type=file name='file_name2' />
Entity_Name15 <input type=text name='entity_name15' value='user' /> File_Name15 <input type=file name='file_name15' /> <input type = 'submit' value='Submit' /></form>

Related Topics

receivedata Function

Invocation Example

Invocation Parameters


Output Examples

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Last Published Monday, May 11, 2020