Search Proposal Finance Data

The search function allows you to search finance data for a proposal in EnterpriseTrack. The output returns the finance data in both the default currency and project currency. The proposal details are displayed even when the value of finances is 0.

Note: You can pass more than one Proposal ID. In addition, you can filter to look for non-zero records and use the last updated date filters to narrow your search.

Request Format



<form action="<api_url>" method="post">Request Format: <input type="text" name="request_format"><br>

Data: <input type="text" name="request_data"><br>

<input type="submit" value="Submit">


Related Topics

Invocation Parameters

Global Properties Object

Input Parameters

Input Examples

XML Example

JSON Example

See Also

Proposal Finance Data

Update Proposal Finance Data

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Last Published Monday, May 11, 2020